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Everything posted by Juan61

  1. Hi everyone, my apologies for the subject matter however since she is only my second dog (and I didn't have the first one for very long unfortunately), I am asking for your help, being that you all seem to be experts! My little girl has woken up with a swollen gunky eye; it was suggested I bathe it in salt water, is this ok? Should I be looking at vet treatment or try myself first off. Many thanks Juanita
  2. Thanks very much everyone, really appreciate this site and the advice, wonderful for a first time dog owner like me! I will try the Curash powder And "persephone", I didn't know that, so thanks. She was seized by the RSPCA and when I took her I was told she had skin problems and I was probably going to have to keep her inside; we were pretty much going into winter and there hasn't been any problems until now, now that it's warming up, thus why I thought 'heat rash'. And cold tea bags, I like that, no doubt very soothing. Thanks again everyone
  3. Hi everyone, just hoping someone has a suggestion re heat rash. I have a small dog, 1/2 this and that, who seems to be suffering from a heat rash under her front legs and under her tail. Unfortunately I'm not that financial at the moment and was hoping there was something that I could use that wouldn't involve a vet visit. I have been washing her with Aloveen oatmeal shampoo which is for itchy dry skin; this does appear to help however was thinking there might be a cream or a powder that I could use at other times, particularly when we're off on our daily walk. Many thanks Juanita
  4. Hi everyone, as a follow up to my query last week, unfortunately things got so bad I had to make the decision to put Molly to sleep. After building a ramp for the stairs; arranging her bed closer to the floor, she still had so much trouble, and was hurting herself whilst trying to get around; falling often etc. Even the high dose of cortisone was not keeping the brain injury at bay. As I said, she was my first ever dog and had her only 3 months. I cannot get over how easily it was to love that girl and miss her so much. I have cried a lot, actually am still crying! Thank you everyone again for your comments and support. What a wonderful site this is, and I have learnt that you 'dog' people are pretty special. Thank you again Juanita
  5. Many thanks everyone for your help. It appears cortisone is the only treatment, I will be talking to the vet today re dosage etc. I'm so pleased I found this site. I was never a dog person, but living rural has made me see just how wonderful they are. I know Molly is probably not long for this world, I won't regret having her, and I guess I will get another dog which is nice. Thanks again
  6. Thanks for letting me know that; you made me remember what I had to do to slowly wean my cat off cortisone some time ago. In all of my stress I just forget and when the vet said to drop the dose I did. I will start that immediately. Thanks again.
  7. Thank you, and no specialists. I live rural so definitely a local vet. I guess I'd have to take her to Brisbane but in all honestly, cost is a factor there. Thanks for the kind words
  8. Hi everyone, I am new to this site having found it frantically searching for information on pancreatic encephalopathy. I took possession of a female border collie due to her having a terrible skin condition. She is my first ever dog, and a beautiful soul. She is 10 years plus, we don't really know how old, her name is Molly. To cut a very long story short, her skin is now beautiful but she contracted pancreatitis which has led to the brain injury. She was treated rather aggressively with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and cortisone (Macrolone). At first she was on 20mg macrolone twice a day; this assisted greatly and she was doing quite well. The cortisone of course has caused other issues, excessive hunger etc, and sadly incontinence. I am managing this though, with a little trial and error I finally have a system that works! The problem now is the vet has cut the cortisone back to one tablet a day and the effect is breaking my heart to be honest. She is very disorientated and the weakness in her legs has returned. I got so distressed at her state yesterday that I gave her another cortisone tablet last night and the effect was immediate. She is much more stable this morning. My dilemma is of course is what to do now. I cannot keep her on such a high dose of cortisone but don't see how I can allow her to be in the state she is without it. I don't want to do the wrong thing by Molly; as I said, she is such a beautiful girl, and I can't believe how much I love her being that I have only had her for a couple of months. Has anyone been thought a situation such as this? Does anyone know of alternatives to the cortisone? Is there anything else I can do? I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you
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