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Everything posted by inez

  1. If you own dogs capable of killing anything (and I do - see the picture) you need to be careful how you manage them........ Maybe not mean, but some dogs do have more of a predisposition to aggression than others. trouble is in today's society, no one is responsible even for their own actions. let alone their dogs. If you dont believe me, when was it the norm if you tripped and fell you could and would sue whoever's property you were on if it wasnt your own? As for whats happening. as that extract said "“This makes the standard type American bulldog very agile and structurally sound. Theyhave a very strong prey drive and can be dog aggressive, which is exactly what American Bulldogs needed 300 years ago to protect the farm from wolves and coyotes, and to do catch work.” They are only doing what they were bred for. throw a ball in the general area of a retriever breed. Doesnt matter if it has spent its life keeping the nearest couch warm. what will it do? No prizes for getting that right. If a flock of sheep or cattle get out and a herding breed dog is anywhere nearby what might it do? again, No prizes for getting that right. If a stranger enters the home of a guard breed? how many will run up for pats and lick em? again, No prizes for getting that right. Keep a pistol, for a pet and if someone or something pulls the trigger who really is to blame? It too, is only doing what it was 'bred' for. The dogs in that quote were bred for a purpose. When they do what they are bred for its pretty tough luck for the victum isnt it? http://qabc.info/males.html Change the photos in that link from the pig to the jogger whats the difference to the dogs? Notice by the wording they deliberately have competitions pitting the dogs onto the pigs and awarding points. if it was a APB the photos would be of one dog tearing another to pieces. They dont need to 'lock' jaws, they are bred to grap and rip. seems pretty effectively too . THIS is what is infiltrating surberia no matter how cute and cuddly and smiley the face. Well that is until the day one in a 1,000 or one in a 10,000 does it job but not on a pig, dog, wolf or coyote. Then its in the headlines.
  2. the german coolie has been here for 200 years now. at least when we look at a coolie we know what it is until we run into an Australian Shepherd. but at least they not only look very alike are even the same size. Although I saw an identical twin to those dogs involved in the liverpool attack not that long ago and his owner thinks hes an english staffy? that grew incredibly tall? You could stack two and half english staffies just about, to reach his shoulder height. wonder what his dog really is, APB, Amstaff or Ambulldog? whats the differences? besides starting with A? good old google http://www.bulldoginformation.com/american-bulldog-types.html “This makes the standard type American bulldog very agile and structurally sound. They have a very strong prey drive and can be dog aggressive, which is exactly what American Bulldogs needed 300 years ago to protect the farm from wolves and coyotes, and to do catch work.” just what we need to keep undesirables out of our property today. Maybe what we need to do is make it mandatory everyone should to wear "I am not a coyote, a dog, or a wolf" prominantly in future. They were only doing what they are bred for. Although is this really necessary 300 years later?
  3. I just checked the puppy listings Affenpinscher Puppies (3) Afghan Hound Puppies (3) Airedale Terrier Puppies (2) Akita Puppies (9) Akita (Japanese) Puppies (0) Alaskan Malamute Puppies (8) American Staffordshire Terrier Puppies (20) Anatolian Shepherd Dog Puppies (2) Australian Cattle Dog Puppies (16) Australian Kelpie Puppies (5) Australian Shepherd Puppies (16) Australian Silky Terrier Puppies (5) Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog Puppies (5) Australian Terrier Puppies (8) Azawakh Puppies (0) Where? do you find an American bulldog? Just to be absolutely sure I phoned there are no such breed in australia or is it the new term for an even taller APB?
  4. Then the breeder deserves a look over. If these are not the first 'ugly' dogs he or she has released to the public, it's time he or she faced some sort of penalty. Some breeds get a bad rap cause some breeders deliberately run bloodlines that are bound for trouble. Thats the show scene, I know a breeder with two doberman bitches, one fantastic temp the other incredibly nervy and fearful, the one who became the brood bitch was the one that won her Ch fastest. the other desexed to a pet home. it wasnt the good temp girl who got to pass on her genes.
