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Everything posted by ness

  1. There is plenty of foundation work you can do with a pup which won't put there bodies under to much stress. I am not sure how the puppy agility class works at the club you are. I can hazard a guess it would involve low obstacles on-lead but not sure how structured it is. I know of clubs interstate who run extremely good puppy agility classes but without knowing what happens at the ones here I can't recommend one way or another. So the idea is certainly not a bad one just depends on what they are intending on doing. ETA. I would be focussing on encouraging the pup to stay with you without a lead so that it thinks your the best thing since slice bread. I can tell you that whether its foundation agility, obedience or anything else it is a lot easier to train a dog if they are focussed on you/working with you rather than there environment. I would spend time working out what your pup finds reinforcing (whether its a certain type of food/a certain activity/toys) and work with a variety of reinforcements . Make a list so you know what the dog finds the most reinforcing and pair those for use in the most distracting environments.
  2. I prefer no lead at all as I never have enough hands for everything . I have a 1.2m 18mm thin Kramar brand one which I think is good if you have to have a leash.
  3. Hmm RS if that is the case then maybe there is a reason why she then isn't interested in you when the food isn't there . What if you left her in a crate and did something with Millie first.
  4. RubyStar - what I have been doing with Ness before I go into a trial ring is to play the 2 food game with her. She really likes chasing food. Then I will get somebody else to hold her if possible and I will go wait over by the ring and just as they are about ready for me my friend rings her to the ring and releases her while she is pulling on the lead to get to me and I will reward her for being in heel and then straight in. I find a lot of 2 food game as a reward helps with the enthusiasm.
  5. I don't use a stay or wait command with my youngster. At the moment I am busy proofing her sit, drop and stand stays and the only word I use is the command of sit/drop or stand whichever. Interesting I attempted a position in motion drop with her one night on a bit of a whim and because she knows drop means drop unless given another command which may be verbal or signal then she had no problems staying down while I jumped around the place and continued heeling. I will occasionally use an informal wait when I don't want them to follow me out the door or to wait on the step while I back the car out but I am pretty sure I won't use a stay or wait command with the youngster. My older girl has a wait which means I will call you or ask you to do something else whereas stay means I will return and release you.
  6. There is also another product out which is suppose to be better then Joint Guard - goes by the name of Glyde.
  7. I came probably find you some youtube clips of signals which are too exaggerated - I WAS known for them until I got beaten .
  8. Awwww jealous - yep had a good time. Thought Kenzie did well and she was even keener after lunch . Think it will be good for her confidence. Cass thought it was worth putting the effort in to her if I wanted to. Not like her bigger sister who is going back on the couch in retirement mode .
  9. about the going nuts about herding. I am thinking I need to go back for more lessons but there aren't enough hours in the week.
  10. Well done Miss Beans - onto UD now and knowing you you might just manage to beat Ness to a pass .
  11. Yep I have and taken a few photos not had time to upload any yet .
  12. Instant Packet tortellini Jules - I tend to partially cook the stuff and then once its cold it has a fair bit of weight behind it. Although I am a bit lazy and on the whole just use 4 legs or bought meatballs or cheese .
  13. Goodonya Ptolomy - trust you to mention raw chicken necks .
  14. Still at work for a little while longer although just about to jump on the bus and head home as the suspense is killing me. Hmmmm poor dogs think they will be subjected to a photo session when I get home.
  15. Bumping this thread because of you guys I had to go out and get myself a 50mm 1.8 Lens this morning - now want to get home and try it out . The camera store guy said he had a run on 50mm lens and I said maybe its because everybody keeps saying you can't do without one. I should spend less time on DOL it hurts my pocket too much.
  16. Right I'll be over for Pizza on the weekend LP .
  17. Awwww Laffi why did yah have to post a pizza pic now I am hungry .
  18. I could send you some Kenzie photos .
  19. There is a great pet friendly place Hilltop at Stirling. Bit on the expensive side though however dogs are allowed inside. Here are some others: http://www.stayz.com.au/pet-friendly-accom...ion/sa/adelaide http://www.doggyholiday.com/kensington.htm
  20. Yep BP I am in Adelaide Rubystar don't tempt me I was job hunting over there again on Friday. There was a job going in insurance law - maybe I should put in an application .
  21. No more puppies for RubyStar - must save room for Kenzie (and Ness??) when they comes visiting in October .
  22. Hmm Kenzie wants a baby sister - Ness says nah I'll pass thanks .
  23. Yeah I still do live with my parents .
  24. Yep only problem BP think my parents would have me up for rehoming if another feral pup showed up - Kenzie is plenty enough for them .
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