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Everything posted by Sparden

  1. Hi where, when and who can attend the tracking class tomorrow? I'm interested in taking a look. Thanks
  2. Thanks for your feedback Nekhbet. Just on your reply. What if the dog is not frustrated, and perhaps just excited to see you? Do you think the trainers advise on not seeing your dog straight away is the correct thing to do?
  3. Hi Curly, how did you go in your search? I have just started researching tracking training. As you may have discovered Dogs Victoria also has links to tracking training centres.
  4. Give Trish from four paws a call. If she doesn't offer what you'r looking for she may know someone to refer you too. Their web site says "Master Class also includes the Rally’O training and competitions." http://fourpawsk9training.com.au/?page_id=33
  5. Hi, Every dog trainer has a different opinion. Here is one that I heard. One possible issue is the below. I'm assuming straight outside means almost as sonn as you arrive home? We do go straight outside with her as soon as we get home. Being a pack leader is showing your followers that he must wait and be patient. If your like most of us you can't wait to get home and see your dogs as soon as you get home. It's normal. When you arrive home don't give him any attention. Wait x amount of minutes before entering his pen/kennel,backyard for example. Once you enter or if hes already near you, just ignore him, make out like you have an intent for doing something where he is. When he settles down then its time to give him praise. A Cesar Millan saying is you need to give dogs this in order "exercise, discipline, affection" A lot of people usually go straight to affection, affection, affection. A saying my dog training ingrained into me for my dog is "Nothing In Life Is Free!" He has to work for food, water, praise, treats, or affection. So there's some theory, and here's a link that may aid in showing you how to stop it.
  6. The main concern which has been mentioned is this thread is the Parvo virus when they are between 8 to 12 weeks of age assuming they are vaccinated at 12 weeks. Parvo is an airborne disease. So yes this means your dog could catch it in your back yard, another animal could introduce it such as a bird or a cat. Carrying your pup to a place you think is safe won't protect it if the virus is there. The #1 advise would be to speak to your Vet and ask their opinion. Then call all the vet's in your surrounding areas to see when the last outbreak of Parvo was. There are many different opinions as well. Puppy Pre schools at Vet's Pro:- Sanitized area Con:- Sick animals usually go to Vets Puppy Pre Schools at Dog Training Pro:- All dogs are vaccinated, and feces are cleaned Con:- A lot of dogs in the area who may have stronger immune systems than your pup and could introduce some sickness. You could go on about beach's, park's, footpath's etc. Although you can see the point everyone has a different opinion. Just remember its the airborne disease you are worried about.
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