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Everything posted by Kavik

  1. Focussing on the face in obedience is a style thing. It looks good, the dog is focussed and happy, and if the dog is focussing on your face it can't be distracted by other stuff. Yep I spit food at home too My OH thinks it is gross, but knows why I do it. I do this in conjunction with a few other things. If the dog has to focus and heel and sit for the food, it won't be jumping up. Although at the beginning when you are building desire for the food, and teaching the dog where the food is, the video I watched did not discourage the dog jumping to get it. If you guys think the spitting is bad, you should see how the video starts this training, where the dog takes the food from your mouth
  2. If it were practiced as written, then just about all GSDs imported from Germany and around Europe would have to be declared dangerous as Schutzhund is part of their breed scheme and they would be titled. But as we know, this is not the case.
  3. I do use this method with Diesel, my GSD. I saw it in a video, and it was also explained by K9 Force. I find it gives good attention to your face instead of your hands (Zoe, my Kelpie cross is very hand focussed because I gave her treats from my hand). I use mainly cheese, but sometimes cabanossi. I prefer the taste of cheese and so use this more often. I get some strange looks at my obedience club when I do this, but even last week when there were some people thinking of joining, and I told them what I do and showed them, they agreed that it worked for me and that is the important thing Diesel is a rather gentle, laid back dog, not as food or toy motivated as my other dogs have been. He really loves pats and attention and is a sook. Zoe, who is a more hyper wired dog and is very food motivated, I am using more clicker training now to try to get her focus off my hands for treats. My new pup Kaos who I got last night :D I am hoping to train in prey drive. Whatever works for the dog.
  4. Unfortunately this weekend is VERY busy (and the last few weekends have been too!). I have a Hen's night on Saturday and then the Million Paws Walk on Sunday with work. I pick up the new pup on Friday afternoon. Will post pics then! Might try to make it to the next one. Diesel is not overly motivated by many things, so I don't know how he'll go. I know the Kelpie should be able to do it - just need to find a good place.
  5. I plan to do herding with my new Kelpie pup Not sure if my dopey GSD will have what it takes . . .
  6. If you are having problems walking both at once, it might be easier to walk one at a time for a while. Then you can concentrate on getting them walking well alone, then try walking them together once they have mastered that. You may want to think about where you want them to walk - both on left, one left one right, both on right, if on the same side, which one closer to you. If you walk them in the same position, it will be easier as they will know where they are supposed to be. For me, the easier option is to walk one dog at a time, that way they get their individual attention and training time, and their lead walking/social/training habits are contained and they do not learn bad habits off each other.
  7. Diesel gets Ester C and Fish oil every night. He actually opens his mouth for me! I bring it out with his food, put his food on the ground, he comes to heel position and gives eye contact (without command), and he opens his mouth for me to give the tablets. I then put the tablets at the back of his throat, he swallows and then gets his dinner. Certainly makes it easier if he has to have medication!
  8. I think it would either be in POCTAA or the Companion Animals Act if anything? As these are the pieces of legislation that deal with animals in NSW. If I remember correctly (feel free to say if I am wrong), it is in an amendment to POCTAA in Victoria?
  9. I searched the web extensively for information regarding the use of pinch collars in NSW a few months ago - and found nothing. Found the legislation for Victoria, but nothing in NSW. I searched POCTAA, Companion Animals Act, anything I could think of, came up with nothing on legality at all. I have had lots of people at training tell me they are illegal, and that they would sic the RSPCA on anyone who had one but they have never shown any proof.
  10. Zoe gets more worked up over a prey item too, but then she turns into a total cow :rolleyes:
  11. I'm getting my new pup soon :rolleyes: and plan to train in prey drive. Should I also hold off the NILIF like Lablover? I think Diesel is more pack oriented than anything else. Well, his prey isn't off the scales anyway! I am getting good focus with TOT and getting attention before walks and before coming in the house, going in the car. Other dogs are proving to be the biggest distraction, he wants to play . . .
  12. I would advise K9 Force's Triangle of Temptation (maybe someone else can provide a link ). This teaches the dog that it has to look at you before it can get its food.
  13. Dru From what I have heard, the theory that Dobes and Rotts may carry maternal antibodies longer is why they are more susceptible to parvo - as it means the vaccine doesn't take hold until later vaccinations.
  14. Having worked at a few vets, I can say that many work 12hr + days, some are on call 24 hrs. Yes the prices at after hours/emergency/spcialist clinics is higher, but this is because they often have expensive equipment, specialist vets and also have staff on 24 hrs a day! Staff that work nights understandably have a higher rate of pay.
  15. I like to use cabanossi and cheese (although neither are so good when it is warm! - still searching for something that doesn't get disgusting in the heat). Because I sometimes 'spit' food when heeling, I like to use people food. It is really easy to rely on food when luring as Sidoney said. I am guilty of that myself at times, especially with Zoe with her dog aggro problems. Changing habits is much harder than I had anticipated!
  16. He IS beautiful! :D Hopefully I get to meet him in person someday. You sound like you will be kept very busy :cool:
  17. OT - Lablover I missed the pic of your new boy. Do you know which thread it was in - I'm interested in having a peek
  18. My club allows check chains, martingales, flat collars or head collars - as it is a trialling club not many use head collars. Treats and toys are encouraged (although I get strange looks for 'spitting' food! ). I use a martingale and toys and treats. They would have issues with a prong. One of the members it turns out knows myzska from another club and has issues with the use of a prong (came up when I was talking about K9 Force seminars - she mentioned prongs) - you should have seen her look when I said Yeah, so what?
  19. I had an awesome time! The enthusiasm of the dogs just blew me away, I was so impressed! I purposedly chose to be a victim to see how the dogs reacted to the victim once they found them. Thank you guys for coming and giving us such a good weekend! And a huge thanks to Steve who helped to clarify a lot of things on training in drive and to sidoney for giving me a lift and asking the questions I am sure many wanted to!
  20. The yard trials I've seen were fascinating! Watching them push the sheep and run on the backs - that was really great! I haven't seen 3 sheep trials so don't know how they compare.
  21. For those of us in the city from talking to others finding sheep is the hardest bit! I will get to find that out when I get my little terror. I want to go have a look at the different trials - I have only seen yard trials. Would be good to see the difference. I have seen a video thanks to sidoney which showcased different working styles - it was very interesting. The people I have talked to have said that BCs make better 3 sheep trial dogs than Kelpies, and that some breed BCs for 3 sheep trialling, I hadn't realised that it could be that specific.
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