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Everything posted by wagsalot

  1. Great photos! I got one for riley but he just looked at it. All it did was end up making my deck slipperly
  2. Got my calendars today Got one hung up at work - brightens my office a little!
  3. I got mine from Aldi a while ago (Riley totally ignores it though!).
  4. Im not sure - I don't shoot raw so haven't tried to use it for that. I only started using it a few weeks back so don't really know all that much about it just yet
  5. Just don't look at his rear end He's molting like mad around the back of his legs. Im embarassed to take him to the vets on saturday as its so bad. I brush, brush, brush but the hair is never ending.
  6. Kirislin - heres after pressing sharpen in photoscape (photobucket upload)
  7. It can't be me, I reckon its the sharpen tool in photoscape. Hang on, finding the original to upload ETA - This is the original uploaded to photobucket - definatley not as sharp , so photoscape worked wonders! Hope that helps!
  8. I did edit that photo - I used photoscape and clicked the sharpen button (maybe this is the trick??) , and also the auto contrast button I think it was. Then I did some vignetting thing. Im rubbish at that stuff so like how I can just click a few buttons and be done I found the exif button in photoscape and this is what it had (I couldn't copy and paste for some reason so did a screenshot) Now... this is really embarassing as Ive only recently branched out to the manual settings (After having my 350d for 5 years!) and I don't really know what Im doing so don't laugh if the exif data says I've done something in a really odd way
  9. Too hot to try and get a shot outside today, so another boring one this week! Hopefully I'll get a more interesting one for next week on the weekend. Week 4 by shellandriley, on Flickr
  10. And so you should after that terrible incident where you got married at the wrong time last time. Will be great to meet up Julie Least it gives us a good excuse to head down to Melbourne this year - its right on our 1st wedding anniversary I've paid for our tickets and OH is booking flights tonight
  11. We only take Riley if we go camping/4wd'ing. Othertimes its too much hassle. He can't be left alone in a strange place, or he frets, we can't go do restaurants, national parks, shopping centres etc if he's with us. He's much safer and happier staying at my parents place.
  12. We have been umming and ahhing over the last few weeks about coming, and today we've bit the bullet and decided we'll definately be there Look forward to meeting some dol'ers (I don't know very many, so hopefully we'll have name tags! )
  13. Do I get emotional as Riley gets older? Definately. Riley turned 10 on the 9th of January. He seems to be healthy, still extremely active and certainly doesn't know his age. His eyes aren't great, but are managed with daily eye drops, but he has got a few lumps and bumps lately (although the vets not really worried) Since he turned 10 its really hit me. This dog is my rock. I honestly don't know what Id do without him, but I have to not think about it, and enjoy the now, not fret about the future, otherwise id be a mess. Every night I pat him for that little bit longer before I go to sleep and be thankful that he's already given me such happiness for the past 10 years, and hopefully several more to come.
  14. I've used Momento twice - once when I did my mum a book for her 50th a few years back, and I did one for our wedding a few months back. I've found their quality really good - but I think they could be expensive compared to others? I've stuck with them as I was so happy with the first one I did.
  15. Its fine on IE on my work computer too - must be something odd with my home one
  16. It might just be me? Im using Internet Explorer, however I just switched to firefox and in firefox it looks fine. Its just the banner though - ed with his hat is perfectly clear.
  17. Damn. I tried to keep file sizes small too. I guess that's going to be the case with the slideshow type of header though. Oh Clyde, that's only because they are at home with me all the time, so I need to keep them amused. It's really not that exciting. Ollie keeps asking when he can go to school Did you change the top moving banner? The quality seems to be alot lower when I just looked at it. THe pictures below on the blog are fine, but the tops ones show up pixelated on my screen.
  18. Week 3/52 - Riley Week 3/52 - Riley by shellandriley, on Flickr
  19. Yep same one - The shop did use to be in Sutherland, but shut up quite a while ago.
  20. Not sure if this info is already known, but the guys name is here: http://whois.domaintools.com/petfood247.com.au if needed for fair trading purposes.
  21. I don't understand how they still have enough customers to operate a business. Maybe Fair Trading resolves the problem, but doesn't actually do anything to stop it happening in the future.
  22. Very nice! I just love your style Katie. I alwasy find your photos so interesting and can't see what you put up next.
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