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Everything posted by Isabel964

  1. Does anyone else miss being able to buy white bed linen - like a valance and doona cover? There is no point for me, because the dogs will dirty it within 5 minutes, maybe less. But I love white, I adore white. But my doona covers are coloured to disguise dog-in-the-garden-smudges and rumbling-in-the-park-evidence-smudges. I buy nice white sheets and I'll just have to stay happy with those. Just wondering if I am alone in my slight tale of white-woe
  2. So glad things are going well, ,sending you hugs and hopes she will be home and doing even better tomorrow night. I bet she will be happy to be home!
  3. Oh just love a good happy ending! Yay!!
  4. At the moment I do 2km in 25-30 minutes, two times a day. Or I do 3-5km in 40 Mins, once or twice a day. This includes some off-leash time as we make our way through a football facility/park area. On weekends I sometimes do 8km in 1hr 20 mins.
  5. Don't worry, I know this can fixed. I'm not going to give you advice - there are wiser people than me here that will do that. But relax, it will be ok.
  6. I think its ridiculous. I can think of much better uses for that sort of money.
  7. Very cute - you just wanna snuggle him.
  8. I'm so sorry about the business, I've been through that sort of thing and send you hugs. So glad for your gorgeous JRT, what a lovely little soul he is.
  9. Is he on his own outside? Dogs are pack animals.....perhaps he's lonely...I'd be howling too if I was on my own outside all day long Just want to mention that I used to have one dog, many many years ago. Did not give it any thought. One day hubby thought of getting another dog, so they could keep each other company. Well, it gave our dog a new wonderful life, I'd never seen him happier and I would never ever have a single dog again, not unless it could be with me all day. But I also want to say, I am not having a go at you for having an outside single dog. Alot of people do....just food for thought, cos its true, it is possible he could be lonely.
  10. Gosh I have no idea but it would really concern me as my dogs never howl.....if one started howling the first thing I would think of was the dog is very distressed. Is he in pain? If not medical then psychological.... is he missing something, someone? If he is not desexed, then is this howling typical behaviour of a dog with a strong drive to mate? (I don't know, worth looking into). You could get a behviourist to come over and see what they think.
  11. Condolences, what an amazing little guy. RIP little guy.
  12. I love what you did with the ashes. RIP to all your furry ones that have gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Hope your overseas adventure/life is a wonderful one.
  13. We feel their losses for a long time they are so special. So sorry for your sadness. I know their time with you would have been full of love and joy.
  14. So sorry for your loss, she sure lived to a good age. I know you will miss her terribly, and I know how that feels so please accept my condolences.
  15. Oh so many tears here, such a great story. I wish there were more, but I'll settle for that. The joy and then th calm happiness in the dog when reunited with its owner was just so moving.
  16. Kels, I undertsand. My gentle Kelpie walks perfectly off leash like your rottie. I have 100% control of her. I always carry a leash for her on me. I know I am breaking the law in some places having her off leash - my decision. I understand some people may be nervous if they had a bad experience with an off leash dog (for this reason I avoid other people and if I can not I will put her on leash) , but that is no reason to behave in that offensive way. To my mind you were verbally attacked and abused - it is not acceptable. He could have talked to you nicely and discussed his point of view. He did not need to be abusive. I fortunately have not had this experience. It was probably because yours is a rottie, rottie and shepperds etc are often (unfairly) assumed to be dangerous and a threat.
  17. Isn't there a food she wolfs down if you through it at her? Like fillet steak (as an example)...you throw her one peice, she catches it and swallows it. Throw the next one, she catches it and swallows it. if she is like most dogs who will happily catch and swallow food, you can use pate, cheese, anything that a pill can be hidden in.
  18. OMG that is horrible! That poor horse. Maybe its owner died or something....either way the RSPCA could have helped and 5 days to get out there is ridiculous!
  19. So Rebus is a shepperd? That second photo - OMG its just divine, and he sounds so clever already! Halo is very pretty. You guys are so lucky having puppies!!! Its been a long time since I had one, but I do enjoy having mature dogs too
  20. I saw an episode on The Dog Whisperer, exact same thing - an OCD issue. Treatable, your friends might want to engage a behaviorist for it. Unfortunately I can't remember how Caesar dealt with it, but it was successful.
  21. Oh dear, yes I agree, let the vet know. He may have missed a test and your additional information could help with a diagnosis. I hope he is ok soon.
  22. I selected female. My experience is that male dogs lift their legs and just pee on everything. My entertainment area outside stank of dog pee because my dog would pee on all the stuff outside. Went to a beach once, just walking along...there were fisherman beach-fishing standing next to their big bags with all their stuff in it, and my male dog just went along and pee on each bag!
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