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Everything posted by Jellyblush

  1. I think Nekh might mean (not to speak for you N so correct me if I'm wrong) that Roo was much more responsible to other learning/behaviour change techniques off medication, therefore 'worse' in terms of ability to actually correct rather than mask the behaviour. With which I would have to concur.
  2. haha, yep I warned him, he knows the deal! He knows about DOL and that you guys have saved my sanity and Roo's life. The odd photo seems a small price to pay :)
  3. at least Roo seems to be getting along okay with the new boyfriend :)
  4. cheers big ears, we have already dropped back re. her dose, I reckon it'll take two weeks to fully wean off. during which will pull all stops out re. crate. sad it didn't work, but it was worth a try. as is everything else. Corrie you're right re the noise - think this is one reason inside in the crate is less stressful than outside in the yard for her. just a shame she learned the excitement of busting out of the last one.
  5. Yep perse, brilliant to find the daycare so close. Yep, clomicalm. We've done prozac and valium as well ... I've sent the vid to her vet with a note saying I am weaning her off it - it's one thing to medicate your dog if it works, but why do it if it doesn't? Yes, good point, but it's 8 weeks this week so that really should be enough time to see some effect. I thought I was seeing an effect.....actually, I WAS seeing an effect, it's on film, but for whatever reason it abated. Correct corvus :) The vet said she had one more option up her sleeve last time I saw her, so I'll see what she has to say after the vid. To be honest my preference is no meds and just working with the new crate. I reinforced it today with mesh around it plus cable ties and clips on the doors. I think eventually she just HAS to realise she can't get out and settle? Haha thanks for the giggle :) Roo is currently in the new crate while I'm downstairs...monitering her though....so far so good. I tuckered her out with an hour at the creek this morning though.
  6. Hi gang. Feeling sad today. We had a setback - left Roo out in the courtyard while I went to Easter lunch for a couple of hours. She was on meds, maximum dose, but still panicked. Jumpipng at the doors non stop. I have a video but not posting as too sad for some to see. The meds don't work. Can't leave her like this during the week next week now, so will book her in to daycare four days and work out next step..... Poor little thing.
  7. Totally tuckered out after daycare today :)
  8. Me too. I so wish I could afford to leave her there 5 days per week. She obviously really likes it.
  9. POSSIBLY?!?! :laugh: Ha! Would love an end of year concert! They could howl in unison... They sure do go walking during the day, they are next to a huuuuuge off leash park and go for a romp together each day, they have an outside yard also. Thanks Mita :) Could be a laid back group, although it's different dogs each day. I think the staff have heaps to do with all - all of them trainers. I know (or am pretty sure) why Roo didn't like the other place. It ended up getting shut down by council - too many dogs, unqualified staff paid too little, dogs left together unsupervised, owners told they got daily walks but they didn't, yelled at them etc. I didn't know any of this at the time - front office staff were always lovely - but the local paper did a story on them. Also thanks for your continued comments throughout the thread, you've been with Roo and I from the start (with many others too) I remember you suggesting Dr Carter for me, who is Roo's vet - comment from you is always considered and very welcome :) SO!!! Tonight Roo and I were Roo-united!!! So exciting. For me anyway, she is tuckered out. Here's todays daycare pics, of her and another one of a random dog that is just too cute not to share!
  10. Thanks everyone for your perspectives. This is my concern - that it is the human element that causes Roo to relax properly - but I take from this discussion the great tip to really sit down with the daycare people and chat about Roo's behaviours. Thank you. In terms of strategies to improve things at home Mita, Nekh and I have a plan, it involves work with the new crate (untested) further work by me in line with strategies discussed with Nekh - this is constantly improving as there are so many triggers that there is always a new one to work on, professional assessment of Roo in home environment. Plus monitoring effect of reduced meds. So we have lots to do - and still lots to try. The details and specifics are really for Nekh and I to discuss but they are the broad things. The idea of a dog during the day only is an interesting one - I had never though about this. Thanks for your continued interest and thoughts everyone, so interesting and especially great when I hear a few similar perspectives as it is very encouraging. Daycare pic from today.Can't wait to get home and see Roo's little paintbrush striped snout.
  11. Thanks everyone :) Yep I've been really lucky with the daycare, they are great, they are not all this good and Roo has not been as happy at a previous one I tried. I'm very open to trying another dog..... as I said did try it before but a while ago and it's worth another shot. How would I do this though? I can't send Roo to another home unless it has an absolutely fort knox of a yard due to her Roo-dini escapist nature. So it would have to be another dog at my home ... I don't want to go and get another dog in case it is not the right one..... so how? Could I ask a rescue or shelter to 'lend' me a dog to see if it was a fit? What would be the best way to try this? Nekh? Thanks for the comments on the pics too. Yep - Roo is adorable
  12. Thanks Mita :) She is getting totally tuckered out if this one from today is anything to go by
  13. Thanks Oso, it's a good reminder for me. It's frustrating that she's not 'better' yet because I've been trying so hard...all I've really managed to do is get it to a level where I can manage life through daycare and medication...neither really sustainable.. I haven't really helped her yet. .... but hope that consistent work with new crate will help further... Oh, and batty dog camps at Nekh's house ;)
  14. Mum and Roo shot when Roo was fresh from the shelter....there's nothing cuter than a dog with a bucket head! Mum looking a bit seedy but Roo cute as a button :) She still has to wear the bucket but now it's to stop her crazy self scratching ways ....
