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Everything posted by ness

  1. Thats what I found interesting LP - I presumed they had done that themselves .
  2. What is it about the photo of the 2 merles on one side and the black tris all lined up on the other side .
  3. its always been that way though ever since she was a baby. I just worry about burning her out but I don't think thats likely. We did a mixed training session just before and she is outside whinging cos I finished it and she still wasn't ready to finish.
  4. Ok I just went outside and did a short session, not videoed as camera has died and I need to get a new one (hopefully tomorrow ). I did one session in the back yard earlier this morning with 2 poles and she was doing nicely apart from the harder type entries on the right. She seems to have a mental hang up about them. She can do them but was more likely to stall out, run right around the poles. Any way I just took session 2 out to the front lawn for a change of scenery and the fact the back lawn could use a bit of a training holiday before it turns into a dust bowl :D . And I have 2 sets of poles in the car and didn't feel like carting set 2 around the back so just unloaded them out the front. I started the session with just 1 set. That was fine. Still stalling out on the harder right hand entries some of the time but for fear of stalling I did add the second set. She was fine with the super easy entries in doing both sets. Moderate entries she was ok but seemed to think she should run and enter in the second set even though I was rewarding her in between the first set when she did manage the two . It was happening the other night when I introduced the second set as well. Initially I thought it was a space issue as we don't have a huge yard/room to train at home but the same thing happened when I took the poles out to club where there was plenty of space to give her a run up into the first set. Anybody else encountered this and any idea what to do in this situation?
  5. Yeah I have done a few days worth. Got some video but killed the camera in the process. Decided I am going to go back to 2 poles and work on the more extreme entries though before reintroducing the second set. I was having a bit of a chat to somebody who has worked through them and they sent me some video of the types of entries to work towards before adding the second set of poles.
  6. Awwwww you meany holding out like that - beautiful little babies .
  7. Hmm did she have a black and white BC called Amy? She lives in Strath and has her own gear.
  8. Hmmm not sure about Strath but I know somebody who has set up a fun agility group in Mount Barker.
  9. Does anybody else find it hard to achieve anything when you have a feral dog dropping balls in your lap .
  10. TerraNik she is a psycho. Sometimes I think she needs a good run and then come home and attempt a session just so her brain is in gear. Obviously we are still working on the "give" . She is certainly miss opinionated when it comes to training - I have to laugh her breeder described her litter as the "quiet" less vocal litter. Well either the extra week she stayed and hung around the noisier ones was enough or I would hate to see what the "noisier, more vocal" litter are like now .
  11. No problems - I have been around a while and picked up a lot of useful information from associating with the likes of Ptolomy and others . I also will say that while I have BCs I do have 2 very different dogs. My older girl doesn't have much play drive and does require more motivating so I know where you are coming from. I was very careful not to formalize anything to soon with my younger one as a consequence. She knows less formal exercises than my older one did at the same age but I know its been a battle to keep the motivation and enthusiasm in the ring so I make sure that remains a number 1 priority for my training sessions. Teach the exercises will come and life is to short, training is suppose to be fun and if the dog isn't enjoying the training then they won't enjoy trialling. I have the opposite problem at the moment in relation to motivation, I could use a little less so somebody would apply their brain into gear a bit better. Just did a 2x2 weaving session with her and it was a bit of a disaster as she was to wound up and thought she should share her opinion with me while we were attempting the exercise . My mum wasn't to impressed as Kenzie was barking at me instead of working and I was obviously withholding the reward until I got what I wanted. Might save training until tonight when we are at club and I can wait out the barking until she gives me what I want.
  12. Not just the dogs enthusiasm - I would probably smarten up your pace with the heelwork too. But yes I wouldn't be worrying about getting it formal just yet - plenty of time for that.
  13. Sorry I have been off watching the rest of your video (the heelwork and recall one) and while the dog does it it seems to be that both of you are lacking animation and seem to be just going through the motions, the same could be said for the retrieve one to. I wouldn't be in a great rush to make the exercises to formal yet. I would play some 2 toy or 2 food game with the DB so the dog is driving out and driving back hard. If you want to work on fronts do those separately. Give the dog the DB and ask the dog to present. I would make the dog think that heeling is the best thing on the planet by having the dog chase you, throw toys (or food if your dog isn't toy motivated). I have nothing recent but my young one is about the same age as yours and naughty me has been in a mad rush to make things formal when if you get them enjoying themselves is no big deal. If you want attitude that will sustain for the length of the time in the ring without rewards you need to be as appealing and as exciting as you can be. ETA. I was off hoping to find a clip of mine but my main focus with the youngster has been foundation agility stuff all my obedience is a bit older and I have conveniently edited it to remove the playing in between . I do however have some video of the 2 toy/2 food game:
  14. SD yeah I think maybe I need another one who wants to train. Although I could use a bit of motivation to train either at the moment mind you. Kind of once I start I figure I better do all I feel like because I don't know when next I might feel like training.
  15. I think Kenzie would like the SFE removed .
  16. Melody so it seems the preferring to sit thing is genetic with border collies .
  17. Mine would be the drop stay Ptolomy - wonder WHY . Apparently Ness totally disagrees with what your saying and finds it much better to stay sitting then dropping for any great length of time. So if they shouldn't be penalised for staying when they dropped does that mean the reverse can be true too .
  18. Does anybody else have a problem with limiting the number of repetitions/length of time of a training session and end up getting carried away with training. I have just been reviewing my 3 sessions so far of 2x2 weaving video and find my session lengths are of around 6-10 minutes. I was shocked to find the sessions were so long and just wondered if anybody else has the same problem. I am still finishing the session while the dog wants more so its not a matter of the dog quitting but I wonder if others have this problem and any advice. She is only a youngster but will work indefinitely.
  19. Ah yes SD but problem I have is Ptolomy actually knows where I live .
  20. COP probably although she loves her DB for the same reason as Ptolomy. More points to lose and less like to lose points on a COP then on a DB.
  21. COP v Broadjump - well that decision is easy COP otherwise Ptolomy will never talk to me again and will get out her big stick and beat me up .
  22. As for hurling or lobbing depends if your trialling at the Royal with class windows directly in front of where you are suppose to throw the DB . The judge did say if you broke one and the dog still retrieved it you could get bonus marks .
  23. I have excellent dumbbell throwing skills so ner ner ner .
  24. He is really good Melo and hopefully he can help Tara. Let me know how you get on.
  25. Yeah not sure it will work a second time might have to try something different next time . PS. Ptolomy can I have the Scoota batteries express posted so they arrive in time for Sat weeks trial pretty please.
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