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Everything posted by ness

  1. Oh and while we are posting on everything under the sun in this thread - does anybody have any bright ideas for a broken COP sit. Somehow Kenzie thinks she is clever if she offers a lovely stand from a drop rather than a sit when I tell her to sit - ARGH. Its a nice stand from a drop BUT not what I want!!!!!!!
  2. Yeah must have done S'n'T . I don't think this thread really has an off topic as such . ETA. Hmm 5.5 month old pup with a stay must put stay on my list of things to teach cos my 20 month old can't manage a stay to save herself except for long enough for me to do a lead out in agility . Stays are sooo boring. Does anybody have any fun ideas for teaching stays. I will add its not that she doesn't stay its just that she doesn't have much duration on her stay. I can have her madly retrieving her ball ask for a sit and she will not move a single muscle until released. Building up to the time required for the ring I just find dull and boring :D .
  3. Nope Kenzie just likes to stand crooked but touch wood we appear to have finally solved that little problem .
  4. Yep Kenzie can sit at a start peg focused with no distractions and I have timed it in the past - maybe its not long enough - actually that got me thinking if you want to teach heelwork with perfect attention as yes I am a fussy bastard to please should you have at least that length of attention with the dog sitting at heel. So if for example you wanted 30 seconds of attentive heelwork - would you start with having the dog sit or stand at heel for at least 30 seconds before attempting to get anything on the move. I know I have not built stationary duration attention with either of mine and it just occured to me whether that may be the flaw in my training.
  5. Thought I would see if anybody has any wild start peg distraction ideas. Ness loves to switch off at the start peg so I am determined that Kenzie doesn't follow the same path and after noticing on Monday night she could take 2 steps and would then lose the plot I am determined to have a dog who remains focussed . Tonight I started with a peg as a cone and was working at having her set up straight the first time and also using a distraction of her favourite toy (she is majorly toy obsessed). She did that easily so now I am trying to work out what sort of progression I could have from there. Her major issue are people but its a bit difficult to 'rent a crowd' for distraction training and its probably also a bit too big a distraction for her at this point as she is unlikely to be successful. So what other ideas for start peg distractions do people have that I can add to the list to work through. She isn't really foodie so I doubt food on the ground would be an issue for her.
  6. TerraNik you take way to many photos hehehe.
  7. Ok guys for anybody who is interested I am just in the process of uploading Kenzie's AM HTM semi-disaster - it makes me appreciate how much she pulled herself together for her remaining routines as its pretty obvious how uncomfortable she was out there. ETA. The link of Kenzie's first HTM routine
  8. Pity your not closer piper , still maybe we could arrange to meet on a weekend sometime or another and do something .
  9. Ah yep caffy have seen those now they hadn't been posted at the time . Snazz is such a handsome lad.
  10. :D you going to share which Kynan . Hmm figure 8 must be one of Ness's open videos from somewhere - likely the GSD club trial .
  11. Guilty as charged I think . Although interesting I took Ness into a ring on Monday night and already had food in my pocket but didn't show her, I had been training Kenzie but Ness was being a bit of a pain in the neck so bought her out as well and she was still fine outside the ring but switched off the moment I got to the start peg. Somehow I think I have taught her that the start peg is the place you line up and then switch off .
  12. sounds like a certain black and white dog I know doesn't it Ptolomy - her cue to work somehow involves me loading up my pockets or having food somewhere - I do wonder how the hell we ever got a CDX title .
  13. I know it wasn't addressed to me but for my two - Ness is 100% food ;) - its all she cares about in the world. Kenzie has been mostly toys but I am trying to include more food now since her appetite has improved as I find food better for accuracy as she gets a bit messy when I use a toy.
  14. Would the way you work through a distraction vary depending on whether the dog is purely just "distracted" or whether they are scared of it. For instance I was watching some of the distractions offered on the link Aidan provided and some of the flapping type stuff might have the potential to scare dogs, even things like that noisy monkey toy you had in the scent discrim pile. Obviously there are different motivations behind why a dog might be "distracted"and so I wonder if people would work through them differently.
  15. Yep nobody interested in becoming judges or in hosting competitions. I don't have the time to put my hand up either at the moment. Just means I have to plan another interstate trip . Oh such a hardship.
  16. Ah yep that was a good example of what you do if it goes pearshaped - hadn't watched that one yet. I guess I know I don't do enough proofing (and certainly haven't with Ness) but mostly because I haven't been sure how to tackle it when its gone pearshaped as its bound to do occasionally. ETA. Love the Brooklyn SFE distraction video - go the i-squeaks .
  17. I am talking about Ness not Kenzie so yep the dog can do the exercise fine .
  18. speaking of bringing back the wrong thing I remember the day you suggested I place a piece of soap in my scent article pile and er yep what the hell my strange dog thought it was something to eat . Fair point though about setting the dog up so they can be successful. Hmmm I might have to start with a food bowl on the other side of an oval .
  19. Here is a bit of what I do with mine - I will train my girls with food/toys on the ground - we will heel around them, I will place open food containers or toys on the ground behind them like in the Scooter DOR video and send the dog back. Similarly for COP. Food bowls/containers on top of cones and will work figure 8's. My youngster has learnt fairly early on to heel around with toys on the ground and I actually introduced it right back even when she was first learning. I throw food/toys around when we do stays and that was pretty much introduced the minute I could get a sit or a drop out of her. I have attempted the work up to something like a food container in a middle of a pile of articles (ok we didn't start in the middle and it was closed and I started with it way way way off to one side but even that blew her mind). I think she was successful once but I never managed to improve from a seemingly low level distraction to a higher level one. I know you don't throw them in the deep end and you progressively increase the level and complexity of a distraction (well that is what I do anyway) but was just curious what others might do and what happens if the dog starts making errors if you still want to increase the level of distraction and teach the dog to be successful.
  20. Following on from the youtube video thread with Ptolomy and bedazzledx2's videos I thought I would throw open this topic for discussion - Obviously the videos that have been posted are pretty high level proofing with extremely experienced dogs. My question is for anybody who proofs their dogs - at what stage of your training would you introduce a distraction and what would you do if the dog was unsuccessful at completing a particular distraction. Do you automatically make it easier for the dog and try again. Maybe we could also come up with a list of distractions and somehow devise a ranking from easy to extreme (although obviously this is dog dependant to some extent as what might be a distraction for 1 dog might not be a distraction for another dog).
  21. Well now I can finally contribute to this thread since all my trials are done and dusted for 2009 . Ness: Obedience - keep playing with her UD work and seeing if we can get some passes and as long as she continues to enjoy it we will continue to play Agility - that 1 more pesky ADO pass she needs for her title and then she can retire to just the occasional jumping class. Dances with Dogs - hmmmmmm now she has half a starters title I might have to travel somewhere and see if we can get the other half of her title . Kenzie: Obedience - keep playing with the exercises from all the classes, build confidence working around strangers - hopefully get her into the trial ring sometime in the middle of the year Agility - start her trialling career, but need to do some serious work on contact training and jump work first Dances with Dogs - hmmmmmm well now she got her freestyle starters title and also now has half a heelwork to music starters title so we might have to see about a comp somewhere, not sure where we will go to find one, maybe back to Sydney again. Herding - fit some training in so we can try for a PT at some point
  22. Sure is - think Kenzie needs the Ptolomy reform school too .
  23. Ptolomy - yeah that machine is called Ness isn't it . Ptolomy doesn't do squeaking dogs either as Ness will attest to - she is still wearing the battle scars .
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