  5. yes, whats gone so wrong. Although an awful lot died under car tyres too in those days if they didnt get street smart fast. But - if dogs didn't behave and or their owners weren't responsible the dogs copped a bullet . People still owned some dogs which were capable of biting and being a bit nasty but they were never given the chance - any sign that they might be a bit nasty ensured the owner made sure the dog never got out and never had the chance to bite or hurt someone or the neighbourhood would take action and the dog would be shot if the owner didn't do it themselves. All of those dogs we used to play with and accept as part of the community were judged safe - as kids we may not have understood how it came about that all of the dogs on the street were safe but behind the scenes our parents and other adults made sure that a growl or body language that wasnt quite right meant teh dog stayed home. Im older than you and I was one of the kids but also one of the parents. Yes, I forgot that. Any dog that threatened a child was shot, no second chances. I remember my dad telling a lady who was worried because her dog instead of accepting her new baby as part of its family was trying to attack it. She was told her dog was not normal and her baby was too important to risk. The dog was put down. Another yes , my aunties fox terrier would bite anyone but her and her family, I grew up petrified of foxies because of him but then he never ever was allowed anywhere outside on the street because of it. he was always "put away"when visitors came as well. He would be raging at the back door at being turfed out of his home.Those beady eyes blamed me and I supposed anyone else who came to visit.
  6. How about this attack in Broken Hill: My link And even the generally reliable ABC like to illustrate a dog attack story with a 'scary breed' stock photo. In stories about the cattle dog mix attacks and aftermath, they used a GSD photo here: My link And then a Boxer here: My link The attack that the thread is originally about was horrific. I hope the injured people recover. I also hope that the owners of the offending dogs are punished. And if I could dream a little, prohibited from owning ANY dogs again. As Staffyluv said so well: "Sadly that statement alone shows how little people realise what they are doing to a whole range of dog breeds and types by stuffing 'bully breeds' into one category. That is everything from French Bulldogs to American Bulldogs and Bull Terriers, Amstaffs to SBTs and Pit bulls all in the same group. They are all very different breeds/types and in each breed/type, you are going to get some dogs that are alike and some that are not.. It isn't about the breed, it can't be that simple. There are so many variables in 'bully breeds'. Education goes a long way these days. I agree with an earlier statement that the owners of these dogs need to feel the full force of the law when horrors like this happen. If the law isn't strong enough, then it needs to change to start making an example of the people that own these dogs and don't protect the public from them.." Thanks for the links. wonder if this has ever been implemented? Or would it make any difference anyway? ""The case that we've seen in Broken Hill which has just gone to court is a shocking example about how the system has failed, and it's one of the reasons why we've come up with a report that has 38 recommendations to try to improve the lot of companion animals and try to improve public safety," Dr Cornwell said. Dr Cornwell says one of the recommendations is that dogs would not have to bite anyone before being declared dangerous. Taylor's three dogs had not been declared dangerous before the attack in August last year. Dr Cornwell says a new category that he has proposed could have made a difference in this case. "We've created a new category of a potentially dangerous dog so rather than councils needing to have a nasty incident occur before they can step in and press charges, if councils or the public feel that there is an animal there which has potential for problems, they can then go in and place additional restrictions on that owner and upon those animals to ensure we have public safety," he said."
  7. yes, whats gone so wrong. Although an awful lot died under car tyres too in those days if they didnt get street smart fast.
  8. sounds great. as well as cute. none of the dogs pictured in the attack look the least bit small, mabye if small becomes the in fashion the damage might similarly be reduced if nothing else?
