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Everything posted by malisa1

  1. MadWoofter What sort of breed is he ? We have found that our Akita's can and do drop coat in winter crazy I know and sometimes this may be an indication of a cold winter coming or it is just the time to shed. The coat often looks washed out and dry when about to drop but not always. Best strip it all out and it will re grow in time. As long as he is healthy and happy. New additions do stress the existing dogs out it interferes with the routine. We always dread the the dog snow here at our house Kind Regards Malisa Delta 14 weeks
  2. Tess 32 I did not mean funny Like laughing more like strange/unusual. Funny can mean lots of things not laughing funny. That is the problem with posting on lists some things get taken way out of context............ I hope that has cleared this matter up. Regards Malisa
  3. That reminds me of a funny story a Friend of ours sold an Akita puppy on visiting their home saw a rabbit hutch that was not exactly fort Knox. Owners were warned that they would have to upgrade to a better bunny house. Well they got a phone call one day owners found Akita pup with rabbit in his mouth bunny RIP. But owners refused to believe that the pup had killed rabbit "he did not kill it he was only playing with him" :rolleyes: Our Friends said no he killed it but owners did not believe puppy really did it. I would not trust any dog with creatures of fur or fowl. Malisa
  4. Well After a couple of emails to the manufacturer ( I did a fair bit of complaining) and sent photos. I am pleased to announce that CC Systems have agreed to replace the brush free of charge thru where I purchased it from I already have the replacement and just have to send the faulty one back. A great result and a very happy customer. Thanks CC Systems and Pet network of course for all their support. Malisa
  5. Hi dogmad and goldieneale Happy to help any time after nearly 5 years with Akita's we have learned thru trial and error. Just make sure area is dry and clean before applying powder. Our Akita's sleep in the house at night as well. So this probably helps a lot. Out in the kennel runs in day time.........Oh but this hot rainy weather is conductive to heat rash. We have had a lot of rain of late in South East Queensland. But if rash continues seek vetinary advice ASAP. Kind Regards Malisa
  6. Hi Ceasar's Mum When we first got akita's we were warned that when we bathed them or they got wet that under arm areas must be dried thoroughly other wise a type of nappy rash would develop. And also to add a little cornstarch or potato powder to help dry up excess if not sure. We have always followed this rule and have not ever had a heat rash on the Akita's. Hope this helps Malisa
  7. Hi Busterlove Try Patricia Green, Patricia sells all kinds of wet and dry foods and is a qualified Animal natropath as well. I know she sells Kangaroo meat as well. A lovely lady as well and a great Friend. Her number is 54 969 741 Kind Regards Malisa
  8. Hi Pei IN my opinion only 3 cups is way too much dry in one go. When our Akita's were pups we fed in Morning supervised 2 necks and 1 cup of dry and then at night 1 and half cups of dry and 200 to 300 of raw chicken organic mince. All mixed up like a making a cake. We lessen this amount if not eating all. 2 eggs once a week separately and a tin of sardines sans soy oil as well. We add a few supplements as well. The dry we feed is is Eagle PAC power but you will find a variety that suits your puppy. But adjust this to your needs our Male Mason is 51 kgs now at nearly 3 years and Bella is 46 kg in great condition toned but Craig walks them as well. We fed our Bella on another premium dry food and she did not do as near as well as Mason on the Eagle PAC. Although we had run out recently and Eukanubra (large breed puppy) was bought as alternative and the dogs loved it no problems what so ever. But Eagle Pac in stock and at home now Hope this helps :D Kind Regards Malisa
  9. HI Ari I will have look but I have used Davis Fluff out for 4 plus years no problem with the Combs, or slickers but all are stainless steel or chrome :D Fluff out popular stuff. With the double coated breeds as a pre ring finisher great stuff I think it may be that the pins are coated gold to look flashy but not practical ?? Not sure of this though. I may be wrong may have got a Friday brush :D Not Funny really at $63.95 Not a lot of money I know but it is the term of use and care I have given this brush. Thanks Malisa
