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HuskaChi Mum

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Everything posted by HuskaChi Mum

  1. Will most likely use it occasionally only though
  2. Thanks, that's good to hear after seeing my boy lick the bowl clean with no sour looks (if it's not enticing).
  3. I bought a dog roll at our local vet called Tucker Time http://www.tuckertime.com.au/products.asp which has garlic in it. I've heard it's toxic though I was wondering if anyone could inform me as to why it is in dog roll. Is it okay to give in small quantities or not?
  4. UPDATE http://www.latrobeva...w-mate/?cs=1462
  5. The dog probably would have bolted off one day if they continued letting it off. I don't think it was right either to shoot a dog just because they assumed it was a stray, such a young Husky wold easily find a home if it were in a pound. A really sad situation though I hope next time the family get a dog they be a bit more cautious, especially with a breed that shouldn't be off lead. I guess this is a good reminder to the public that things can happen when you make irresponsible decisions, how do you know "Things will be okay"?
  6. It seems like most people don't care about having nice plants these days. Well Done on keeping it alive Fingers crossed this is a sign of more good things to come for your garden
  7. I hope you don't mind, but I have a few question regarding dogs with show potential and breeders. Any info you could give on the subject would be great. 1: Did you have to make any kind of commitment to showing your dog a certain number of times or have it reach its championship by a certain age? 2: How do breeders decide on the best home, do they generally turn away beginners for established breeders? 3: How much experience did you have with the breed before your first show prospect? 4: How long did you wait before talking to breeders? How soon is too soon to ask questions? I'm just curious, I know if I ever get another dog I would wait and get one with show potential. After researching the breed standard for a certain breed, I have become increasingly interested in showing someday when I feel experienced enough in the breed. Thanks :)
  8. Freyja is so Beautiful :) This is Rafeal who seems quite proud of himself in this photo lol.
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