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Everything posted by ness

  1. I have no idea how bad - only that its torn. He got me to feel it. Its the latest in a bit of a constant injury saga for her unfortunately .
  2. Oh nothing like I was told at all. Hmmmm confused as anything. I am not sure how recent an injury it is. Its been something I have been monitoring and we were having some random hind end lameness on her right (however she has known issues with her left hind).
  3. Thanks - thats about as much as I can find out. I have heard its something more common in greyhounds but other than being told not to jump her for 10-14 days or so I don't really understand the logic to that.
  4. Has anybody had any experience with a dog who has a torn gracilis muscle.
  5. Weasels I was worried I had killed my own thread.
  6. pokes Weasel - did you see my news in OT .
  7. Dova - its good if you get to practice. Not enough practice opportunities and not sure I can find room for 3 sheep in my backyard.
  8. What a gorgeous happy girl. Good luck with the surgery and recovery she is certainly in very good hands with John :).
  9. CBD - my young BC has a confirmed grade 2 luxating patella in at least her left hind leg and up until she needed resting for an another issue (a damaged shoulder) the patella caused her no issues as far as agility is concerned. She is no slouch and is in fact a very fast agility dog and it wasn't causing her any appreciable issue until she was rested. In her case it is felt that the muscles were keeping everything together and functioning correctly so was helping with the patella. There has been a small amount of pressure for surgery because she is an "athlete". If she was a pet its not at a level where they would normally operate unless it deteriorates and starts bothering her. At this stage we are just monitoring things and seeing how she gets on. The specialist however even at the current time is happy enough for me to partake in activities such as herding and we are slowly upping the agility. The bigger concern is how her shoulder holds up. In his view at least we know what is going on with the patella and it may or may not need doing.
  10. I don't give mine a huge breakfast but they do get something to eat. I always think as far as humans go you need something in the tank in order to be able to perform so I don't consider them any different.
  11. nice work Rubystar I am sure you had a blast. My small brag is I finally got to take the "broken" dog out last Friday and do a herding clinic, approved by the specialist. We both had a heap of fun. Kenz shows a ton of potential and the even better news was she came up 100% sound yesterday without any hint of lameness much to my huge relief.
  12. Well done everybody on your passes and well done especially to MRB and Frosty on your JD title. A first title on a first dog is something very special. Hopefully its one of many .
  13. i forgot about this thread - we had a herding clinic on Friday afternoon and if we had more training opportunities I think I could see myself becoming addicted. Although god knows what I am doing - thankfully the dog has some clue . Handler needs work though.
  14. Matthew is great yellowgirl . All the best with Marvan. Certainly would have been my recommendation in your situation as well.
  15. Here is a link for Therapetics to - http://www.therapetics.com.au/ Might as well add them all to this thread.
  16. Depends Esky :laugh:. Sorry not much help. My first point of contact is usually Matthew though. I tried the physio as I wanted a second opinion over a problem. If cost does come into it the physio is a little more expensive. I only went to the physio once we were fairly sure we knew what we were dealing with and she had been back to Matthew a few times so I was prepared to try something different in case one worked better then the other. http://www.vetreferrals.com.au/physiotherapy.html
  17. if you want a good canine physio then I can recommend Emma Kirby :laugh:. And for normal non-broken massages Suzi Drake (Therapetics ). Although she has been working on my broken one as well :D.
  18. yes you haven't made it as a trainer till you stick raw chicken necks in your pockets - isn't that right Ptolomy :laugh:. I bought a premier one and it lasted maybe 2 weeks before it broke. Not sure if it was just a faulty model or what but I wasn't impressed.
  19. Hawthorn Vet Clinic - Fiona and Nick are the two vets and both a good. No issues with getting emergency appointments either. They both seem to know what the other one is doing and they remember the dogs even if you seldom go in for anything much other than vaccinations.
  20. Lots here seem to do food but I think it such a negative exercise. Kenz of course lives to retrieve so I would never consider anything else for her.
  21. wuffles - Ness isn't a natural retriever by any stretch of the imagination yet she never failed a directed retrieve in a trial ever.
  22. Yep nice kind ortho specialist patiently answered my zillion questions :laugh: - he is a find and a half as a specialist . He has explained the rehab re patella surgery based on worst case scenario and best case scenario. I am a little happier but not wanting to rush into it. At this stage we are going to keep going as we have. Today she got to run her very first lot of jump grids in AGES. Patella was no issue, the shoulder hmmm the jury is still out. He did explain to me normally if you were just going to have a pet dog he wouldn't totally recommend surgery on the patella but in a more athletic dog it was something he would strongly recommend.
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