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Everything posted by Kavik

  1. That's interesting on the size as I know of a couple of Labs that do agility that jump 500, which means they are shorter than that (and also shorter than Kaos, who jumps 600).
  2. That was a fun display to watch! Enthusiastic and also controlled, and the handler was a hoot :laugh:
  3. I must admit I was curious as to which breeds would be represented - not surprised at the number of BCs :laugh: . I'm sure I saw a Malinois too and I wonder how often in the past they've appeared in a Crufts Obedience ring? In the agiliy - large dogs was mostly BCs too :laugh: and medium dogs a decent smatterimg of them as well. I saw 3 Kelpies competing in the agility (2 in ABC 1 in championships), a few Bearded Collies, a Malinois, a Groenendael, a GSD, several Shelties and Poodles, a Toller, and a few others
  4. Have you taught her to calm down? To lie on a mat or something?
  5. When Kaos had a lump a while ago, they suspected just fluid filled or grass seed or something, they wanted to do fine needle aspirate on the first visit, unforunately Kaos is not a good patient and wouldn't let them do it (it was on his neck, right where muzzle straps would be so we couldn't muzzle him for it). So I decided to go ahead and book him in for them to lance and drain it (could have booked just for fine needle aspirate but then would need to book again for the drain so thought just jump straight to it). Was nothing serious, once drain was in it drained and was fine.
  6. I would only train in very small bursts - just a couple of minutes. And with her pre-empting - she has learned to anticipate what you want. My oldest dog does this too sometimes, because I didn't know better when I trained her. You can fix this, do them separately and do not ask for them in the order you know she will try. If she does it anyway, don't reward her for it, get her to do the one you asked. So it sounds like there is plenty for you to do training wise, lots of proofing of tricks for a start. Also relationship building exercises are fantastic! At the moment this is what I spend most of my training time doing, even though I compete. Arousal level and focus is the key. I do a lot of games where he chases me, and use a lot of opposition reflex to help build drive and excitement for working with me.
  7. Are you still doing training with her? If she is an active dog with an active mind, they don't 'grow out' of being smart, active dogs, and still need training and stimulation as adults. If you think you have taught all the tricks you can, have you proofed them? Will she do them well with distractions, with you in different body positions, voice only? Even with your basic commands of sit, drop, stand, see what happens if you lie down and give the commands - will she still do them as well and fast?
  8. This definitely seems to only advantage those who have the money to spend on the licences - those that breed a lot of litters and make money from it and disadvantage those that have few litters. Why can't they see the impact it will have on small hobby breeders?
  9. Please update when any Aussie results are known! PAX is there with Prix!
  10. OH's family dogs Sophie - Bull Terrier - 16 yrs - age related issues Sox - Staffordshire Bull Terrier - 15 yrs - age related issues
  11. You know he does source some of his working scent detection dogs from the pound, so he is aware of the problem.
  12. Just watched the ABC Jumping - great stuff! My fav Kelpie Zico (now 10yrs old!)came second, a lovely rescue dog came first with a very fast time. Just about to watch the agility finals
  13. Akita is the American Akita, like my boy. Bigger and boofer. The Akita Inu is a Japanese Akita which looks a lot like a Shiba only bigger. They originated from the same breed, with the American being bred after ww2 when the Akita was all but wiped out in Japan. Wiki has a good explanation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akita_(dog) Thank you!
  14. Belle - Cocker Spaniel X (Kelpie?) - 17yrs - old age
  15. Slightly off topic - was watching the utility group judging - what is the difference between Akita and Akita Inu? I always thought they were two names for the same dog.
  16. Ah, weddings with kids, been there done that :laugh: We were the first out of our circle of friends to get married, the first in the family to get married, also the first to have kids (at 28), so we have been through a few weddings with a kid in tow. Quite a stressful event, though I think there was only one that was a disaster, where OH missed most of the reception walking a colicky baby outside. And the o/s wedding which combined the dreaded long haul flight/jet lag etc with a wedding and reception - that was fun (not! :laugh: ). With babies you just have to accept that you may end up walking an upset baby outside rather than having fun, and with a toddler that you may end up walking them around outside the venue to keep them occupied at times.
  17. There are a couple of kids I see at the park when I take mine that are VERY big for their age, it causes no end of problems for their mum. The boy is not old enough to start school yet - starts school next year, but looks big enough to be in school already and she gets questioned about why he is not in school all the time - apparently people threatened to call authorities about it and a little girl who is not yet two but is as big as my 4 year old - so people assume she can talk well etc and are baffled when she doesn't answer their questions.
  18. What is the level of confidentiality on the results of the Veterinary checks? A. The matter shall be kept confidential between the relevant parties. If the exhibitor is approached, what they allow to become public knowledge is at their discretion but the Vet and Show Society must keep the reason for failure to pass the examination confidential. Q. Will details of failed checks be published? A. No, the details of a failed Veterinary check will be kept confidential but any Best of Breed not awarded will be annotated in the Kennel Club Stud Book. Q. What will be published on Show result websites? A. If a dog has failed the Veterinary check, the Best of Breed should be published as ‘Not Awarded’. So we will not find out why.
  19. Looks like a lot of comment threads have been removed from the PIAA Facebook page (though not the one in question - yet), including the comments about Steve's Rotty on TV segment.
  20. This is his latest statement: Hi guys, in light of the recent issue regarding yesterdays negative response re my photo I welcome all feedback and value your input. We have removed all discussion regarding this from my Facebook Page as, for me, is not the best medium to hear your view personally and I cannot guarantee I will see each message. Therefore we ask if all comments can be sent to feedback@steveaustindogtrainer​.com so that I can take the time to read each response. I welcome your comments and I can assure you that I am open to transparency on this matter so ask that you forward your comments and views directly to me.
  21. I didn't fill it in as I don't know if I count I have held a couple of classes at the dog daycare where I worked a while back, and had a couple of casual clients, but nothing recently.
  22. I think Kelpies are a good fit for me - short haired, medium sized, decent drives, biddable, enjoy training, athletic, and good looking working line Malinois is top of my other breed list, other than that not sure - other sports contenders are maybe Koolie, Dutch Shepherd, not sure if I want another GSD at this point. If they were in the country I would possibly try Pyrenean Shepherd or possibly Beauceron for a bigger dog.
  23. I am not sure on the legality of using ecollars
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