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Everything posted by ness

  1. Well a little birdie just told me that Ptolomy managed to win CCD with her baby Lexi at the 2007 Perth Royal Show with a fantastic 96 . Considering she was doubting that Lexi was quite ready as of only yesterday she has done very well. So she has had a very successful royal show with not only winning the CCD class with Lexi but open with Scoota and second in utility with Scoota. Not to mention a handful of wonderful agility results against some top class competitors. Way to go Ptolomy and Lexi (and Scoota) brilliant stuff. Your probably out partying hard tonight. Go the tollers and go one of the top handlers in the State (and one of the most helpful). Its not over yet as I know she has to go back for the games tomorrow so just hope she doesn't party to hard into the night. I bet after this week (and I know all you have been through) you will be on cloud nine for a very long time to come - just as long as you come down to respond to my emails . All the best for next weekend at the States and congratulations again on some very well deserved success to your furkids as you certainly put in the hard work. Go Tollers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Yes Tangwyn, She certainly is slower then I would like although can have some pretty half decent runs and she certainly isn't the slowest BC/500 dog out there by any stretch. I know quite a few who struggle to make even excellent level times whereas she cruised through those times. Time wasn't an issue. She just isn't your 4.2-4.3 m/sec jumping dog unless the course is a nice one.
  3. I know Leopuppy is doing both agility and obedience. .
  4. Hmm Pax I think not. Who has me trained that I stay home from uni to stop her going walk about when nobody else will be home. Who has me trained that when we go walk we only go a certain direction. Who has me trained to give her treats on DEMAND when she barks. NESS!!!!!!!
  5. Never say never PAX!!!!!! Don't get me started........ Ness would never get a CD title (hmm 4 passes in 4 trials) Ness would NEVER get a CDX title (3 passes from her first 3 trials). Ness would never learn Scent Discrimination (well we have that most of the time). Ness will never trial in utility (well ok we aren't there yet but we are on a good night not that far off) Ness would never get her AD/ADX (well we got there eventually) Ness will never get her passes in Masters Jumping (we are only 3 off our title and while its been a while its closer then I thought we would get). Not bad for a BC who was NEVER going to do anything ;) . Ooops I forgot one Ness will NEVER get a 190 in Open (work in progress, just needs a better handler ).
  6. A lot or was it that brick wall you made me hit my head against half a dozen times or the threat that I would be left on my own to train the rest of UD if I dared to do a BJ in a trial. I know maybe it was your connections with the gods that I said I would only do the COP if I was failing and guess what we failed something other than COP and got full marks for COP. Ever since then I haven't looked back. I even got a bit cocky and tried a signals only COP in a trial since we were already failing but nope she missed that. No more BJ for me. Not sure Ness can even do one anymore as last time we tried she thought she would walk through it - that totally sealed its fate ;) . Besides it also meant on the weekend while I knew she was sore that I could still enter her as there was only 1 jump to worry about in open and looky we passed both trials and one with a second place . Ness also more regularly loses less on a COP (mainly full marks but a few points off here and there of late). Besides I know when we get to UD she will at least have had experience with a COP in the ring.
  7. Don't mention the BJ to Ptolomy that is a naughty word and to be removed from your vocab if you so much as entertain the idea of doing that at a trial then you are to be banished from this planet- isn't that right (although I don't think it was banish it was she would come over here and confiscate Ness and we are not having that) .
  8. Of course LP. Actually she does it way better when the food is large like a raw chicken neck or something or in her jackpot container. She seems to have more problems if I just place a small bit of food on the ground. If you don't have it worked out I can see if I can video one for you .
  9. Yes but our dogs aren't super duck dogs Ptolomy. Hey LP I tried that with Ness as well but I also tried a recall with an open food pot in the middle. Bloody BC was throwing calming signals and avoiding it by going wide. ETA. I tried to show off to a friend last night doing COP with an open food container (well just a couple of pieces on the ground) and little devil decided to help herself rather than do the position .