  10. Hi Every one and thanks for the advice. I bought this brush in April 2007 and have only used it at shows for about 15 mins each time while blowdrying at shows and before going in the ring. I like the brush it is great so I was so upset when found all pins rusty. Great Brush To my recollection I only used this brush a total of 12 times Look I was not expecting 5 years out of it but 2 or 3 would have been great. My Mason and Pearson Brush although bristle and nylon is still going strong at 2 nearly 3 years. Like new almost. And it gets used a LOT ! Daily sometimes. I, like all you guys look after my stuff as we do not have the money to throw around and waste. My mum always jokes with me that I spend lots of money on our Akita's and Craig (hubbie) never says a word :D I try and buy good quality stuff that will last. I emailed the company I bought it from and they gave me a link to CC site. I have emailed all correspondence to them. If I do not have any sucess they will sell me another pin brush at reduced price, so I suppose that it good of them. But would have liked replacement as I have not mistreated brush at all And I have not ever put it away wet. My first slicker brush I bought for Bella is still going strong. Pin brushes are supposed to be better for lifting coat that is why I bought the deluxe model :D See what happens I will keep you posted. Thanks for the replys. If anyone knows how to get rust off easily let me know! Kind Regards Malisa
  11. Hi We have not had a show since Mid November (bald Akita's) and in preparation for the up coming shows I opened my show kit to find to my horror that my near new hardly used CC Pin Brush has all Rusty pins ! Was expensive and was hoping to use it for many years ! Any Ideas I thought about cleaning with steelo but pins are gold ? My show kit is waterprooof and sealed tight and kept in side and do not have problems with moisture in our house ? Maybe the fluff out did it ? But we only use fluff out in conjunction with blaster so brush is always dry not wet when put away ! Any Ideas ?? Thanks Malisa
  12. Hi We have a plastic Barfs shop heated single tank. We love our barf shop hydro bath It is now 4 and half years old and no problems. The owner told us the plastic is the same a wheelie bin plastic and will last for ever, ours has no scratches and we have big dogs (Akita's) and it gets plenty of use ! Highly Recommended Kind Regards Malisa
  13. Hi Spoilt Lab Evening meal we feed about 1 cup of dry and about 350grms of organic chicken mince for evening meal. As well as some other supplements. For breakfast we feed 1 chicken frame or 3 necks and about one cup of dry food. We feed Eagle pac power our Akita's love it. So I would say a ratio of one cup dry and one and a half wet. But I am sure other Lab breeders will help on this one. Hope this helps. Kind Regards Malisa
  14. Hi samoyedman Welcome to the world of double coated breeds We have Akita's We find the shedding starts at leg and move upward like the tide ! No dog is the same though our Girl Bella sheds like this all of the sudden and huge handfuls but Mason is more time consuming bathing and stripping every week 4 weeks now and still shedding top coat now ! I prefer Bella's coat it sheds fast HUGE and quick Mason's seems to go on forever. I am sick of vacuuming twice daily in the house and getting a full barrel every time ! Samoydeman bathe weekly and Blow dry if you have a blaster and brush brush brush !! Honestly I could be still blow drying and grooming Mason now and still get hair 8 hrs later. Our Akita's love the attention and grooming especially Mason ! But it does stop snowing hair and all is good. Kind Regards Malisa Mason in Coat
  15. Hi years ago when we had our rottweilers we used a purple spray for horses and it helped but then it was discontinued. We used to also coat area in Vaseline so they could not bite. But the best thing we ever did was buy a bug zapper and used to have it on 24/7 and no more bites don't know if coincidence but no more bites ever again This worked for years until they both passed away (pts) due to very aggressive bone cancer Our Akita's do not have this fly problem thank goodness ! Malisa
  16. Some young puppies are difficult Mason was a cracker he was as Craig called him a slippery squealing piglet !! Oh we used to dread bath time. He also hated the dryer used to take two of us to hold him and he would chuck a tantie and carry on. With time we persevered and suddenly he started to enjoy it now he jumps into the bath and on the table for drying and is on the table for about 1 and a half hours and loves it. Just persevere and be firm and take no nonsense and all will be fine. Takes time though. Mason is an Akita. Good Luck Malisa Mason August 2007
