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Everything posted by ness

  1. JS - BOM is the website that DogsSA use to determine whether there events are going to be held and is the most accurate (if you can believe a weather website as being accurate 4 days out ).
  2. No problems JS - I am certainly looking forward to the workshop from what I have seen from the TID discussion threads . ETA. When we have a confirmation of event details I will post in a new topic. I can confirm the venue we were looking at is available though.
  3. Not sure where your getting 39 for Sunday from the BOM website have Sunday's forecast at 33 and for information sake Saturdays forecast at 36.
  4. Thought the meet was Sunday not Saturday - they are usually Sundays .
  5. I order it from Pookinuk GrG. $5 delivery charge and usually gets delivered within 12 hours. I see to place my orders sometime in the evening and its often here by 9am the next day. I noticed if you send a stamped envelope to Artemis you can get a sample. http://www.artemispetfood.com.au/Royal.htm My two are on Artemis when I haven't had a chance to stock up on Raw. Even fussy Kenzie will eat it. ETA. If you can't arrange a sample and want to try some to see if she will eat it I can drop in a cup or so sometime.
  6. What about something like Artemis GrG????
  7. yeah sorry I should have mentioned it as well. Doesn't occur to me as my two don't need a life jacket. You can also pay additional for assisted swims and I think one of the vet nurses swims the dog. As I said the vet supervises the preliminary swims until they are confident that the dog will be ok. Mine only needed 1 supervised swim but I guess that might be different with an older dog.
  8. I take my two to the Hawthorn Vet Clinic on Belair Road. Its probably only 5 minutes max from Myrtle Bank. The two vets that work there are great, seem very thorough and don't try and over service. The clinic are happy for you to pop in whenever you want to weigh the dogs on the scales in the waiting room and the dogs always get a treat from the vet nurse whenever we call in. The dogs are greeted by name and not pressured in the consult room. If the dog isn't happy on the table then the vets will exam the dog on the floor (well least Fiona is happy to). ETA. I would be loathed to recommend SAODC to a dog with behavioral issues although I would probably say the same about most clubs. They aren't equipped to deal with anything more than pet dog training with no real behaviorial issues. Canine Behavioural School - the positivelydogs link that piper provided would be my recommendation. They have trainers equipped to deal with dogs like you describe and will also help intergrate the dog into a class situation.
  9. SecretKei I don't think your handling is bad so don't knock yourself. I am sure you will get there you seem very dedicated in your approach .
  10. - yep I should be booking my girls annual pre-training check with Matthew sometime but since they both seem ok at the minute I haven't rushed it . I was over funding his next overseas trip. Ooops forgot to say the pool is heated :D and they have life jackets there if you need to use them for your dog.
  11. Glenside vet clinic have a hydrotherapy pool. Pin Needham's clinic. I use to take my two there pretty frequently over the last 12 months but stopped since Christmas in preference to taking them to the beach while the weather is good. It was well priced and I never had any trouble getting to use the pool when I wanted to and that included ringing on the day I wanted to take them. The pool is available during standard clinic hours. Dogs are allowed to swim on-lead or off-lead and you have exclusive use of the pool area for half an hour. The prices from memory were something like $10 a swim or you can prepay a book of 10 or 20 swims for a reduced rate. $90 for 10 and I don't know what it was for 20 but I think it reduced to $8 for a swim. The first swim has to be supervised and the costs more. They also have an underwater treadmill which is available for use for a separate fee. http://www.glenside-vet.com.au/home/index.cfm
  12. Its good for distraction training only if you train around the outside and do your own thing.
  13. Mostly as a consequence of the way clubs train even dogs with drive end up switched off. I certainly know that to be the case with a number of dogs who have come up through classes at different clubs. Lots of people on subsequent dogs use clubs to provide distractions but won't necessarily train in a class environment. The biggest killer of drive is the class length and amount of down time. Nothing worse then half an hour block heeling around in a circle with a 6/7 month old and watch even the most driven dogs start to lose drive. Clubs in a strict sense are the last place I think you would find a lot of top level competition dogs. My youngster attended 1 puppy class at club but to her it was one big tug session . The rest of the time she has come along and been worked around the club environment but in small chunks where she was giving me 110%. I can see the fallout of training in a class environment with my older one who by the time she reached there trialling class (she passed 1 grade a month) she was laggy and unmotivated and it took me ages to get her to the point where she could go in a ring. There is still fallout from that 3/4/5/6/7 years later.
  14. Only trialled 2 dogs but both are desexed girls.
  15. Ooops bloody DOL gremlins - thought you needed to see that post twice ;) .
  16. bedazzledx2. Not sure I'd ever enter under you either - not sure who is more scary you or Ptolomy . Ok better run from this thread now ;) , before it starts conjuring up images that gives me serious nightmares :p .
  17. Hehehehe - only because you handle too many dogs and you wouldn't have time to be a judge. You would make a good judge I think although maybe not your rather picky and critical and mostly wish to bash the handlers up with 4x2s - well me at any rate ;) . Ptolomy is VERY scary to train with - least for some reason I seem to do better when she has knocked some sense into me or is at least watching.
  18. Yikes look out Tiggy, Ptolomy as a novice judge that is a scary picture . ETA. Ptolomy but you do "dork" so well - I mean that in a nice way ;) .
  19. Way to go TSD and Zig fantastic stuff .
  20. Air Dogs have dvds too: http://airdogs.com.au/agility/home.php
  21. Neats - any particular reason why your partner wants/is attracted to the idea of a Border Collie. Border Collies can be very adaptable and like all breeds you still get a mixed bag of temperaments - both high energy and low energy couch potatoes. I know plenty of people who have full time lives and families and own Border Collies - they aren't mutually exclusive.
  22. Bully - hmmm so can I get a list and do you loan .
  23. Oh gawd - I would be forever typing the bloody thing up - hmm but I do have some of it in a word document . Just check out clean run and there is probably not very many dvds that I don't have in my collection and then add a lot of dogwise . I think I have around 100 give or take.
  24. Big Bugger - lucky this time it wasn't as bad as before but still a bit of a worry at the time.
  25. Amypie Lex nearly needed another one removed in the last week so think that confirmed RS's decision to remove them. And yep more training room is always good .
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