  9. I forgot the poor staffies and the Bull terrier for a little while grabbed their interest, which in a way was a good thing, english bull terrier's and staffies are pretty much as different as chalk and cheese to the american bull breeds, its a bit hard to train them not to help the burgler to take out the furniture isnt it. :)
  10. That is absolutely disgusting and this is half the problem. The councils can't or won't act upon complaints, they "speak" to the owners and the situation continues. That's what it's like here, I complained about an Amstaff being loose, no owners in sight. They don't have any fencing around their yard. It may not be aggressive towards other dogs but it could well be - the last time the owner saw me coming with my little dogs (on lead of course) she rushed to put the dog on a leash as it was loose in her yard at the time. Nothing can be done to fix this problem it seems so I have to sit and hope that eventually this owner and dog will move out and go and inflict themselves on another street/suburb. It shouldn't be so easy. Even if they do move, I've still got the other loose bull breeds to worry about so do I have to stay home for the rest of my life or drive suburbs away to try and walk my dogs? It is not good enough that I pay the price for irresponsible people, that the quality of my life is degraded. Delightful, the pedigreed progeny of the two first offenders came back and had a go at finishing the job. Wonder when someone might notice the tendancy seems to be proving inherited? There are kennels in America openly admitting APB and Amstaff are one in the same, have been for decades. There is about as much difference between the "breeds" as there is between ANKC cattledogs and never registered cattledogs, both evolved in Australa. Just like the imports evolved in America. Except they were evolved with very different jobs in mind. One is a herding and possession protector. The other is a pit fighter. just a very slight difference in mentality bred for, yet with a huge difference in lethal attacks. Thank god even the bogans cattle dogs go for the legs if they are nice and savage as their masters want. The majority of them either let you in and wont let you out. AS my landlord can attest one very embarrassing day. He had to wait 2 hours till I got home as she wouldnt let him leave the verandah. Or charge the gate and wont let strangers enter. my family have had cattle dogs since I was born. I cannot remember them ever biting someone, but they sure scared the living daylights out of anyone who wasnt invited in. How many cattledog have hit the headlines for bringing some one down in the last 30 years, let alone killed anyone? I dont know many people who dont fear them. Luckily the bogans seem to have lost interest in slecting and keeping the really savage ones, ditto for the german shepherd and the rotti. no where near the status symbol the apt's have, altough as someone noticed its the french bulldog thats pulling the 3,000 per pup these days instead. hopefully they have a sweeter nature, I know nothing about them. they do seem to look quite cute.
  11. Totally agree with you. What I can't understand that there are some posters on here saying that these dogs could have been any breed, but blind freddy can see that they were bully breeds of some description. trouble is its not politiclly correct to notice the obvious
  12. so true it was something else similar to the neo but took a guess and foot firmly in mouth. yes everyone has their rights to own whatever dog they like or love. Trouble is if they cant keep the bastard at home and it maims or kills they should be charged. Big time, regardless of breed . but that aint going to happen is it. I have no idea why BSL was thought it was going to do anything but send every named breed underground. As others have said, other breeds can and have transgressed too. Yes Im scared of the apb I think bearing in mind the tragadies of the past are the reason, although I equally steer clear of rotties and german shepherds, two fast dissappearing breeds by comparison, anyway, Why is that? People have used their rights to let their dogs run loose for decades, now there are much more effective breeds love em to death all you like the photos and the deeds were happening in america before the extra guns arrived. now they are here it would be wonderful if the so busy "Nsw Companion Animal Taskforce" widened its blinkers and for example made it perhaps a 1,000 fine for any dog found running loose on the street without an awfully good explaination. eg,tradesman left the gate open, burgler or something like that. accidents do happen. But almost without exception it seems neighbours have not been happy with said animals in the past, before they went for the headlines. At least one advantage of living in the country such dogs rarely get to the attention of the press or pound,they tend to be shot if their owner doesnt care enough to keep them home and away from stock. Instead then the headlines tend to be someone went into the yard while the owner wasnt home. I remember the calls around the neighbours when a pack of german shepherds was sighted out for their 3rd run killing, the neighbours were caught napping the first two times. there were rifles on every hill the 3rd time they arrived to finish off the neighbours goats. No one came looking for their lost dogs so never know where they came from. tally 25 dead goats to the dogs, 3 dead dogs to the neighbours, 5 surviving goats
  13. I remember watching horrified as an american dog catcher was attacked on the news no one game to come to her aid. Their reputation for making entry to rough areas downright dangerous without even worrying about the street gangs. it began when the bull breeds began to be popular in american cities, it began here when some (far as I am concerned, )idiot in quarantine allowed the first imported pit bulls to arrive in this country. they were never needed they were advertised for years for 3,000 to 5,000 on the main solely for the bogan lethal weapon market. What we are seeing is sadly the norm in america before they were allowed here. like it or not there are nore bogans than responsible people owning these dogs. they used to hve cattle dogs so savage they bit anyone who came on or near their land, the the fashion became german shepherds and Dobermans and then Rotti's. Now one of the most effiecient fighting dogs arrived they flocked to acquire their status symbol. Who cares about the freedom of those like that tragic jogger. Australia never needed the pit bull, neopolotan mastif logotto whatever .... german sheperds were banned for decades, this crap about peoples freedom to have whatever they like is why these killer breeds are here. Grief the neo's and logotto's were used by the mafia to kill their victums what one earth makes them relevant to today anyway? Ive seen how dangerous an unsupervised neo can be and he hadnt even made it to 12 months old. every one around his owners heaved a sigh of relief when he died. Dont tell me the lethal weapon mentally isnt in many of the dogs owners, that guy with his pitti pup was strutting with pride of what his pup could do when it grew up. Thats how I learned how he lost his previous two. People like him scare the daylights out me, that pup wasnt going to be raised to be a good canine citizen even if it was going to be registered as goodness knows what.
