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Everything posted by Kavik

  1. I would say that 4 months is too young for a boarding and training program. Whereabouts are you? Maybe we can recommend a good trainer in your area to help you out.
  2. Thanks Aidan! My storm phobic dog likes to be under something - under a bed or coffee table, more so than a crate (still will bark in a crate, but is happy to lie quietly under a coffee table).
  3. Andrew Marchevsky at SASH is awesome Great surgeon and great guy as well.
  4. When I went through, you were shown how to use all the equipment, demo on your leg/arm. You didn't have to use any particular equipment on your own dog. The practicals were run differently when I went through so not sure what happens in them now (no correspondence when I went through, I got permission to do my practical at a club in Sydney that had instructors affiliated with them instead of in Melbourne like everyone else at the time). I assume that if someone in a class or in kennels during the practical wants to use a piece of equipment on a particular dog and you are helping with that dog, that you will have to use that piece of equipment, so you can learn how to use it properly.
  5. Sorry, sounds like you are having a rough time with it I would never recommend a soft crate for a puppy or destructive type dog. Even though mine aren't destructive any more I would never use one as I don't trust them - other dogs could break into it if determined even if yours wouldn't leave, and dogs can move them from inside. So you tried shaping going into the crate? Have you had a look at Crate Games?
  6. Here are some ideas: * Get a wire or hard plastic crate * Feed him in his crate * Put him in his crate for short periods during the day with treats * Put treats in the crate randomly so he will find one any time he wanders in on his own * You can shape him going into the crate * Don't ever let him out if he is crying/barking * Cover the crate when you want him to rest
  7. I love the look of all 3 of those breeds Telida :D but with my interest in training and sports I will love them from afar and pick more biddable breeds :) I think in this stuation maybe a Spaniel of some sort may suit if they can handle the hair. Not many short haired breeds that I can think of that would work.
  8. Hello! I have been looking at getting a German Pinscher, but not for a while. I think they have a similar temperament to my last dog which was a mixed breed which would be deemed imperfect buy some peeps here it seems ;-) It looks like your a whippet person, I love whippets too. They are great dogs, such fun and very friendly. I like the look of GPs, haven't met many though. Good luck in your search :)
  9. Yes there is a section on learning theory :) Here you go - course content http://ndtf.net.au/?page_id=59
  10. That is great news! Must be such a relief!
  11. I would do the NDTF course again :) Not sure how much has changed since I went through (was a while ago now) - I have a friend going through at the moment through correspondence. I think it is important to understand different methods and tools and how to use them and where and when and why people use them. And then decide, based on what you are comfortable with, your dogs, aims, discipline you train in etc what you want to use. I found it a good starting point, and have done many seminars through various presenters since, on many and varied topics. I have heard from people doing Delta that they don't do this - they don't give you any information at all on some tools or methods apart from saying they are cruel - and I think in order to form your own opinion on something you have to be given information on it. I have found the admin to be a bit slow in responding though.
  12. I use Advantix for fleas and Interceptor for heartworm and worms - prefer to be on the safe side, especially with an allergy prone dog and little kids. I think that covers my bases?
  13. This one shows different breeds and dogs in early stages of training http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EzBvvnVAJY&feature=related
  14. I was told there may be a bridging course to upgrade mine to cert III (I did mine before they got recognised) but looks like that never happened
  15. The DVD on Leerburg doesn't use that type of set up, but a set up of boxes, and from what I can see from the free videos the reward is in the box with the odor at the start. From what I can gather without actually watching the DVD, the reward at the odor source is phased out (reward at source is at the beginning stages, obviously for operational work or competition you have to be able to reward from the handler before they are at that point). I think it is phased to the reward being thrown at the source by the handler. With food they have the food in a special food dispensing tube. Here is the Leerburg demo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMU57bCcLL8&feature=related
  16. The one time I have come across an autistic child on my walk with the dogs the child was pretty good and gentle, though unsupervised (a bit older than child in OP though - maybe 8? and at a park). I had Diesel who is my most bombproof dog and he was great but it was a bit unsettling as I hadn't encountered this with the dogs before and was unsure how to act re the interaction between him and the dog.
  17. Thanks this has been very useful in figuring out the differences between them :)
  18. Thanks Leema, that is exactly the information I was looking for! :)
  19. Are there any differences in the style of tracking needed for ANKC tracking vs Schutzhund tracking? The Schutzhund rules regarding style are quite strict - intense with low nose etc and most of what I have read regarding sch tracking is using food drops in footsteps. I looked up ANKC tracking and found nothing on style in the rules, the one ANKC tracking day I was able to attend they just told me to walk off and put his favourite toy at the end. But as I haven't attended a tracking trial, I am not sure if there is a ruling on style, speed etc.
  20. Hope all your dogs pull up OK I haven't properly had to make this decision yet - as I wasn't able to get Zoe or Diesel to a point where they could compete. I guess there is always the option of changing them to a sport that is not so physically demanding that they would still enjoy? We so need to get that nosework sport up and running here!
  21. Kaos is very tall - measures in at 570mm :), and there are a couple I know as big or bigger than him, and plenty have big ears :laugh:
  22. Kaos turns 6 in March. Hard to believe it's been nearly 6 years!
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