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Everything posted by wagsalot

  1. Our floors are always covered in black hair - then our quaker parrot has feathers and seed everywhere too. I vaccum every 2nd day, sometimes every day, and sweep twice a day. I can't relax if im sat on the lounge watching dog hair fly past.
  2. Target have them at the checkout! At least here they do :D Yep they do here too, I got one the other day
  3. Thats pretty cool. Did you add her as a friend?
  4. Because of the way it pulls up behind his front legs. It is definitely strong enough but it doesn't seem to be the most comfortable harness around for walking. I dont tend to walk my dog in a harness anyway so not a huge issue for me. Ruffwear Webmaster is pretty good :D BUT- it's not safety tested and has plastic buckles. http://www.twobigdogs.com.au/ruff-wear-web...er-harness.html I use mine occasionally in the car and it does the job but wouldn't trust it to hold up in an accident like the PetBuckle. Ah ok, ta
  5. Its the same this morning, not bigger or smaller. Would a skin cancer come up suddenly like that though? Riley needs eye drops every second day, so Im always holding his head up round his nose to the do the drops. Im pretty sure I would of noticed on Saturday morning when doing his eye drops if it was there, which makes me think it came up quite suddenly.
  6. I've been looking some more and it really looks like a pimple. Riley couldn't care less that Im touching it so its not sore. I'll check it out again in the morning before I go to work, and if its any bigger we'll be off to the vet. I can go to sleep now Im certain its not a tick
  7. I just noticed Riley has this lump on the side of his nose. Its a white lump, and feels hard. At first I thought it was a tick, but then on closer inspection I changed my mind and thought it was something like a pimple. OH thinks its a tick though. Not sure what it too. I patted him tonight on the head a few times and didn't notice it, but now its quite noticible. So Im not sure if I missed it, or it got bigger quickly. Is there anything I can do to tell if its a tick?? Trying to get photos now. Edited - Got a photo, and the photo worked well! We couldn't find a magnifying glass but the camera did that job. After seeing the photo, I think it confirms what I thought, that it isn't a tick, as the lump is connected to his skin the whole way round. Like a pimple really. Anyone else's thoughts??
  8. I emailed the place selling the ruffrider roadie 3 times over a period of 3 weeks and never once got a reply. I won't be buying that one, but will look into the Pet Buckle one
  9. The local produce stores all have them in small bags. Maybe just ask if you don't see them out. I'm in the country - we don't have a local produce store where I am ;) Well we did have but they closed down last year Does anyone know where you can buy these online (but in small amounts). I wouldn't mind trying some out but have only seen them in massive boxes and don't want to be lumped with 5kg's of them if Kei decides he doesn't like them We use the Kong biscuits. Not for training, only one in the Kong when I go out. Not the cheapest biscuits in the world but they last me a while, I can buy them locally and I am happy with the ingredients (when compared to other brands like Supercoat/Hills/IAMs etc.) The Kong biscuits have no preservatives either. For training treats we use something much smaller like tiny pieces of cheese, chunkers or even cat biscuits I've got 4 x 2's (Bestcare/Box 1) brand. Got a few boxes of them here - happy to send you a couple so you can try them if you can't find them locally. They are what I give Riley - get gets one once or twice a week with dinner. Thanks wagsalot that's exactly what I'm after. Can you PM me with postage costs for a couple of biscuits to try out? Sorry, only just saw this! Will PM you now
  10. Maybe it might be worth a shot contacting some wholesalers, and seeing if they'll do a once off for you if you want to buy that many.
  11. If that happens I can't believe more people don't get robbed.
  12. Glad to hear you reported it. Riley got attacked once when I was walking him by a dog roaming off lead. From advise I got from here I bathed his whole neck (Where the dog went for) with salt water. He has alot of hair round his neck so I was sure the dog only got mouthfuls of fur, but did it just incase there was a small wound etc even though I coudln't see anything. Then we had several meetings with family's dogs etc that were friendly too. Edited to add - I reported the dog that attacked Riley - only knew the breed and the area it happened. The owners got tracked down, but turned out they were involved in a drug bust, so no idea what happened to the dog after that.
  13. Yikes - Im terrified of snakes! At least you know where it is, better than not knowing if its still around or not. Hopefully it stays there until the snake catcher comes.
  14. I've been using the 18-55 kit lens for just under 5 years, I've found it great.
  15. ;) You could say that about all the threads on here though. Lucky me for being richly blessed
  16. Does anyone know where you can buy these online (but in small amounts). I wouldn't mind trying some out but have only seen them in massive boxes and don't want to be lumped with 5kg's of them if Kei decides he doesn't like them We use the Kong biscuits. Not for training, only one in the Kong when I go out. Not the cheapest biscuits in the world but they last me a while, I can buy them locally and I am happy with the ingredients (when compared to other brands like Supercoat/Hills/IAMs etc.) The Kong biscuits have no preservatives either. For training treats we use something much smaller like tiny pieces of cheese, chunkers or even cat biscuits :p I've got 4 x 2's (Bestcare/Box 1) brand. Got a few boxes of them here - happy to send you a couple so you can try them if you can't find them locally. They are what I give Riley - get gets one once or twice a week with dinner.
  17. Im just about to join and ill send it out too.
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