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Everything posted by Kavik

  1. Kaos barks too if he gets bored What can Darcy do? Can he do the contact equipment? Maybe if you explain where you have gone before and what you have done at other clubs they will put you in intermediate? They give you a chance to practice the contact equipment in intermediate.
  2. Not sure about levels, you'd have to talk to them about that. I managed to talk my way into intermediate after being in beginners for a couple of weeks and being much more advanced than the beginners. I was supposed to be able to do contact equipment to go up but it was hard to convince them to get the contact equipment out for the beginners.
  3. Same as laffi I am teacihng a 2o2o using a nose touch to a target in a stand position. Didn't give a command until the behaviour was learned. This was retrained over the summer, haven't had a chance to use it on real equipment yet.
  4. Yes but it is good to be aware of what might happen. People read stuff on here and then probably talk to people about it (if it is interesting) - and the suggestion of an ecollar is likely to bring on some lively opinions! ETA: imagine how they would feel if they say "It was suggested I use an ecollar to train a recall" and people start telling them they are illegal, it is cruel, you want to shock your dog?! Wouldn't it be a good idea to tell them alternatives and to say a bit about the legalities etc? I probably wouldn't have pushed the point so much if he had simply added something like " I have found the ecollar to be a useful tool in teaching the recall/the ecollar is a useful tool in teaching the recall. If you say where you are located we can suggest a trainer who is knowledgeable in their use to instruct you or K9 Force on this forum runs distance learning packages".
  5. It wasn't meant to be a training guide, but some ideas and hints on the recall Midol's post said nothing other than a tool. A tool on its own does not a recall make He didn't even say to consult a trainer to show you how to use one. A training club is a good idea and as poodlefan said they deal with recall issues all the time While I have no issues with people using an ecollar, I think that suggesting one in the first post of the thread with no explanation is not necessary. From their post count they have not been here long, and may not know about ecollars or their history on this board. They may be rather scared and shocked that this was suggested or if they talk to someone at a club and say this was suggested they may get some interesting feedback! Maybe we could stop talking about them in this thread since the OP has stated earlier they are not interested and I'm sure they did not intend for their thread to be a pro/con ecollar thread.
  6. K9: I didn't perceive it that he put forward there was no other option. I read that in his opinion & he actually even included it was his opinion, the e collar was the best tool. K9: sure there is, plenty of people posted suggestions, including me but he still is entitled to write a post how he feels best will help the OP & as I mentioned, I didnt see where he said there was no other way, just his preferred way. K9: possibly, but people have suggested a long line without explaining what to do with it? If you read my first post I did explain how to do a recall with long line, though I guess it could have been more comprehensive It certainly gave more information than "use a long line" in response to Midol's "use an ecollar".
  7. It was more the brevity of Midol's post I had an issue with. All he did was say ecollar, didn't say to get help how to use it or anything, or how an ecollar might be handy, or even not to let the dog off lead until they have a reliable recall (with any method including ecollar). He basically said it was the only option. It is all well and good to post things that have been useful for you, and I'm sure ecollars are great for recalls, but there are other things the OP can implement straight away both for recalls and to prevent/stop the rushing and barking problem on walks. ETA: I would have had the same problem if someone had problems with their dog pulling and someone simply said "prong collar" or 'halti" without explaining why/how and that you need to know how to use the tools, and what methods you could use.
  8. Same as laffi I use the same clicker for my dogs but don't clicker train at the same time.
  9. Clean Run sell the DVD (another American site) http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ntPage=whatsnew
  10. They do need readjusting, and it is harder to put them in a straight line than I thought but it does give you the flexibility to do them however you like, 2 poles, 3 poles, 4, 6 up to 12 and to have a channel or slanted or straight. And they are easily transported and stored.
  11. I have stick in the ground weaves, so you can put them in any configuration you like I got mine from Clean Run http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...p;ParentCat=336 Just noticed they now have 2 x 2 weaves as well, though not the correct spacing for Australia http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...p;ParentCat=336
  12. No not the same dog The dog who is rather quiet and who I am training in obedience is Diesel my GSD. I am doing agility with Kaos - who is a typical nutty Kelpie
  13. There was no weaving in this course (ADAC) We did nail the weaving at last week's trial though (ADAA) missed a couple of jumps though
  14. What motivates the dog - he means what does your dog like? Treats? Toys? Pats? you can use these to reward your dog when he comes to you.
  15. Thanks guys it was the best feeling! I let out a yell of triumph as we left the ring :D
  16. I am very happy with how he ran and how he is going :D Now just need to convince OH to let me joing DogsNSW so we can enter those events too . . .
  17. We got a clear round, qually and second place in ADAC Novice Jumping yesterday :D This is our first clear round and qually in agility in any code! It was a fast course which was a bit tricky as we did 3 crosses in it, including a cross behind which we haven't practiced much (and I didn't know if it would work ).
  18. I just think ecollars shouldn't be the first thing someone suggests to a new person to help with recalls. This is because: 1) They are a controversial tool, with very stong emotions tied to its use, and to the methodology (even on low stim) of negative reinforcement, and require professional help to use 2) They are expensive! 3) They cannot be used in a training club environment as they are not allowed 4) legality in some areas is questionable IMO the important thing with recalls is: * If you don't think the dog will come, don't call it * if you don't have a good recall, keep the dog on lead until you do * work with distractions before you let the dog off lead * don't call the dog to reprimand it or only when you are going home
  19. Have you tried putting him on a long lead and practicing recalls? Make sure you have his favourite treats/toys and make coming to you the BEST thing ever! Call and run the other way, HEAPS of praise and a treat/play when he gets to you (may be a good idea to get him to sit first so he doesn't learn to do a fly by ). Start by getting a good recall in a quiet area, then build up to taking him to the park with the long lead on and get him to recall when he sees another person or dog, then when he is visiting another person or dog. With the long lead on you can make sure he comes to you every time. So far he has learnt that he can ignore you and only has to come when he wants to. Midol, while you like ecollars, they are not everybody's solution to a recall problem
  20. He does controlled fairly well - it's excited he isn't so good at
  21. Kavik - I would guess some of the judges, certainly in WA, would take a point off in UD and UDX for the turn of the shoulders - as it could be considered a double signal. Will the dog still finish as nicely without you doing it. He probably wouldn't finish as nicely without it - though to be honest it isn't something I've even thought about Considering I can't get him working nicely in busy places to even put him in CCD it is not something I am worried about at the moment - I'm happy if I can get him to do it at all!
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