G'day. I chanced upon this forum while googling for goat milk in Victoria. I have a goat dairy and cheese factory in NW Tasmania and I was puzzled to read that one of (now) our members couldn't obtain goats' milk here. As we have 2 pure-bred Kelpies (one of which is the daughter of an All-Australian champion) I felt qualified to join you and perhaps pass on some knowledge and experience of goats' milk that may be of some benefit. Now that I have posted, anyone who has any questions please feel free to voice them and I'll try to provide the info that you need. Let me start by saying that the sale of any raw milk for human consumption is illegal in most Australian states. Some people have tried to get around this by stating that the milk is for consumption by pets however the various State dairy authorities have become aware of this and have upgraded their vigilance. As a supplier of milk, yoghurt and cheese to the community I would not be prepared to risk my licence by selling raw milk under any circumstances and I doubt that other processors would too. Even the purchase of raw milk from dairy goat farmers is prohibited and the fines for supply are extremely steep. If you would like me to go on with a description of the properties of goats' milk I'm happy to do so and also perhaps dispel some myths on the way!