  10. GET OVER IT huh . I knew you were waiting for me to slip up so you could say but you said . ETA. I took my non-retired but on rest from agility BC out to agility and she wanted to work at about 200% enthusiasm. God she was just FERAL.
  11. Guys say hi to one of my favourite gurus will you. She will most certainly know who I am . You'll have a fantastic weekend I am sure. Enjoy. Wish I could be there.
  12. The same dog I posted this thread for went out and scored a 180 and second place in Open A on Saturday and then backed up on the Sunday with THE BEST trial heelwork she has ever done and another qualifier. Let me down in other places as she was just full of herself so we had lots of things I haven't encountered before like VERY high finishes which as a result were very crooked. So ok she isn't ready to retire just yet .
  13. Starting to sound like a broken record . Well done and well deserved. Maybe I need to recommence duck dog napping plans .
  14. Hey LP just as well they haven't introduced mandatory drug testing into performance dog spots yet - otherwise I think we might have been screwed .
  15. To go with my brag for the weekend here is a clip of Ness's heelwork from Sundays trial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_OHf2_hNaY
  16. Hmm Tassie yep I think she is telling me she isn't ready to retire as long as her leg holds together. Still have no idea what the problem was and it must have been something serious to cause her to not be able to put weight on it at all. You can apparently travel in trains in Melbourne with dogs - no where else in Australia from what I understand. Way to go on your passes with your two furkids. I want to try tracking one day its on the list of things to do eventually .
  17. LP. Yes Ness did well this past weekend. Given she was rushed to the vets on three legs late Friday evening I wasn't even sure I was going to be able to trial her. She was still sore on Sat morning but thankfully we were on late in the ring and she had recovered and warmed up considerably at that point, not to mention the fact the second anti-inflam had no doubt kicked in. So we got a 180 and second place in Open A (up against all the really good OC titled dogs). My girl managed to be only one of 2 dogs to complete stays the other dog who won got 190. Then she backed it up at our trial yesterday with another pass and a 182. She was fifth on count back - actually tied on the same score as the dog who beat her the day before. She probably put in the best heelwork performance of her life so far yesterday. Its a real buzz to watch it as she was just so good. Maybe a UD performance isn't out of our grasp just yet.
  18. Oi LP no I have already told her I'll swap Scoota for Ness anytime - even on the two for one offer of having to take Blaize as well . But yes Ptolomy if you ever want to experience something different I am sure we can loan you a couple. You know how food obsessed Ness is .
  19. I dunno LP even slug Ness hasn't struggled with MA times just yet but will regularly just miss MJ times.
  20. Well done to Ptolomy and my favourite little duck dog Scoota on their fantastic performance in winning Open Obedience at the Perth Royal Show today. Just goes to show all that hard work that Ptolomy put into distraction training before the Royal paid off. Her other non-red dog older girl Lara was actually leading until she apparently decided to graticiously let the young Scoota win by going down in her sit stay. Way to go Ptolomy on your fantastic work with not only 1 dog but 2 dogs doing outstandingly at the Perth Royal. Just goes to show whatever you are doing in the way of training must be working. Success comes to those who deserve it and you for one certainly do. I have never met a more kind and generous person than yourself (well ok I lie there are a couple but your up there at the top). Huge Congratulations and here is to more success for you.
  21. Enjoy yourself you lucky devil. I know Tassie is going as well with her BCs. I think you will have the best time so take lots of notes and I expect to hear all about it when you return.
  22. He should be fine so long as your sisters and parents dogs are all fully vaccinated and of course not obviously sick in any way.
  23. Hey Tassie thanks for the thoughts, Not sure about the bloods she was only at the vets about 3 weeks ago for her annual checkup and even when I explained everything they didn't suggest it. How does one explain her I have no idea. I just did a bit of work in the yard - UD so tossing her seekback and a set of articles. She did them competently but with less enthusiasm then she has been. Then I bring her back inside thinking she just isn't with it and now she is whinging underneath the bed waiting for her afternoon walk. I don't know what to do with her .
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