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Everything posted by Kinkykaters

  1. A large litter of 14 has totally destroyed my poor girls teats, she looks like she would be in allot of pain... what are peoples opinions on putting lanolin on them or any other recommendations?
  2. These are Monochorionic twins (same sac & placenta) but not necessarily Monozygotic (identical.) This is not uncommon in litters. In some cases this can lead to Twin-to-twin transfusion, which in litters can be one cause of a runt. As for your two having a special bond, they would presumably share many things in common, and would have grown accustomed to close contact with eachother and possibly recognise each other’s tastes and scent.However, as other people have said, it is possible that this is a rare case of mosonomy, where the twins are identical but one is missing all or part of the y chromozone. (In which case the girl would probably be sterile.) Thank you! very informative!
  3. As a result of her genetic abnormality, the girl will suffer from Turner syndrome, which is distinguishable by short stature, folds of skin at the neck, abnormal development of secondary sexual characteristics, and an intellectual deficit known as space-form blindness . Turner syndrome can occur in any birth (including singletons, fraternal female twins, or identical female twins), so an individual with Turner syndrome is not automatically a twin. Turner syndrome occurs in about 1 in 10,000 of all births, but cases of mixed sex identical twins are much rarer—only three cases have been documented.
  4. i cant get over there little bond they have. they are always cuddled up together away from the rest of the litter
  5. In extremely rare cases, identical twins have been born with opposite sexes (one male, one female). In these cases, identical twin boys are conceived, but, during the twinning process, one twin loses a Y chromosome (boys have chromosome type XY while girls have XX). Without a Y chromosome to trigger the production of male sex hormones , this fetus develops as a girl by default, but a girl with only one X chromosome (chromosome type XO). The co-twin is unaffected, and develops as a boy as normal.I read this about humans but i haven't been able to find any thing about it with dogs
  6. well thats what i always thought too but they defiantly were both in the one sac with one placenta
  7. omg best post ever! sums up pretty much every thing to a tee
  8. My bitches name is breaky, the studs name is crumpet and pups names are ... nuttela, weetbix, toast, Benedict, eggs, cornflakes, coco pops, bacon and the twins are salt n pepper
  9. Hi my bitch just had a litter of 14 pups and 2 of them were in one sac, 1 placenta..the poor girl yelped so loud!. I have heard of this before but they are opposite sex! I wouldn't of believe it if some one had told me about this but i seen them come out with my own eyes! they look identical they even seem to have a strange bond already... always away from the other pups but cuddling eachother! has any one else seen or heard of this??
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