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Everything posted by wagsalot

  1. Seems a bit silly to me! Would she not let the dog in the water at the beach, purely because it would get wet and be like a bath? or for other reasons?
  2. Ive got a furminator for our long haired cat. If I can get her to sit still long enough and not attack me, it does seem to work well. Just be careful you don't use it over the same spot too much.
  3. Not very often. Probably every 4 or so months. He's not a smelly dog. If we go to the beach I'll give him a wash when we get back though to get rid of all the sand.
  4. You will find some people are for and against the heartworm injection. I personally have just stopped giving my dog the injection and have gone back to using the monthly tablets. Do a search on this forum for heartworm injection and have a read and you can decide what you think is best.
  5. Yep, Ive heard bad things about greenies too. Didn't someone even say it made their dog's poo green? Its hard when vets sell them, as you'd think they'd be safe. My vet used to sell them, but has stopped now.
  6. Because they are both in similar area, and 4 Paws have named their school so similarly to Four Paws K9 Training, I'd suggest you check in on the link I gave you to Four Paws K9 Training in my previous post. Confirm the phone number as being the same. If you're still unsure, ring Four Paws K9 Training and confirm you're booked in with them. , but Im surprised they were allowed to call their business something so similar. i remember when I applied for my business name I got told I wouldn't get what I wanted if it sounded too similar to another, already registered name. Id be spewing if someone went out and called their business something really similar to my business name, especially as they're in the same field and area!
  7. Here's my attempt. Not that great but I gave it my best Wow, good job. Love the sky!
  8. I will give it a week and see how he goes, if he's no better we will give the canine physio a go.
  9. Yeah, It would of been interesting to watch me try and lift Riley into the car. The vet weighed him at 27.4kgs. It was quite a struggle!!
  10. Just got back from the Vets - Riley's torn some tissue in his leg. He's got some tablets for 6 days and we're not to walk him for at least a week and to then see how he is. I also got told we should change our ball games round so he's not jumping up for the ball. Vet said now he's 6 he can get injured easier than he used to so try to avoid jumping. I had fun trying to lift him in and out of the xtrail! I didn't want him to jump into the boot, so I lifted him into the back seat. I hope he doesn't expect that all the time now
  11. I'll try and find out what's wrong first and go from there. We had a friend up last night that is chinese and does alot of massages. He's always fixing my mums aches and pains so he massaged Riley's leg...only thing is my mum told him it was RIleys left leg, but it was his right. So his left leg is probably feeling really good
  12. Im thinking the same thing. Im going to ring the vet now and try and get a appointment for this afternoon.
  13. I presume dog's can pull muscles like humans?? Riley jumped up for a ball on Saturday afternoon and has seemed to hurt his back leg. After he got the ball my OH patted him on the back and he yelped. He then went to go inside and yelped as he was walking. He sat in his bed and didn't really move much the whole night. He would get up to go to the toilet and would walk fine, just slow, but that was all he got up to do. Yesterday we took him for his normal walk in the morning as he was excited to go, but we didn't go very far and went really slow. He walked fine the whole way and didn't seem to be in any pain. However, when we got back home he was back to sitting on his bed and not moving much which is odd for him as he's a Kelpie X! He seems to be in more pain when he sits, so he'll sit, then quickly lie down. He's also very slow going up/down stairs. Besides from the slowness he's his normal self, eating, drinking etc. Im thinking about taking him to the vets, but my OH said he's probably just pulled a muscle and it will heal itself. So basically im just curious if anyone's dogs have pulled a muscle and whether its something that will heal itself or whether it's one for the vet. Edited to add - I checked him over, no ticks, no injuries to his paws etc
  14. These were the ones I got Riley. I would of thought they would of come of easily for a dog dragging paws. They only just stayed on Riley's feet, but maybe he has odd feet
  15. Id be going with the ones anthony posted too. They seem to be made for a purpose, not just for fashion. Sas on here bought some for her dog. I'll try and find the thread. I bought some cheaper ones for Riley to stop him licking his paw and they worked great for that, but would easily come off in your dogs situation. edited to add - heres the link to the thread http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=78046&st=0
  16. Yikes. If that was my dog Id be wanting to know more answers than just being told to get a urine sample in 3 weeks. But then, if it was my dog I would of been at the vets the minute the bleeding started too :rolleyes:
  17. Riley gets his annual check up when he gets his yearly vaccinations. He tends to end up at the vets more than that though due to allergies and his eyes.
  18. I've actually found most wormers don't include heartworm. I used Drontal as my 3 monthly wormer and then I use heartgard for heartworm. edited to add - Im not sure if its heartgard, but its one of those for heartworm
  19. Yep you can definately add it to the water I just choose not to most of the time. I will do it that way if Im washing a dog that is really hating the experience as it can be quicker.
  20. I don't like putting the shampoo in the water, purely by personal choice though. I like to rinse the dog with clean water first and its then a bit difficult to get shampoo into the tank while a massive dog is standing on the lid ;) I just shampoo the dog myself and then wash. When I wash the shampoo comes back up through the water anyway, then I finish off with a final rinse with clean wwater.
  21. I use Frontline (been using it for 6 years) and it works really well for us. Found dead shrivled up ticks and have never seen a flea on the dog or cat
  22. I used Frontline every two weeks and drontal all wormer tablets every 3 mths, and Heartgard tablets for heartworm every month. I also use Preventic tick collars. I find the smell strong for the first week but after that it doesn't bother me.
  23. I use Fido's - I like the oatmeal one and I also use Earthly Extracts Shampoo. I found with some of the shampoos they brought my hands and arms out in rashes (My skin's pretty sensitive and doesn't like alot of things!) but the Earthly Extracts shampoo I have been using in my dog washing business for 3 years and haven't had a problem with it. My clients like the smell of both Fido's and Earthly extracts too.
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