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Everything posted by Kavik

  1. Thanks for the input Vickie I was going to get a full sized one but then realised there was no way I would ever be able to move it and it probably wouldn't fit in my yard anyway. The main thing I am worried about using a little one is that the height and movement will be so much more on a big one, and will feel totally different. I was wondering about how the dogs differentiate the see-saw from the dogwalk, interesting that they do seem to have problems with that, something to be aware of. ETA: I can't see too many clubs allowing you to practice getting them to bang on the end :D especially considering one of the clubs I am going to won't take out the contact equipment at all for the beginners class because it is 'too heavy' and they won't let you get out of beginners unless you can do the contact equipment
  2. Hi shantiah We had a brief blackout for a few minutes only here. Yeah I was really happy with the pressie
  3. Nobody wants to share how they taught the see-saw? Or even comments on the videos?
  4. I am getting a training sized see-saw for my birthday and am deciding how I am going to train it, so am looking to see how other people have done it. So far with the one I have (that Kaos is too heavy for so I don't use it anymore) I have had stairs under it so that it doesn't fall so far. I have found some interesting clips which show different methods: Dog runs up it, food on end, dog stops on end, handler lowers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta7ajfmUt78 Lowered see-saw, dog runs along it, 2o2o, slowly height raised http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWrAgfjQzaY Dog jumping on end or placed on end and then end dropped, nose touch on ground at end
  5. Any time you leave your dog eg at kennels they are going to eat without a person patting them or a person nearby, so I doubt that would have caused it.
  6. I wouldn't reprimand for this, it will make it worse. I would just ignore it.
  7. It sounds like excitement/submissive urination. Diesel did this for a little bit when a pup when around my OH. We tried to not get too excited on greetings etc and it went away on its own.
  8. This sounds like fun! Would be a good way to ease into trialling and help with my nerves issue
  9. I think (may be wrong as I haven't trialled) that UD it is a box and in UDX it is cones?
  10. That's fantastic! I want to know how you teach them to go backwards through your legs like that! I can get forward, not sure how to teach backwards though.
  11. Since it only just started, something may have happened while they were away to start the problem? Or dog was approached differently this time? Agree with Cosmolo re having an experienced person come and have a look. Not sure Cesar Milan has the answer for everything - certainly not without seeing the dog first
  12. Actually have not heard of resource guarding being fixed by walking on leash . . .
  13. Sorry, not sure how leash walking is supposed to fix resource guarding?
  14. I have taught a send away, but a different one to that used in ANKC obedience, more like a SchH style send away. For what you want, I would start with teaching her to go to the box on command and work on the sending once she understands that. I'm sure some people who have trained this exercise will come here and help. OK and here is a video of mine, even though different to what you want, just because ;)
  15. Our emergency vets let you do a repayment scheme if it is over a certain amount, from memory. We had the option when Diesel broke his leg, which was very $$$.
  16. Different people have different goals and expectations from their dogs. I would like to compete with mine, so have different expectations than someone who does not wish to compete. Does this make me a control freak? Maybe to some people it would seem that way, when they see me practicing straight fronts, and other fiddly obedience steps. But the dogs really enjoy it, it is how we have fun together, and Kaos really needs to have something to do. I should really be more of a control freak with him than I am, considering how he brushed me off at our last trial
  17. Nope - with Diesel I am building drive, so just working on the sending bit - we are up to about 20-22 paces. At the moment I am not worried about focus on me or anything, just focus and desire and speed to the food target plate. I did try to incorporate it into my heeling, but I was too impatient and did it before I had a reliable and fast send so I am working on that now. With heeling at the moment, I spit food, use a clicker or a toy in my hand or hidden in my shirt (if he will work for a toy at the time).
  18. You can place one piece of food on a target plate, or a food container which is shut. With Diesel I can just use my treat bag, he will wait for me to come over to give him a reward - wouldn't try it with the Kelpies, they would help themselves! I also use food on a target plate.
  19. Here are some updated videos of Kaos and Diesel weaving. Kaos is getting there - will be fast if I can keep it up! Diesel is not bad for a doofus and agility not being my main focus with him. Kaos Diesel
  20. While I have a fairly traditional obedience breed (GSD) I have problems with motivation at times too. What I am doing is rebuilding motivation and drive, keeping it short and fun. We may not get to trialling, but I aim to improve as much as we can. Diesel acts differently when we are at busy events such as trials and dog days out than at training or at the park, most likely picking up on my acting differently. These are some of the things I am working on at the moment: * Send away to a food target *Building drive for a thrown squeaky toy (he won't tug) - try to get him interested at the park/away from home - at the moment mainly informal fetch, running around * Short duration of heeling with good focus and enthusiasm (up to10/15 paces) - at the moment I spit food, use clicker, and use toy when he will work for that *Short come-fores and working on a fast and close front * Find heel position from other locations
  21. SASH in North Ryde http://sashvets.com/services.html Andrew Marchevsky fixed Diesel's leg when he broke it as a pup, and I also worked with him for a bit at VSC. He is a really nice guy and a great vet.
  22. Here's a puppy obedience video I liked http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=YHnr1R0u7C8
  23. Interesting. Never heard of this method! Certainly dogs pick up on how you are feeling. If I am nervous or stressed my dogs work differently than if I am relaxed and calm. They react in different ways to this too. Diesel shuts down and won't work, Kaos takes advantage and gets more hyped.
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