  14. Who do you think you are, being so sensible and clear minded! :laugh: In a pack... all bets are off. Even a really great sheepdog, who has spent it's life working sheep, if it goes off in a pack of other dogs, can and will kill sheep if that's what the pack is doing. This was a pack of dogs, not really surprising they went on a rampage, not much else for them to do if they're at large in suburbia really, the only target they have when they're in a pack and on the warpath is people. Given inadequate socialisation, people can look like a pretty attractive target to a pack of big dogs, especially running people. I own this kind of dog. Every time I hear of an attack featuring very serious injuries, my heart sinks because I just know a bully breed is going to be held responsible. It pretty much always is, simply because they're the most common (in Australia) of the breeds that are powerful enough to inflict this kind of damage. Other breeds attack with the same frequency, but can't do near the same amount of damage, so no hospitalisations or media frenzies with them. Bullys aren't more inclined to attack than other dogs, but they can do a hell of a lot more damage if they do. It is a lot more responsibility to own one. I have changed my mind recently on this issue - breed is absolutely relevant to dog attacks IMO - it determines how powerful the dog is and how much damage it can do. We do need better laws. BSL as it stands is daft, it makes even the most responsible owners of lie to avoid the regulations. My dog's microchip is a lie, it makes me sad it has to be so. It should say, in all honesty "x breed, pit bull type". Doing away with BSL and making all owners of dogs larger than 25kg attend a management seminar (with their dogs) as part of registration might help as a first step. Encourage owners of powerful breeds to comply with management standards through carrot (education), not stick (breed bans). Make the required seminar something that would appeal to people, it's easy to make education appealing, even the most bogan of bogans will attend a defensive driving course of their own volition, people like to gain more proficiency in their fascinations, so even official govt. channels education courses can appeal if correctly structured and marketed. The responsible owners will attend the required seminar, and in attending, won't be penalised for their breed type. They can also be informed about adequate socialisation, management and containment, and learn to identify the behaviours that indicate potential aggressive behaviour, and the different types of aggression. The really irresponsible owners who won't attend a day's registration seminar with their dogs, won't have their dogs registered, that lack of registration can give some indication to rangers and councils the dogs and owners who really do bear watching. Massive fines for those avoiding registration. Perhaps mandatory temperament assessment of dogs found to be unregistered (why have they avoided registration? can they not manage their dogs in a seminar environment?) before the owner can go through the registration process and reclaim their dog. Expensive for councils? Yes. But less expensive than the current crop of BSL court cases. It is a lot more responsibility to own a powerful breed, and owners of bully breeds, and any other similarly high drive, powerful breeds should be required to demonstrate they can adhere to the level of responsibility required for basic safety before they are extended the privilege of ownership of these dogs. Requiring attendence at a seminar for registration demonstrates some capacity for responsibility. We don't let just anyone drive a road train, prospective drivers must undergo education about safety and management before they are licensed. This approach works, people who want to drive a road train can, provided they complete the educational (licensing) requirements. Same approach would work for people who want to own large powerful dogs, allow it on proviso that they have demonstrate basic competence and responsibility. I applaud your so common sense approach. I wonder why no one thought of this in the first place? These types dogs were not around until for me anyway fairly recently and their impact has been terrible. your idea surely would have to be a great improvement instead of the mess now evident.
