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Everything posted by Kavik

  1. I wouldn't use the torch beam - they can get obsessed with it and it can cause problems Zoe would chase torch lights and light reflections off watches and would stare at the last spot she saw it for ages, and it can lead to shadow chasing and obsessive compulsive behaviour.
  2. What about sending to a target? I taught Kaos a send away by putting food on a target (I used a plastic lid) and sending him to it, starting from short distances and building up. I can now send him from 45 paces away. You could then put the target on the other side of the jump and send over the jump to the target.
  3. Hi David Long time since we've seen you here!
  4. I put 2 - though neither compete yet - does that still count? We are working up to it. I train two for the aim of trialling. Whether we get there - we will see!
  5. My guys are also rather licky and I just distract them when they want to lick my bub. Kaos is probably the worst offender - especially on car trips when there's not much else to do. Sometimes I have to offer my face as an alternative!
  6. fiber tek leads are very strong and I think fairly chew resistant. None of mine chew leads but Zoe sometimes grabs them when excited.
  7. I was at the shops today and saw this book - Dog to Dog Communication: The Right Way to Socialize Your Dog by Jamie Shaw. Has anyone read it and what did you think? I had a quick flip through and it looked really good. Lots of pictures displaying meetings between dogs and showing their body language and explaining what it meant - whether the dog was relaxed or uncomfortable, dominant, submissive, licking lips, hackles etc.
  8. I'm hoping to bring Diesel to a few trials to get him used to the environment (and me too!) so he will be used to it when and if I trial him in the future. He doesn't tend to work well in new places, gets distracted and stressed, so I figure taking him and getting him to relax in new environments will help.
  9. While I don't know how to clip, I've worked at a grooming salon doing washing/drying/brushing and nails etc. I haven't done a course, learnt on the job. If you are also interested in animal attending and can handle large groups of dogs, I know of a place that is looking for staff.
  10. Yeah I noticed no hands near pockets ;) Many ANKC people heel with a static hand held in a certain position ;) - I may well do the same! ;) Mine would be fine with voice commands only, actually I often got in trouble in class for not using enough hand signals. A habit I picked up from training with security people for several years! When I saw the Sch nationals one of the dogs bounced through the heeling!
  11. From what I have seen IRL and in videos, the style of heeling in competition obedience is quite different to Schutzhund/IPO. Schutzhund heeling tends to be more animated/enthusiastic but less precise - I have seen dogs jumping and what would be considered crowding but seems to be OK for Schutzhund. So why the difference in style? And do you think it would be possible to get a heeling style that would work in both? (not that I'm planning on it, just interested ;) )
  12. I take Diesel to an off lead park, but not Kaos or Zoe. Zoe doesn't like other dogs, and Kaos is OK but does not like dogs in his face or rough play with strange dogs. These things happen at off lead parks. So first is determine whether it is a good idea to take your dog, only you know what your dog is like. I don't let Diesel get too excited or run around like a look chasing other dogs. He is allowed to go say hi. I kept him on lead practicing recalls until his recall improved, now I let the lead drag, and still practice recalls and drops at a distance when things look like getting too exciting. A lot of people don't pay attention to their dog and have no control. I've had dogs jump on Diesel, bully him and try to hump him. I avoid those dogs, and leave if the owners don't control their dogs. I'm sure other owners think I don't let Diesel have any fun at all as they always see me calling him instead of letting him really run. If he really gets running sometimes he thinks that is more fun than coming back. It is only because Diesel is pretty tolerant and likes the park (and there are regulars who do have well behaved dogs) that I go. I would never risk it with Kaos - he is not as tolerant.
  13. Well done! I know how stessful having a dog aggro dog is. That is great progress!
  14. You could teach the 'front' as a separate exercise to the recall. You could backchain it - teach sit in front first, then add come fores - where you go backwards and the dog comes to you, and then get her to sit in front. If you do it on lead she doesn't have the option of going around you. Or maybe you could teach her to come to the front position from anywhere, including heel position and behind you, similar to find heel position but find front position.
  15. There is someone along my street who has his two dogs pull him on a scooter - it looks so cool! You'd need some decent control though You need a scooter obviously and a proper harness
  16. You could try putting it in cheese, and make the cheese into a ball, or into other yummy food. I just open their mouth and pop it in I always do it right before their dinner, so they get good stuff after. Diesel, who gets fish oil and evening primrose oil tablets every day and who goes on bouts of cortisone for allergies will open his mouth for you But having worked at vets and other places where you have to do difficult dogs, I don't let them get away with silly business in regards to getting pills.
  17. These guys also sell them and have info on backpacking. http://www.windchill.com.au/backpacking2.htm
  18. Never heard of spitting in their mouth, but I do sometimes spit food and Diesel has to catch it But this is for focus and eye contact in obedience. We normally eat before the dogs, just because of routine, not any other reason, and of course if we are going out and are going to be late home, they are fed before we leave so we don't need to feed them when we get back.
  19. I am doing 2o2o. This is my first dog to teach contacts to, so we are both learning I am teaching 2o2o as someone suggested it, and it looked like a good one to try. We have yet to progress to proper height equipment, just using board in yard etc but have had a go on a small ramp at a club and he remembered so it looks pretty good so far.
  20. Western Suburbs Dog Training trains at Bressington Park, Homebush. Tuesday evenings for trialling class (you don't have to be trialling standard, but they train trialling exercises) and Saturday afternoons for pet obedience classes. http://www.sinch.com.au/wsdtc/
  21. They don't really grow out of it unless taught. At the daycare where I worked I saw a lot of dogs play roughly Some played so rough they hurt themselves or others and some had no idea who was an appropriate playmate, and would run into and over everyone. With some training, you should be able to get the GR to realise that this type of play is not appropriate with the terrier. Some dogs are good and don't try to bounce on everything that moves, some need to be taught this.
  22. It sounds like the terrier is not enjoying it, so the GR pup needs to learn when and where and with whom play is appropriate. Looks like the pup needs to learn some manners. Maybe a start would be to have them on lead where you can have more control, and teach the pup to be calmer around the terrier.
  23. Sometimes dogs do play very rough, and depending on the dogs and circumstances that can be OK. Diesel and Kaos play very rough with each other - wrestle, pin each other down, stalk, bite, grab ears, neck, legs and collars. Kaos is faster and more agile, but Diesel is bigger and heavier, so it equals out in the end! Occasionally it does get a bit heated (rarely these days) when they get very excited, and I go out and get them to calm down. BUT neither of them play like this with strange dogs, only each other. Not all dogs like rough play, Kaos would certainly have a go at a strange dog that tried to play like that with him. If you are worried, you can separate or try to calm them down when they get too excited - do they have much obedience training? The biting of dad is more of a worry, and a different topic altogether. They could try teaching her to give items by swapping them for something else she really likes like food or a toy.
  24. Most are in Melbourne, but NDTF now has distance packages. http://www.ndtf.net.au/
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