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Everything posted by wagsalot

  1. wagsalot


    RIP Pepper. I'll miss you. Lots. So will Riley :rolleyes:
  2. OH just called me out the back, and I got this shot of a King Parrot. There was two, but this one had more colour.
  3. Im missing my yard!! Its currently full of big holes as we're building a deck. I like taking photos out there the best, but when its covered with holes and dirt it isn't so great. I got this today. Riley's toy box. A mass off colourful objects.
  4. Not the best, but it will do. She stretched when I was completely un-ready!
  5. I thought the thread would keep going, but it might get a bit too large. Then again the photos page will be full of our posts if we did a new thread each day. Maybe each thread can contain a weeks worth ?? So a new thread is started every week? We are heading off to Sussex Inlet today. I'll have to post my photos when I get back. No doubt there will be one of a pelican. I alwasy come back with shots of Pelicans when I go to Sussex
  6. Mines a bit different. Taken on my point and shoot camera early this morning of glow sticks.
  7. This is probably a silly question, but is there any way I can check what lens I used by looking at the photo??
  8. These lizards were in my parents backyard. I have heaps of photos of lizards, but not much else This ones from taronga zoo
  9. yay. another excuse to put riley back in his reindeer outfit
  10. I think it depends on what type of photo you are after in regards to if the dog was better trained you'd get better photo's. I did a photography unit at uni as a elective and my tutor said the ones where Riley was being naughty, and unpredictable were quite often the best shots as they had a sense of humour to them and showed his personality. I tend to just let Riley do whatever he likes, and then I move around looking for a good shot, so I work around him. (I couldn't do that with uni though as they had ot be certain shots) This is one of my uni photos (it was for gestalt laws) . Riley was supposed to be lying down parallel to the balls, with the yellow ball in front of him. He couldn't help himself though, he made a grab at the ball, but knocked it so it started rolling, so he had to run after it. Even though the shot didn't turn out as planned, I chose it to put in my uni portfolio as it was just such a Riley shot. It shows how much he loves the balls, his playfulness and his goofiness all in one. The tutor loved it. The look on his face still makes me laugh everytime I see it
  11. Frozen chicken/beef stock and water in kongs worked well for Riley when he was a pup. Also we bought one of those kids shell sand pit/pools. Filled it up with sand, and hid treats etc in it. Also found that roatating his toys weekly helped. It was like he got a new toy every month when I bought the ones that had been put away the longest out.
  12. We had aussie pooch come out several times and wash riley before I got a hyrdobath. He never got a blow dry, just a quick towel dry with a moisture absorber thing. I didn't think most mobile's dried the dogs..
  13. That sounds good, I might give that a go. I'm finding the flies really bad here at the moment. Normally Riley never seemed to have a problem with them, but lately they're all over him,
  14. My dryer isn't on a stand. I fixed it onto the wall above my grooming bench. It came with the bracket.
  15. Im in the Shire and theres ticks out Gymea way. I found Preventic tick collars to be good. I use them along with Frontline We had a huge season for ticks a few years back and everytime Riley came inside there'd be a tick crawling on him. The collar really helped then.
  16. Ok I had a quick go tonight. Didn't get time to do the tap though. Who picked the remote control - I got annoyed taking these pictures as they were all average. "Biscuit" edit to add - how do i add the settings ?
  17. I ran out of time and didn't get to do the last challenge, but Im going to make time to do this one. Now...which biscuits shall I buy
  18. :D Great photos everyone. Not sure if im creative enough for this challenge, but might give it a go on the weekend.
  19. I know how you feel! Riley's been snoring quite a bit lately and it wakes OH up. I wake up in the morning to find Riley covered in socks, soft toys etc which OH has thrown at him throughout the night to try and get him to stop
  20. I can see dust on my photo's that I took last week for my uni assignment. Luckily I was able to photoshop it out as it was only up in one corner. I've had dust on it once before and a quick blow got it off, but this time no such luck. Edited to add - my manual says to put the camera in sensor cleaning mode and tells you ahd to do it, however my camera doesn't even have that option. Take that back..I found it. Didn't realise you had to have it on a certain mode.
  21. Can anyone recommend a cleaning kit I can buy for my 350D? Or know of anyone in Sydney that will give the insides a good clean for me?? .... little worried about wrecking it!
  22. Im almost starting to think they've made an error in the assignment and you're meant to pick a different subject for each law. That would be much easier. I think you are on the right track with the sheep idea. Im still waiting on another reply from the tutor, but ill keep that idea in mind. Thanks!
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