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Everything posted by wagsalot

  1. I've got a few nylabones in stock. Riley loves them - especially the large Gallileo (we're out of stock cos Riley went through them all :D ) On the packaging it says its safe for dogs to ingest rice size pieces that break off. Riley naws his down, but most bits end up on my rug! They're only small shavings.
  2. I took these and used them for the table numbers at my wedding. I got them all printed out in black and white, with a white border and I was really happy with the way they came out. Just have to share, cos I think rileys is super cute
  3. We had the same problem a few years back. What I did after the dog approached and tried to grab Riley, was stand infront of Riley (quite easy - Riley's such a sook so was practically hiding) , and growled really loud at the dog. It was enough to make the other dog back off a little. I then walked home (luckily not very far) backwards, facing the other dog and keeping Riles behind me. After that I wouldn't walk Riley by myself for quite a while - now I will, but only along main roads with lots of cars etc. I won't go the back streets in case I come across a off leash dog. Also, report it to the ranger. I did, the dog that attacked Riley was found - turned out it belonged to a couple that got done for growing/making drugs in their house not long after!
  4. Seems to be a local company near me. There was a petsforce round here, but that went out of business
  5. Before I got my x trail (Riles goes in the back now) I used a cheap cover for the back seats. I think I might of got it from the innovations magazine, but quite a few places sell similar ones. It was about $30 and worked really well. I could even hose it when it got dirty, and all seatbelts were still accessable.
  6. Riles has the tucker ball which he loves. He's been using it inside more lately as we did some backyard reno's and he keeps loosing the ball down gaps! It drives me a bit nutty sometimes with the marble inside spinning round when its empty. His nose has been fine so far with the tucker ball.
  7. Frozen kongs work well here. As indigirl mentioned a sandpit - we used to bury treats and balls in Riley's before we left for work. Also rotate the toys. Its amazing how Riley will think has a brand new toy again, even though he's had it for years
  8. I've had nothing back fantastic feedback on the nina ottosson range. I know quite a few people have made their own styles of the range which worked quite well. I haven't got one for Riley (he'd be useless) but I am going to give one to the cat! I reckon she'll love the Tornado.
  9. I had a forester with a cargo barrier fitted - that was a 04 model - I sold it to get my X Trail though due to the space problem.
  10. Well Riley loved it - licked the bowl completely clean. Pretty happy as he can be quite fussy!
  11. I've just made some up (first time), and haven't broken the bullets up and it looks really watery - ill go smash them up now. My whole packet was in the fridge too (I hope that doesn't affect things).
  12. Im not so worried about them in yard, just not in the cat run, where the cat is nearly 24/7. I guess when it gets to that point round here I'll put chicken wire round the existing wire. I hate the bloody things and I've only been around them for a week (A camping holiday in Ballina). There was hardly any lighting in the camp ground and you never knew what you were going to step on!
  13. Ah Ok Ta. I didn't know how long it took for them actually be purchased once it all proceeded.
  14. Damn, its going to be hard for the cat, as she's outside in her run day and night - and theres lots of hiding spots in there, so my best option is to keep them out. The only ones I've seen are big - but Im guessing the younger ones are smaller? The gaps in the steel of the run are about 8cm X 5cm - would they get through that?
  15. Id take a couple (I presume they'd be ready before Christmas?) Just editing to add a number - I'll take 3 please
  16. Im not good with this cane toad stuff, but if they do get around here regularly, are there precautions I should be taking to keep the cat & dog safe during the day? Or is it just a night time thing?
  17. Well, the tumour fell off!! Its just a bit of dry skin there now. I spoke to the vet and he said that can happen, and it will more than likely grow back.
  18. I wonder if the ants would get in them?? I had a food bowl for our cat with 4 different compartments. We put biscuits only in it as we weren't going to be there in the morning, but all the ants got into it!
  19. Do you have anything on your listing that people could be confusing for selling animals??
  20. Yep thats what my vet said. Just happened Riley gets all his lumps at the same time and 4 weeks before my wedding! (mega stress!!)
  21. The vet didn't think the tumour had got much bigger at all. He said the hair has seperated more which makes it look bigger. I probably pannicked with the ruler too and measured wrong He still thinks it looks benign and said its only ontop of the skin, not underneath. Bad news is I got him to look at another look on Riley's leg (I thought he'd just bumped it), but he said that could be a tumour as well, or a cyst (the same one as mentioned previously in this thread). So, the vet said both are too small to get anything out of to biopsy at the moment, so to keep to the original plan and go back in April to re assess, unless they grow dramatically. So back to the waiting game! In the meantime I have a dog running round the house with a toy forgetting he's 9 years old now, not 2!
  22. Well we are going back to the vets tomorrow as the lump has grown more already. I'm a bit worried that it's growing so fast so I want the vet to see it again. How's your boy going cvs?
  23. Wow thats really cheap!! I just looked at the wholesale price and its a fair whack more than that! I've been given a RRP of $182 for 16kgs!
  24. We are currently looking into stocking it - I'm still in the research stage at the moment, but so far it seems pretty good.
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