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Everything posted by ness

  1. Hehehe go Caffy and Alex (and presuming Master Scoota was his pairs partner ). I read somewhere that he is rather partial to Chocolate cake for his jackpot .
  2. Zug zug not sure where you live but there are Agility Trials on both days next weekend. Saturday is Noarlunga and Sunday is Gawler. I am entered at Noarlunga on Saturday and only in the one run in both the morning and afternoon so would be happy to explain what is happening and also point out the novice course to you. I intend on having a bit of a watch as my youngster will be ready to start trialling soon.
  3. Go watch Midget's training video while your on youtube Leopuppy .
  4. I have lost count of the number of times I have walked out of the ring with Ness thinking that felt pretty average and then discovered how nicely she scored - case in point was last weekends UD trial which I don't have on video .
  5. I nearly asked you if I could get you to help me with SFEs on Kenzie who is people timid but because Ness was last in UD I was a bit over it all by then . Ah well see you at the SAODC night trial in November.
  6. Hey Zug Zug, It only occurred to me you were sitting next to me on the hill at the trial today. I remembered you were entered but didn't make the connection until I got home and your post confirms it. Well done to both Dova and Zug Zug. Next time if you want it videoed and I am not in the ring I am happy to do so. I offered to video Dova but she didn't want it.
  7. Just back from the trial and I know Dova has a few brags to add for both Izzi and Pebbles .
  8. Way to go Beans, Scoota and Blaize and Ptolomy fantastic work and give all the red kids a huge cuddle and pat from me.
  9. Just finished watching your video RubyStar - Ruby was fantastic . Hard to believe how far you have come in such a short time. Ptolomy has you and Ruby working like a million dollars (and obviously you have been a diligent pupil and put in a huge amount of homework with her ). Well done and good luck. ETA. And Ptolomy tell Rivsky I do try and not sound like you occasionally cos she will read that post and think it sounds like something you would have written .
  10. Kenzie's half brother got third at the WA State Obedience Trial in Novice last night - Go Flyte - Brains and Beauty . It also finished off his CD title.
  11. Sounds like all the red dogs were firing last night. Well done everybody . Nice to hear that River's dumbbell and change of positions came off without a hitch especially after I watched the little bugger think about not returning with it last week at the trial and that he has stopped coming up with 101 ways to fail a COP . Fingers crossed for everybody tonight .
  12. Go Ruby - your mum should never have had any doubts about you, I always knew you could do well for her. Best of luck tonight RubyStar and you should be mighty proud of Ruby's performance. Sounds like all the training with Ptolomy has paid off.
  13. I guess to me it would depend at what level the dog is working at. If its a dog who I know has been doing what I want for a while and its not new ie. when my older dog gets like this during a training session, I will put her away (or tie her up if we are at the park) and get my youngster out and train and then I will either reattempt something with my older one or sometimes I will just go home again after that.
  14. Way to go Dova - well done all the best at Dover .
  15. Congrats on your first UD pass - fantastic work - we are still waiting for ours and yes I heard the conditions at the NSW states weren't particularly pleasant so makes it doubly impressive.
  16. DSO - Kenzie's first trial will be when I can bet my last dollar on a minimum 190 in Novice :D . She needs to learn that sometimes I might need to return to her when she has been left rather than deciding after 30 odd seconds that I must really want her to come flying over . Hmm reality is her first trial will be when Ptolomy tells me I should . You never question her, your life isn't worth enough .
  17. Hmm RubyStar if its any encouragement - Ness only got through 1 UD exercise before I pulled her from the ring on Sunday - the day before she only failed one minor part of one of the exercises. Just goes to show dogs all have off days . I have a feeling Kenzie might not last too long in her first novice trial either as I have told myself I am not going to accept crap work so if she is off with the fairies or stressed she will be out of their quick smart.
  18. Yep you will be busy with the video camera - hmmm can you possibly squeeze in an aussie, I want a Brooklyn round .
  19. Yeah its a bugger - yesterday she decided to blow me off totally and go nope not working so we only got through 1 exercise. Bloody UD dogs .
  20. Way to go Riv . Fingers crossed the remaining two passes aren't to far around the corner ;) .
  21. RubyStar - ask Rivsky she only has one dog entered in Open .
  22. It sure is Jibba - one bloody article ARGH :p ;) ;) .
  23. Hmm Ptolomy just had a good idea - since the gods aren't in bribe mode do you think I could just borrow Scoota for a few trials - would have to dye him black and white though so he could pass for a BC . Actually come to think of it Brooklyn might be closer I might have a chat to Deb . ETA. Congratulations FHRP well done .
  24. Way to go DogSportObsessed and Jess fantastic work - now onto Novice .
  25. Ptolomy celebrating goes on hold until we actually pass. I have a long night of praying to the gods . ETA. If anybody can work out how to bottle bits of a round and then add to those already bottled bits I am all ears .
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