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Everything posted by wagsalot

  1. I did some reading about UV filters when I first got my camera. A few sites that I read said it reduces the quality of your picture, and its not worth using. Apparantly lenses are made alot more scratch resistant these days and if you look after your lenses its very unlikely you'll scratch them. The guy in the computer shop then told me pretty much the same thing, so I never bought one. The polarizing filters and coloured filters look interesting though to play around with. Ripley - I still use the canon 18-55 kit lens all the time. I can't decide, or afford which lens I want to replace it.
  2. Yep, I've got this lens and Im really happy with it. I took this one with it last weekend. I've got a 70-300 lens with image stabiliser. I got it to replace the canon 200mm kit lens. Having the image stabiliser is great. Took me a while to save up for it, but it was worth it. Edited to add - Ripley those photo's look really good - I especially love the first one.
  3. IMHO I'd be using Maxalon before I'd use a sedative. I don't see the point of knocking your dog out when you don't have too, unless of course your dog hates the car and gets really stressed about it)
  4. The yellow tablets weren't sedatives were they? The ones our old vet gave riley were tiny yellow ones and they were sedatives.
  5. Riley sometimes grabs a mouthful of the rabbits food when Im not looking and it hasn't done him any harm, and yep as Pixi said you can see it all come out in their poo
  6. I had a real quick go while Im waiting for something to download!
  7. I've found Ive been able to reduce the amount of Maxlon I give Riley too. To start off with the vet recommended 1 tablet for his weight, but I can use half a tablet now. He's about 28 kgs
  8. Riley was a bit quiet when he came home after being desexed. He just wanted to sit in his bed in the lounge room with everyone. We kept him inside most of the time for a few days after the operation.
  9. My OH bought one of those portable hard drives. I just click one button and our computer hard drive is backed up. Before that I used to back all my photo's up on CD's. Theres no way I could do that now, I have way too many.
  10. The coles near me finally stocked the 4legs food with gravy! And it was on special for $3.99. I bought 2 lots. I'm going to give some to Riley tonight. I bet he loves it.
  11. Carabelle - why weren't you keen on Maxalon?
  12. Mines 8 mp and I always have mine on the highest setting.
  13. My vet gives me Maxalon tablets for Riley. Its the only thing that works for him. Once he's had a maxolan tablet he's really good. We even took him on a 8 hour drive to Ballina. Everyone kept saying try this, try that, he'll grow out of etc, but he never did. Riley's not scared of the car at all though, he loves it. He just gets genuine car sickness. I wouldn't give my dog any tablets without consulting a vet first though, so I highly recommend going to your vet. Be careful what the vets give you too. Our last vet (who was utterly hopeless) gave me a sedation tablet for Riley to stop car sickness, after I specifically said I wanted him to not be sick in the car so I can take him to the beach. By the time we got to the beach he was so sedated he couldn't stand up! Id never give him one of those ever again. My new vet suggested Maxalon straight away.
  14. Im my own employer so I should give myself a slap on the wrist. ;) I was thinking about getting a little step stool to stand on so I didn't have to lean over so far, but Id probably fall of the damn thing
  15. Does anyone else suffer a bad back from leaning over the hydrobath? I think my back is permantly stuffed.
  16. Riley gets his yearly check up with his vaccinations, however he goes to the vets more than once a year be it with a sore paw, sore eyes etc.
  17. My local coles stock it, but they seem to sell it pretty quickly, especially when it's on special. Riley gets a packet once every two weeks. A packet normally lasts him 2-3 meals. I also mix a egg up with it and he loves it. If they put it on special he gets it more often.
  18. My dog's must all be angels as they're perfectly behaved even with their owners standing right there Lucky me!
  19. Really?? All my clients stand right next to the hydrobath while Im washing their dogs. They like to watch and I think the dog is comforted by it. Some sit on the seat about a 2 metre's away but most stand right there and pretty much all of my dogs but 1 or 2 are really well behaved. Seems a good theory though, so could be worth a try jeffncel
  20. I've had a few dogs that have been like that the first time in the hydrobath. All of them except 1 dog got used to it and are now really good. I wouldn't give up after just one bath, Id try again and see if she gets used to it and becomes more comfortable. Edtied to add - is Buffy sensitvie to noise??? Some dogs I find are more scared of the noise than anything else. I turn the water pressure right down so it doesn't make much noise and start like that. Was the person washing her calm or were they getting frustrated? I think the way the washer handles it has a bit part in it too.
  21. I don't restrain most of my dogs. I put a collar round their neck to hold on too and I have no problems. All my clients like to stand next to the bath and watch their dogs being washed though, which I think helps the dog stay put. I haven't had any dogs jump out, but I don't give them the chance too either. I have a little hook thing which suctions onto the bath. I use that one or two dogs. It would fall off if the dog pulled hard enough, but the dogs seem to know they're attached to something and don't bother pulling. Maybe you could ask wooferwares and see if they know of any other products that could suitable or if they could make a suggestion to the maker of the nooses to make the clip part stronger ?.
  22. Wish I could pick it up that cheap! Its never reduced here. Its aways $4.49 or something like that. It does seem to sell out pretty quickly here though.
  23. Yep, Id say it is. Im about 30 mins drive from Piction and we are definately a tick area here.
  24. I saw it advertised on the website the other day when I ordered that lid thing, but I haven't seen any in our local colees. Hopefully they'll get it soon.
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