  17. Hi If you are worried take him for a check up at the vet. In summer night and day when not in air conditioning we always have fans going for the dogs. They have a huge industrial one in their run. Mason lays in front of his fan in the house (floor type) till it is time to go to bed. He loves his fan ! Kind regards Malisa
  18. Pomquest We are so sorry for your loss. Kind Regards Malisa & Craig
  19. We have an Oldfield and it is great for our Akita's and the volume of air is adjustable. We do not have heating though don't need it. Bought ours for around $450.00 4 years ago but I think they have gone up a lot. It is noisy but our fur kids are used to it. So powerful ! Takes about 1 and half hours to dry an akita in full coat. Kind Regards Malisa
  20. Hi We had another Akita puppy here for a while to help out Friends. She was fed exactly the same as our dogs but her stools were always a lot lighter in colour. I asked our animal natropath Patricia the reason was she had gas in the tummy so we made her eat a lot slower and gave her digestive drops prescribed by Patricia. Our dogs always get the drops in evening meal. Fantastic stuff. Stools are always firm and good colour. Malisa
  21. Hi kathyinjapan Mason had a reaction to immunization at 11 weeks. He had diarrhea for over a week and was unwell. Craig was often up for hours in the middle of the night with the poor baby. Mason would cry and roach up in pain and have terrible stools. Took him to the vet nothing wrong just reaction to vaccine. We fed Mason only cooked brown rice and boiled chicken and then introduced eagle pac puppy gradually a little at a time as well as cooked egg and yogurt. Three meals a day. The upset tummy went in about 10 days of this diet. It was the reaction to the vaccine Akita's as well as other dogs are very sensitive to vaccines. Mason and Bella are only fed eagle pac power and raw organic chicken mince and neck and frames with occasional pasta yogurt cheese sardines cooked eggs and a little pulped fruit. And of course supplements. No treats other than cheese or dried liver or fish. This works well for us and our Akita's are in fabulous condition shiny coat and very healthy and happy. Try the above diet should clear up any tummy upset. As many others have said supermarket kibble is only a filler and lots of corn which irritates a dogs stomach not to mention the other stuff that is in there. A premium dry kibble food is the best. We give one cup in morning with chicken frame or 2 necks and a cup and a half at night with equal amount of chicken mince. We reduce the night meal a little bit if dog is getting a little tubby. Kind Regards Malisa Aust Ch Lanzeon Mishka
  22. Hi newnewf It is probably an allergy but keep watch on it just in case. We find bathing the eye in cool organic green tea or normal tea is the best and it should clear up in a day. Vets recommend this also. Also Kojo eye cleaner works very well also. I have never used salty water, if the actual white in the eye is red go to the vet again. Hope this helps. Malisa
  23. We have always had great success with getting whites white with Champion tails (purple shampoo) it is cost effective we only use a little diluted with water in dispenser to clean the whites on our Akita's. It is great for coloured coats as well. Hope this helps. Malisa Aust Ch Lanzeon Mishka 2 yrs 8 mths
  24. Hi Everyone We give our Akita's monthly heartguard as the mosquitoes are rife here in south east Queensland. We also do the advantix spot on in 2 week intervals as ticks are also a big problem in our area and finding a tick on a Akita would be a nightmare. Craig is a pineapple farmer and in the last month Craig and his brother have had several ticks on them some days they find 3 or 4 a day crawling around on them. We have not ever had any fleas or ticks on the dogs (cross fingers and toes) but I do not like giving them the heartgaurd invectermin allergy can be a big problem in Akita's. South east Queensland a great place to live but mosquitoes ticks and cane toads not to mention snakes are a problem. Toad problem is fixed with dettol but the buggers just hop in thru the chain wire. Does anyone know if we can switch from heartguard monthly to sentinel tablets with out a test ? Thanks in advance Malisa Mason at 2yrs 8 months
  25. Hi Norskga We use Champion Tails it is fantastic and can be used on all coat colours. Makes the whites really white only a little is needed as well. We buy it from pet network online. Hope this helps. Malisa Aust Ch Lanzeon Mishka (mason at 2yrs 8 mths)
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