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Everything posted by Kavik

  1. What surface are you training on? Grass, carpet, concrete, wooden floors?
  2. Don't do it! Dogs can get obsessed with moving lights and can have problems . Zoe will chase light reflections/torch lights and will stare at the last place they were, or dig at the place or bark for a while after it goes. We did not encourage it either.
  3. Dogs have two main ways that they drop - the sphinx position when they are ready to get up at a moment's notice (what it sounds like yours is doing) and a more relaxed position with their legs to the side. Which one they do seems to depend on whether they are relaxed/know they will be there for a while or whether they think they will get up soon and quickly. I'm not sure how you would train for the relaxed one Diesel will do the relaxed one for stays and the sphinx on the move or when I have a toy. The Kelpies tend to do the sphinx unless they are relaxing on their own or are in a drop for a while.
  4. OT but I actually prefer names with two syllables, but that's just me A real cutie you've got there!
  5. Manly and Districts train at Allan Border Oval in Mosman on Tuesday evenings. Yes also clubs in Homebush, Centennial Park, Concord
  6. The more agility I do, the more I find I could have done without obstacles as foundation training first I am in the process of proofing Kaos's send away, modified for agility. This is after our trial on the weekend where he bypassed the last two obstacles to get his toy I realised that before I address this problem, I need to get his send in general rock solid. I had only done pure straight sends before, and now I realise I have to be able to have him stationary, release to me, and then be able to send in a different direction (if that makes sense probably not ) and THEN I can address the problem of him running to the target unasked (though what I am doing may fix it anyway).
  7. Pretty much same as shoemonster Lead in left hand, heel signal left hand with lead, drop and stay right hand, stand left hand (swap lead to right hand for this). Yet another thing I got picked up on at this new club though They wanted me to hold lead with right hand and give signals with left. I said, I am not going to change this now! Not with Diesel when we are so far! If the keep hassling me about it I will go back to other club I think . . .
  8. Castle Hill is probably fine if your dogs are social butterflies - my agility dogs aren't It probably would have been fine if I took Diesel who is more social and laid back. Also, having been there with Zoe who is really dog aggro, and not having a positive experience, they remembered me, and well lets just say it wasn't overly friendly Also I was really stressed with bad memories of my experience with Zoe, I'm sure that didn't help. For now I am happier with places with small classes. I have been enjoying the odd class with Canine Fun Sports when I can get there :rolleyes:
  9. I use cheese and cabanossi/cocktail frankfurts
  10. Yeah agility is more fun Sometimes obedience is fun, other times it's like pulling teeth! I like some of the things I've accomplished with Diesel - flip finish, close front, able to find heel position from anywhere. When he's on the ball his heeling is great, last week was not one of those though It's the small things of trialling that frustrate me, as I have a hard time remembering my body language when training. But certainly agility is generally more fun and a great adrenaline rush!
  11. From memory GSDhandler's dog is only a pup - under 4 months. I would say a correction type collar isn't necessary on such a youngster. Is it possible to find some friends to help you with this? Who you know will be calm and take your directions? Then you could work on her manners around people without the unpredictability factor (people patting her while she pulls or jumps). You could work on walking her around them without pulling (make them boring, stand like statues and you have the fun stuff) and sit if she wants a pat.
  12. I just showed up to Northern Suburbs, said I wanted to join the trialling class, and off I went
  13. How is she with her focus work at home? Can you get her to look at you on command? Have you tried walking/running the other way to distract her? Will she sit for others to pat her?
  14. Last time I checked out Hornsby Dog Training - about 2 years ago - they trained for pet obedience not trialling. I am interested in trialling so didn't end up training with them but watched a couple of classes. Lots of time in a circle. I am currently giving Northern Suburbs a go for obedience (they train at St Ives) as they train to trial - depending on whether I get the same instructor as last week or not. Western Suburbs I liked for obedience, and hope to get back there once training in the evening is possible again (at the moment a bit hectic in evenings with baby).
  15. What a cute little bundle! Can't wait to hear stories of his exploits ;)
  16. The only thing to watch about Agility Dog Club of NSW is that it is REALLY crowded. I used to go but don't anymore as the number of dogs in close proximity makes me nervous. My experience with Zoe has gotten me a bit paranoid Kaos is alright, but doesn't like dogs in his face, and I found this a bit crowded for my liking.
  17. There are agility clubs in Castle Hill and Parramatta, and Obedience in Homebush, I think Castle Hill?, Concord and probably others too I'll see if I can dig up details unless someone beats me to it
  18. Could you PM me a copy too. Not sure how much I'll understand but I'll try, physics is not my strong point
  19. Have you tried doing the wake up at say 5 or 6 instead of 4? When you wake her up at 4, this probably stimulates her bowels, but maybe not until after she has been put away. Also a better time for you, I hate getting up at 4!
  20. Rusky In that report it does not say how the ecollars were used (were they used as a correction/punisher which requires a higher level of stim or as negative reinforcement, which uses a lower level), or what they were trying to achieve witht hem.
  21. What is the Dobermann like with other dogs? Especially puppies? The safest thing is probably to introduce them on neutral territory, a local park etc, on lead. Having a crate is a good idea in case Geordie needs to rest.
  22. denis I do not belong to your two groups :p I don't use an ecollar on my dogs (have stated this many times in this thread), but I understand how they are used and have felt one myself. I post to educate people on the methodology behind their use, so they can make a more educated decision on whether to use one that is not so grounded in emotion.
  23. From my experience, Labs can be very pushy when it comes to playing with other dogs. No offence but it is one breed I will avoid with my guys unless I know the dog. I would try to teach her to play gently with other dogs, so that she does not learn to steamroll/bodyslam them later. You could try taking her away when she starts getting too rough, so that she is only allowed to play if it is appropriate behaviour. You can continue to tug with her - if she loves it have you tried training in drive? There are several threads on this in the training section. Tug can be a great motivator for obedience work.
  24. I've read a few threads where vets got spooked and acted like this. Not sure if I just get lucky with vet or what, I've never had a vet act this way towards one of my dogs My old girl Belle didn't like the vet, but everyone knew that, and either I would hold her head or if she got really stressed we would muzzle her, same when I was a vet nurse at various vets.
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