  15. When I was a kid there were times when packs of dogs could be so big they interfered with traffic. Usually happend when a bitch on heat was left loose. Loose dogs is not a new problem. The mix of breeds around now certainly is. The breeds clogging our streets in 1960 were border collies, kelpies, german shepherds dalmation and toy and terrier breeds. Today we have so many huge protection and dog fighthing breeds now here that never were here before to add to the mix fully capable of killing a full grown man let alone a child. Anyone who has bred dogs knows how merciless a pack attack is. Its just not talked about. They are just as merciless to another dog. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/2013/05/27/16/03/dog-attack-victim-s-injuries-worst-ever-seen Viewing that footage, that dog is a ringer in appearance to the photo that proud owner of his APB puppy he brought to me to be microchipped. SO that is one person who had a photo of a pair of dogs that looked like the dogs in this news release who was told by its breeder it was a pure APB . This chap admitted the reason he had to replace his previous dogs was because the police had made him have them put down because they had killed a dog that ran at his dogs while on leash and he was unable to stop them killing it the second it ran within reach of them. Frankly I dont care what breed it is if it will kill even while the owner is holding the leash, I wish it wasnt in this country. As others have said its tragic
  16. There are some utter idiots out west. A friend lost one of his favourite kelpies while moving his cattle along the stock route. eg country road. 70 head of cattle grazing along as the traveled. walking beside them keeping them off the road was his kelpie. she was not even on the shoulder of the road. she was just on the edge of the grass watching the cattle. He was pushing the cattle along as saw the car pass then speed up before it swung off the tar and collected her before speeding off even faster. He said over the years he has lost others the same way. Some people are sick, if he hadnt shot their puppy, he is probably one of the ones that would have run her down anyway.
  17. lets hope the breeder provides them with a lot more then just a puppy. How to properly care for it while travelling should be top of the list Maybe it's just the cynic in me but I wouldn't donate a puppy to a family who lets their dog run off, offlead in public... Glad there is someone else thinking the same as I am... the family just dont seem to understand that they were also in the wrong by allowing their dog to wander off out of sight on a country road. Maybe they learned a really hard lesson... maybe not... T. I know I would be asking for a signed commitment to never leave her unleashed when travelling. This isnt a breed famous for its high trainabality in obedience, its a working dog with a pretty high level of making executive decisions isnt it? EG Do your homework on the breed BEFORE deciding anything. The way your question sounds you haven't as of yet. A husky can come in any color or combination of color(s) ranging from pure white to pure black and anything in between. The eyes can be any color or combination of colors including light blue, dark blue, green. amber or brown. They can have two of the same color, one of each (bi-eyed) or eyes that have two colors in the same eye (parti-eyed). Any of these are normal. Some people have claimed that the ice blue eyed ones go blind. That is NOT true. Huskies are a special breed that most definitely is not for everyone. Yes, they are beautiful. Everybody loves them. And they have many good points as well as bad. The good points: 1. They love people of all ages. 2. They love company. 3. They are extremely intelligent. 4. They are easygoing and forgiving. 5. They are clean with little or no “doggy” smell. 6. They are generally quiet. They rarely bark, but will “talk” or howl like their wolf ancestors for no reason. 7. They don’t require a lot of food. (get good fuel mileage) 8. They are honest. Their body language and voice can be taken at face value 9. They are not fussy eaters and will eat anything that doesn’t eat them first. But they do require a proper diet. (see # 6 on the next page) 10. They usually get along with other well adjusted canines but will take up a challenge if offered. The bad points: 1. They love people …. any people. This is sometimes seen as a lack of loyalty. 2. They are not guard dogs in any sense of the word although they may come to your defense. 3. They have a STRONG desire to run. This cannot be trained out of them.They must be kept in a secure area. They are escape artists like a hairy Houdini. 4. They are extremely intelligent and mischievous. You have to be smarter than they are to stay ahead of them. Don’t laugh. It’s true, they are smarter than most people. 5. They are too independent and strong willed to make it through obedience training. (see # 4 above) 6. They are very keen and efficient hunter / killers. 7. They must be kept occupied. A bored Husky is a destructive Husky. (see # 10 on next page) 8. They shed. A LOT! Year round. Then twice a year or more they “blow” their coats. This takes shedding to a whole new level. 9. They dig …. A LOT! You could rent your yard to NASA to train astronauts on. 10. They need company, either human or canine and will be miserable without it. Though they can survive outdoors they really need to be inside with their “pack”……. YOU! 11. They can live 12 to 14 years. Maybe longer. This is not a bad thing. But can YOU live with a 2 year old that long? That’s what it’s like with a Husky in your life. Know what you are getting yourself into. If you can't handle the challange unfortunately it will be the Husky that pays the price. If you do decide that you can handle the challange, go through a rescue group. DON'T go to a pet shop or a back yard breeder. Source(s): 25 years of being owned by Siberian Huskies. I currently have 14 (15 until one died this past summer from medical issues) Huskies most of whom were rescued by us.
