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Everything posted by ness

  1. Looking at the collection of people who I know are going through the judges training in our state for DWD the criteria must have been very flexible as they are a real mixed bunch (I don't mean that in a bad sense) its just a very varied group of people from a number of backgrounds.
  2. Guess it depends a little how you train MG - I found CCD harder as a handler and after passing one trial bumped Kenz up into Novice. Leads and me don't mix and since I never train with a lead on any way it was a no brainer.
  3. Bugger you mean I should have bought over a Novice dog . There was more competition here in Novice at the Adelaide Royal then that .
  4. Mine are both small BCs - Kenz is a little less then breed standard for a bitch and there is plenty of room in the 90cm crate for her.
  5. EIC seems to be something you pick up on earlier in a dog and I wouldn't have thought at the age your dogs are at that it would have been the cause but since it was mentioned I thought I'd send the link through. Kenz more then likely has EIC. My first port of call over any lameness is definitely a chiro or physio over a normal vet.
  6. Andrea won UD with a score of 199 with Smudge. An Aussie won CCD with a score of 98. Not sure about Novice.
  7. EIC is exercise induced collapse. - http://www.cvm.umn.edu/vbs/faculty/Mickelson/lab/EIC/bordercollieEIC/home.html
  8. Was going to say 76cm is probably a little small for a BC - mine have 90cm crates. An 81cm one is probably ok as well.
  9. Well done with Brooklyn bedazzledx2 he does as he always seems to do and puts in an absolute cracker at the Royal well done. Bad luck about Strauss Ptolomy - agree with bedazzledx2 abolish stays . Sounds like its time for a celebratory drink bedazzledx2 .
  10. I hear congratulations are due to bedazzledx2 and Brookie from today at the royal and commiserations to Ptolomy - bloody sit stays should be totally outlawed!!!!!
  11. Don't think so Xena - I didn't stick around yesterday for presentations but nobody passed on Saturday.
  12. Kenz still loves plastic bottles especially when I haven't taken any toys to the park because she is suppose to be resting and on fetching and then we get to the school oval and without fail I'll end up with one turfed in my lap before long.
  13. Thanks guys very proud of her and think it will be a while before we come down from cloud nine - I am enjoying every minute and it still doesn't quite seem real yet. Certainly been a tough year and full of plenty of emotions thats for sure.
  14. Good luck everybody so is it an open Rally demo Ptolomy - we get the opportunity to try it next weekend after the trial - hmmm undecided as to whether its worth having a shot or whether I just hang around and laugh at everybody else .
  15. Well nice to see there is a thread waiting for me to post results as they come to hand ;).
  16. I want to know how the thread managed to get bumped I thought there was a time limit on that .
  17. Happy Birthday Beans and Chevy - oh my hard to believe where 6 years have gone - time goes way to quickly - hope they both had a lovely day.
  18. well I was going to do 1 with each but plan B which is more likely is Ness will get to do one of the first ones but I'll probably end up using Kenz for both in the second lot . Do you know if the results have been posted anywhere - would love to see the rest I gather there were some SA dogs who went over.
  19. Have to laugh I have been "talked" into doing 4 routines at the DogsSA open day - they are doing 2 demos and have volunteered 2 routines for each demo. Just can't decide if I try the old girl or just do 2 routines in each demo with the baby . Ness is a little like pulling teeth at times whereas Kenz is so much more enthusiastic and eager to do anything. Improv routines are super easy with her - well if you don't mind being barked at .
  20. Way to go congratulations - glad it came off for you - I never doubted it would .
  21. good luck Ptolomy - sure they will all do you proud and if not the toller tree will be waiting - sounds like its been a little vacant of late .
  22. Here you go the link to the video of Kenz's round yesterday for everybody who was asking to see it .
  23. Ptolomy you should come back to Adelaide at some point - we might get to play on the "grass" there is talk about it.
  24. Bugger SLLH but glad to hear you are happy with the way he worked. As for us well the sit stay god was missing in action today and the injury devil appears to have returned - Kenz managed a very respectable individual round and I think might have been in first place prior to stays but when I got her out of her crate before stays she was one very sore girl . I did attempt them with her but I had a feeling it wouldn't come off and nope she went down in her sit stay . Never mind she got her title yesterday and I am still on cloud nine - today was always just going to be a training round and I certainly know what needs work before we go off to play in open.
  25. I always laugh at how Brooklyn (and Ptolomy's Scoota) do when you dust them off to trial in agility - they always seem to do brilliantly - not bad at all for part-time agility dogs ;). Good luck for Monday - fingers crossed. ETA. I seem to remember a certain red dog doing similar at the Royal in Adelaide that year - not only did well in the obedience but came out and did really well in the agility as well.
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