  15. I know Mita, I really wish I could afford more days. Good advice to seek feedback too. Roo has lived with another dog, a goldie that is a good friend of hers as a trial. That was 2 years ago though, and it might be worth trying again. it's tricky as fostering a dog in itself is an axiety producing change, but then might be a good move..... I love Roo's daycare. Here's a cute pic from today :)
  16. Seriously - if this is happening Roo and I are THERE. Will literally put bells on her collar....
  17. So a little update for everyone on both Roo and I suppose me as well. Roo is going well in the new crate but after her injuries of late I am very nervous to try longer absences - usually I just sit on front step for up to 30 minutes but need to make that mental leap to actually going out, briefly, and seeing how she goes. The crate needs some mesh on the inside as it is very strong and I'm worried about her damaging herself on it. So that is my Easter project. This week, I have to go interstate for work. It is a sort of reward to be asked to go if that makes sense, plus I was chosen as the others all said they couldn't possibly as they have kids...I felt like saying, yes, but you have partners and my dog is possibly harder to leave than your kids! Haha. However. Roo will go to a friend and hopefully will be ok. I REALLY hope so. She will go to daycare each day :) She is loving daycare, and for anyone interested there are HEAPS of pics put up by them each day, Roo is there Tuesday and Thursday, They get some really cute ones of her. So far I have been really impressed with them: https://www.facebook.com/tailswaggin?fref=ts Here's a pic from daycare, it's so cute :) https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/c9.0.403.403/p403x403/45432_491038260956258_760397214_n.jpg The downside to that is, I guess, realising that the meds are not enough. She does still self harm when home alone on meds. I can tell by the video and also the state of her teeth when I get home - they have silver on them from the steel doors when she's been harming, plus the state of her throat, which she scratches till it bleeds. I have come a long way personally from my first post here, and it's in no small part to having this as an outlet and especially to Nekh, but also to all of you for the hope and encouragement you have given me. When I first posted here, I was despairing of ever leaving the house for so much as a coffee, and wondering if I'd have to choose between Roo, my only family, and always being along because how could I ever meet anyone ? Well, thanks to Nekh, crates, daycare, meds and the forum, I did manage to go on an internet date! And a couple of months on everything is great, the man I met loves Roo, she loves him and is getting her her own crate for his place, plus can occasionally work from home and have her with him. So maybe I can have a life and my crazy little dog after all :)
  18. Hey everyone! Every time I don't post for a couple of days I come in and there's so much to respond to. OKAY to the call for more pics....they are on the way .... :) Just wanted to say - while I don't want to get into the debate about deadlines, I really do feel every single person who has posted in this thread has done so with Roo's well-being in mind, and to me, that is wonderful. This is completely true and Nekh has been very upfront about it. Anyone looking for a random mental dog to take to see Nekh, I have a very cute ginger one here who is available for excursions! Apparently ferrets are also welcome..... So lovely to see requests for Roo pics. Makes me feel I am not quite so crazy for thinking she is honestly, truly, the cutest thing on four paws! The mind boggles..... Here's the pics! Update to follow.....
  19. I've only ever used one place for my dog in Melbourne, so can't offer you a comparison and don't know if they are good compared to others, but my dog goes to Welcome kennels in Yarrambat - 2 dogs can board together and have their own outside run. Staff are very friendly :) Have never experienced any issues and my anxious dog seems fine on collection.
  20. "I'm so squashing your garden Mum" is what that picture says :laugh:
  21. They sure were a lovely person! Katdogs, that is such a good tip. I have some non-slip mats under the washing machine - similar sort of thing might be good under the crate?
  22. ^^ What a nice post :) Meanwhile, I am THE DUMBEST dog owner ever. Have only just now, after 6 weeks, realised that ..... if you put a 2 door crate into a corner....with it's two doors against the walls.....DOGS CAN'T GET OUT! Can't believe it took me so long to work this out! Haha, what an idiot. Roo-dini, I am onto you now!! Tomorrow is a daycare day, but tomorrow night we will do some stays with the crate in it's new, Roo-proof position. Here's a pic of Roo in her new Savic tough as nails crate. No chew on this one yet :) Though admittedly we haven't done any long stays in it, going very gently since all the escapes with the Kramar crate. More importantly - this beautiful new crate was donated by a very lovely DOL-er. I wouldn't have it without this thread :) Simply Grand, we'd love to meet you!
  23. I'm sorry about Jack Roo is my best friend and family. I have friends I've had for twenty years, every time I've had to choose between them or Roo I've chosen Roo without thinking. Maybe I love my brother more than Roo. Maybe. Not sure.
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