  18. My brother bought a pup who he learned his dad was 16 when he sired him. A friend had hers to 16 and 18.but then her friends chihuahua lived to 21. Is it true its going to become law you cant use a male over 6? But then looks like the dog world is going the way of the camel. Run by a committee, and look where that got the camel. Forget where I read it, but it said the new laws intend to make it illegal to breed from a cat that tests posative to was it feline aids? yet also make it law they must be vaccinated as kittens and thus will test posative so, end of human owned cats and welcome to the world of ferals in one generation. yep. nothing like politicions to get our world straightend out for us.
  19. Hilarious really, that lady in liverpool isnt even allowed to breed even one puppy or her rent will go up and she labled as a commercial kennel which of course is no longer allowed in a residental area. This place is the future. Well unless you are willing to embrace a future with no dogs? Considering the trouble that chap who wanted a APB pup went to go get what officially cant be born anyway. (isnt it law all adults must be desexed?) Joe public doesnt care a zilch whether its chipped vaccinated or even 8 weeks old, he wanted a pup, he found it, considering it was one of ten, the breeders made a tidy sum for food outlay only and early sale, ie 6 weeks, but at least he then proceeded to get it chipped and vaccinated. Which I for one laud him for.
  20. The proposed laws in some states are making these kind of places legal & the only place that will be able to produce pups long term. They may make them tweak things a little. People owning & breeding a small number of dogs in the house as loved family members will be against the law. Seems to be what the public wants & approves. Stupid, sad & sick isn't it all. Weird Isnt it. This is what the old and the new laws are making legal?
  21. Considering thats exactly what both the existing and the new laws are aiming for get used to it. There will be two options within the next 15 years. BYB's and places like that. I know 4 registered breeders have decided to give up. The last lot of scare mongering and that questionair that blind freddy can see is so biased, had been too much to take.
  22. Did rather make me wonder if the owner had to pay costs of 900 and good behaviour bond. What on earth are they going to fine the dog who actually chewed through her lead and let her go? I know I am really at risk of being labled flippant, but honestly it certainly reads as a complete accident she became loose.
  23. That dog would be sooooo popular in New Zealand
  24. I had an interesting phone call today. A lady whose friend rang Mr Couchman and asked "whats the Dogs NSW doing to gain any input to the proposed changes?" Her friend then told Mr Couchman that as things presently looked like they are going, (he believes that the RSPCA will be allowed to acess all membership records,which he feels is a complete breech of the privacy laws.) If this is going to happen he will be smartly cancelling his membership and going back to the days before there were KC's. My friend who called is going to do the same thing. They both believe the only way they will be able to enjoy their dogs in future is dissapper like the BYB'ers. Funny, isnt that just what led to dog owners creating all the different breeds in the first place before KCC's emerged to the scene? Bit like "Back to the future"? Perhaps? As she pointed out, it wasnt that long ago that there were no such thing as "registered" breeders anyway. The real irony she said, is that most of the commercial breeders the libbers so loved to get the TV channels out to film and humiliate have already been busy and built the infrastructure these laws are set to be the only ones allowed, and are going to breeze through this.
  25. Yes, Kindi is a wonderful time, your child brings every childhood disease home to share.
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