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Everything posted by Kavik

  1. I understand what you are saying vickie :) yes we do some sessions which are just fun - I always intersperse something in it - like some chase me games, which we both like. I always try to keep it light, and start every session with just some fun stuff. I do decide before I start the session what we will cover in it - whether it will have distractions and which ones, which games we will play. I tend to put distractions in the session I know he will be the most keen for so most likely to have success (morning). I only use the tug for simple stuff at the moment - working on tug itself, some of the Recallers chasing games (PB&J, Game of Deke), little bit of circle work which he likes as it is chase based. ETA: You like your ball obsessed doggies :laugh: Do you use the ball just for fun stuff or do you use it in training?
  2. Got him tugging around his food bowl with his treat bag in it (did have an initial DWDH but worked through it quite quickly), and by using the Recallers game PB&J got him tugging outside the front gate, kept him engaged and another PB&J to come back into the yard
  3. OK entered! I only entered Saturday, OH can't take time off work to look after the kids.
  4. Yes the Michael Ellis tug DVD covers the retrieve as part of the tugging game.
  5. Hi megan I've been through the tugging with unknown injury Luckily we got back tugging again after! Was Greg talking about puppies or adult dogs with bad habits? I think that would be more difficult with a dog with keep away habits already. But not a bad idea to limit their space. I don't think Kaos would be happy about tugging in such a confined area though. He won't tug on his favourite squeaky toy. I did manage to get him tugging around his favourite squeaky this morning! So progress is happening. Retrieve . . . working on it. At least he isn't actively putting on the brakes like he did at the start, he is trotting up but still not sure about coming right up close to me to give it to me.
  6. There is a Security Dog Training Seminar being held in Sydney on February 13 and 14. Details on the Facebook page. Posted on behalf of a friend. https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Security-Dog-Training-Seminar-February/283439275051217
  7. Here is a video of Susan Garrett's Running Contacts with her young dog Swagger http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9BwIUwfjmEU
  8. I rarely have this problem Maybe people think GSDs and Kelpies look scary :laugh: Other dogs rushing us yes, but I don't get people gushing over them.
  9. On the topic of contacts in general - Rachel Sanders has a new DVD on training 2o2o contacts on Clean Run http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=3083, just got a Clean Run update email this morning. Anyone feel free to watch it and tell me if it is good :laugh:
  10. How was the seminar? I was tempted to go, but opted for Recallers instead.
  11. SG said hers doesn't require as much repetition, and has groundwork to do before going onto equipment, I think a bit to do with being able to turn them after the dogwalk.
  12. I'm not sure i'm ready to do running contacts anyway. I don't think my eye is good enough atm to be able to see whether they make it in the contact zone, tell my brain, register that, and reward or not reward depending on performance. Especially the dogwalk. Looking at a Silvia Trkman running contacts video - so fast no way would I be able to respond quick enough if it was not correct!
  13. Banjo would like an invite please At least this is making me feel better knowing I'm not the only one :laugh: the little buggers!
  14. I'm hoping to do her contact ecourse that is coming out later this year (depending on price), but I don't know if it will have any running contacts on it, I doubt it since she is holding this little private group, or it will blow out the cost of the contact course something major to something I can't afford . I'd rather it just include stopped contacts if it will make it affordable.
  15. What toy did you get from IKEA? Kaos is really liking the udder toy though he doesn't get as good a grip on it as some others, he finds it really exciting though. At least he has stopped putting it down to chew on it :laugh:
  16. She's been keeping it under wraps for a while. I get the feeling people on Puppy Peaks have some idea of the groundwork she is doing before access to equipment.
  17. We should have a 'my Kelpie tugs at home but not away from home' party :laugh: My previous dog used to shadow other dogs with balls. My current dogs don't.
  18. An associate registered dog is one without a pedigree - so a purebreed without pedigree papers or a crossbreed, and is only given a call name on certificate. Some breeds with their own registries can go on Sporting Register (like WKC registered Kelpies), ANKC registered purebreeds go on either Main (can be shown/bred) or limited (can't be shown/bred but can do performance sports).
  19. I have associate membership. At this point I'm only interested in competing, so it works well for me. If I decide to become more involved than I may move to full membership.
  20. Don't do it! Dogs can get obsessed with lights/shadow and this can create obsessive behaviours - staring at and chasing shadows etc, and as corrie said it can't create drive satisfaction. Better to build drive for more useful rewards such as tug or a ball - if she likes to chase the lights she may have decent prey drive to chase other toys.
  21. You are right dasha that correct implementation and interpretation is key, which is why I think she is having part of it at her complex in Canada. I think once she nuts it out with this group and sees whether she can replicate her success with other people and different types of dogs, she will make it more widely available. I think she is just being cautious. If she wants her method to become viable and for her to be known for a method of running contacts, it has to be more accessible than for the small group of people who can spend $5000 and who can travel to her place for instruction. Silvia Trkman probably has the best known running contacts, and her basic method is on her website free for all to read.
  22. I agree I think she will stick with courses and not DVDs.
  23. Yes she is only taking 5 people and the price is correct. My guess is that this is a test run for her - so far she has only tested on her own dogs, so she wants a bigger cross section of dogs, breeds and people. Sounds very intensive with lots of homework and groundwork as well as two workshops at her place. Rules us out on the other side of the world! She will probably release it more widely once she gets it down to a more manageable amount of work/time for people.
  24. Have you been to the vet to rule out an allergy/skin problem?
  25. When I first got Kaos as a puppy he would growl and bite me if I picked him up or cut his nails. He also tried to attack his collar when I first put it on him He is fine now (still not keen on his nails being done but doesn't try to bite). ETA: about the country and aggressive dog - I have had several people tell me that Zoe would be better off on a farm. Really? What farm would like a dog aggressive dog They all need to be able to work together - farms shoot dog aggro dogs.
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