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Everything posted by mooblar

  1. He is already doing bett and so am I. I have half an acre of back yard and another half acre front yard. Then there is about 1/4 acre before you get to the main road. I am now able to take him on the long leash out the front. He loves exploring. The main reason I am doing that is to get him use to truck,train and car noises. But with all the new smells, he is to busy smelling all the new smells to eat his long lead. I also have treats and I call him back. He comes bounding back to me with his bandy legged puppy run so he can get his treat and lots of praise. I am so impressed with him. I am trying to put a few pics of him up but I am not very computer literate. Now I just wish his ears would stand up. They come up at times but he isnt really making any effort. lol. Hope they come up soon.
  2. WOW! How amazing! Thank-you so much for taking so much time to help me. I loved the read. I love Oggy and I wanted to do the right thing by him. I read so many ways to train a dog that I think I lost sight of what I already knew. He is just a pup. He loves to play etc. He actually likes his lead when we play. He loves being on the long 30 metre lead. He sits on command etc. He is actually doing so well but I panicked about him on the lead. For some ridiculous reason I thought he should be able to walk at heel automatically and when it didn’t happen, I got so worked up, I tried stupid things. Gee I feel like such a twit. I will go back to play time with the lead hanging. I only used the chocker twice. I hated it as much as he did. I knew he was too young to be dragged etc. I am so happy that I was wrong by doing that. I no longer have to drag him. I was even able to use it to teach him to wait for his meal. No lunging etc on the lead. He just sat beside me. I think I went too far too fast and lost the plot. He can be stubborn but I coax him with treats or toys. Sometimes if I tell him to come and he is really not doing what he is told and I know he isn’t tired, I will just go get him and walk him back to the spot I was. Then praise him. Lol I have had dogs before and although they were small breeds, I trained them with no problems. With firmness and love at the same time. Once again, thank-you so much.
  3. My 12 week old Bull Terrier pup (Oggy) hates his leash. I am using a metal one as I, at least have half a chance that it will still be in one piece by the end. I was just attaching it to his flat collar but went to a chocker as the collar would not help me correct his behaviour. He is fine with his flat collar when that is all he has on. When I attach the leash while he is sitting, he is fine, then all hell breaks loose when I say heel. He throws his body all over the place and flings himself on the floor and also chews his metal choker chain and leash. I have tried assertive, I have tried ignoring the tantrum and just dragging him. I have tried food and coaxing Obviously not all at once. Just over the last 4 weeks). He throws his head backward to get to the leash and I can’t control that. He will take a step then fling his head back and grab the leash behind his head. Then I only have control of his mouth. I have been trying since he was 8 weeks. I am not a pushover but he is driving me mad. I try to stay calm and assertive but he also sometimes jumps up and tries to nip me (I am not scared of that as I sort that out fast). He is good with his other training. He sits and drops and comes and leave most things. I have a lot of time to give him so he is not ignored. I am trying so hard to train him correctly. He already weighs 11kg. I have to be his pack leader or he will be too big to handle. I read the K9 write-up about the triangle and feeding him and he is doing that quite well. He knows when he is on the chain that he will eventually be fed. He sits and watches me for permission before eating. I can even put my hand in the bowl and take it off him and he will sit and wait till I put it back down. I tell him to wait and when he looks at me I say “eat” to free him. He is doing well I think for his age but I have to get control of him on the leash. I live in country W.A. so popping over to obedience training is not an option. I have another week before he is allowed out of the yard for a walk. Perhaps new scenery will help. But I think he should walk on the leash properly wherever he is. PLEASE HELP!
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