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Everything posted by wagsalot

  1. Thanks! I ended up having to take him to the vet on Saturday to get a tooth checked so I asked while I was there. Vet checked him over, said he seems really healthy, and he obviously isn't in any pain so as much as its odd that he's started it out of nowhere, its probably nothing to worry about. Maybe after all these years of being pretty quiet, he's just decided to be more vocal.
  2. Have you thought of ,or tried him with a nice comfy LARGE crate? maybe with door open and beds etc inside ? It would take time, but may help him realise that those wire bars can also mean comfort/food ..and being 'with' family , tho not being touched by them .... I've tried a crate before - we got hime a collapsible soft one to start off with (less like a cage) but he'd go in there to get a treat, then run back out. We left it up for ages, but he'd never go in on his own accord. The same with kennels - he'd sleep in the rain instead.
  3. The vets don't know about - only because we've never had to worry before. Hopefully his tooth will be fine and we won't have to worry, but if it does need looking at, I will speak to the vet about being there while he's either given something to relax him, or while he's knocked out if thats possible, then again be there when he wakes up.
  4. Yep, I certainly don't think the situation is ideal, but its just the way its ended up. Not really by choice, but moreso because I've never had to have to leave him anywhere before. Riley's always been a sook. When we choose him at the RSPCA at 9 weeks old, all the puppies were at the front of the cage jumping around, getting pats etc, but Riley was the only one right at the very back of the cage. The staff member told the other people choosing when there was just 2 puppies left, not to pick Riley as he was at the back, and he'd be a unsociable dog. It seems like we have the opposite problem though! He has a real thing with barriers - for years if there was something in between you and him like a screen door he'd cower on the other side and look at the ground until the door was opened. Thankfully he's alot better now and very rarely does it, however I think part of my stress is the thought of him being back in the cage, stressing out and it might send him backwards again back into old habits.
  5. have a look at the thread by modern pet - depending on how much you're willing to pay, theres some nice ones on there. Ive only ever used the Studio Sebastian bowls.
  6. I hope you find something suitable for while you're away. A few weeks before we got married last year we found our Riley had a small tumour on his nose. I was so stressed that I would go on our honeymoon and something bad would happen while I was gone. Luckily it was benign and all was ok. ETA - I can leave our cat Charlie at the vets, or groomers without a worry. I think its because I know she's more independant and as much as she probably doesn't like it, I know she'll cope. Riley on the otherhand, Id worry he'd stress so much it would cause him harm.
  7. Yes the leaving bit would definately be the hardest dandy. Luckily my parents house is like Riley's second home - we used to live there for a few years when we first got him - so he grew up with them. So I can leave him there if we go away without him and not worry. Although, we went overseas for 2 weeks back in November, and my parents actually came and stayed at our house so Riley, the cat and the birds would be more comfortable
  8. Riley is 10 and since we've had him he's only been separated from us once, which was when he was 6 months old and stayed at the vet during the day to be desexed. He's never been to kennels, or left to be groomed. He even goes to my parents for the night if we are going to be back late so he has company. (although, sometimes I wonder if they enjoy it more than him ) Today I had to take him to the vet to get a tooth checked. Luckily it all seems ok, however if there is further problems he'll have to go back in and be sedated so they can have a good look. The thought of having to leave him at the vet terrifies me. I really don't think I could do it. I can just imagine him standing there, watching me leave, with this horrible look in his eyes, his cries, and me thinking he thinks im never coming back. Hopefully he's tooth will be fine....otherwise I do not look forward to that day. I don't know how Id do it. Is it just me? I know others leave their dogs without a worry in the world. I used to wash dogs and people would leave dogs with me all the time without a worry. I guess the fact that I've never had to do it in 10 years, makes it harder. That and my dog is a complete sook.
  9. Ouch! My mum got knocked over in a offleash park by a big dog then spent the next year getting physio etc to try and fix her ankle. She had to wear this huge big boot thing for ages too.
  10. Great photos - I especially like the smiling one. I love the orangutans - they are just so close to being human. Ive been dying to get to the zoo with my camera for a few months now. I must make a point of setting a day aside to do it.
  11. I love the bowl in the picture with the dog sitting on the lid. My OH would kill me If I paid that for a dog bowl though
  12. Hello Sid! Aren't you cute!!! Love him - and look forward to seeing plenty of pics
  13. Have fun today! Can't wait to see all your piccies
  14. I saw it on the news last night - its pretty funny. And, I love the name Norman for a dog He looks like he'd have so much character.
  15. Week 10/52 - Riley Week 10/52 - Riley by shellandriley, on Flickr
  16. This is probably going to be really hard to explain, and really stupid but anyway... Riley is 10 now. He's healthy and had a check up at the vet about 5 weeks ago. Lately (as in the last 2-3 weeks) he's suddenly started making more noise. The noise is like a sigh/yawn. A drawn out noise, like he's taking a big sigh and yawning at the same time if that makes sense He does it when he's just led down, or while he's lying down. He never seems bothered by it - I look at him and he looks back at me as if he never even heard the noise. Im 99% sure he isn't in pain - he's still running around, and he looks relaxed when he's making the noise. But, the reason I find it weird is that he never made this noise before, ever, and suddenly he's doing it all the time (as in 3-4 times a night) Could there a underlying issue here, or am i just being totally parnoid Im just scared now he's older Im going to miss something and regret it.
  17. Riley Riley Long Legs living upto his name. It just cracked me up the other night when I saw how he was sat.
  18. Maybe put the details up in this thread again too TLC, for the people that can't access offtopic, as the link wouldn't work I don't think.
  19. I waited until a few days before I was flying overseas to decide that I wanted it, then had to get it in a hurry before I left. Ended up getting a good deal on the one I got anyway from a store, so all ended well. At the time I had a thread though for recommendations and the Sigma 17-70 seemed popular.
  20. Sounds like what Sigma has done with its Four/Thirds Mounts... but they are still around including the 17-70mm. I found several this morning on eBay hovering around $450. ah ok. I was trying in store at the time as I needed it in a hurry.
  21. I tried to get the 17-70 late last year and was told by a few stores that they are no longer making it. Have you seen any around for sale?
  22. Murphy - I think thats a pretty cool name for a dog!
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