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Everything posted by ness

  1. :D yep know what your saying - it happens when I have had the good fortune of being able to train with Ptolomy and Bedazzledx2. :D Funny I always lift my game bigtime in the trial ring when I travel West and know they are standing outside ready to beat me if I don't do as I am suppose to :D . When its your first UD trial and you know you have their eagle eyes watching (along with Sue H) you are too scared not to make sure the dog has a good time and that you get all your turns just perfect. No surprises that Ness pull off her best round at the Royal the year they came over. Think they have me well and truely brainwashed .
  2. Well truthfully I think the girls would want both Hudson and Zephyr so there is enough to go around :D :D .
  3. Midget BCs are sooo cute BP . Ness's aren't bad either mind you. Yep you definitely need a BC in the future .
  4. Well success I had to do a few on the flat but when we then went back to the jump she was 100% without spinning the wrong direction after a few attempts. First few she went to go the wrong way so I withheld the frisbee. Then it was virtually automatic. I attempted the other direction and that was a bit of a disaster and not sure if it was because I tried the other side first or because I felt less coordinated doing it the other way or whether she just isn't as happy on the other side. Will give it another go sometime in the next few days though. Sorry Vickie by correction I meant she self corrected would go to turn the wrong way (like Zeus did) and spin and then come back to me in the correct direction to where the toy was and I was rewarding that originally by letting her tug. Ah well thanks for posting the question whikta - I now have the makings of a new agility tool in my tool box this morning that I wouldn't have otherwise tried.
  5. Wouldn't have mattered if they were always getting it right I was trying to work out what it was suppose to look like but Zeus was a good demo dog. Thanks that helped a lot. Will have to give it another go and it feels very strange. I think I was still rewarding if she initially turned the wrong way but then corrected and maybe that was confusing it. ETA. And Vickie Zeus is looking really fit for 13 - I hope Ness is still as keen to do something at that age .
  6. Any chance of a video clip Vickie - I just tried out in the yard and I am not sure if I am doing it correctly. I have never really been able to use a rear cross because I am always able to get ahead and get in a front cross but I don't think that will be the case with my youngster.
  7. amypie I was going to say the same - tail is the first thing I look for. Aussie's tend to on the whole be a stockier and taller then a BC but there are exceptions.
  8. Oooh kja - what would you sell the 28-135 IS lens for.
  9. Well to tell you the truth at that meet last year where she was all over Hudson she was just prior to coming into season . But yeah she does think your two are her personal body guards .
  10. Bugger it wasn't to difficult. I can send instructions for the PVC ones. If you get jump cups from Clean Run they are pretty easy to make. The hardest bit is doing the jump cups.
  11. Hey Cassie - Kenzie likes Zephyr to but asks can you bring Hudson next time because she LOOOOVES him .
  12. Jumps are too easily RubyStar. I posted something in Blitza's equipment thread . The instructions with photograph. Took us 2 hours to make 7 complete jumps and another 7 half completed.
  13. RubyStar - yep I was going to say go see RubyStar too .
  14. Nah Ptolomy the broomstick numbers look very spiffy - they leave my PVC jobs for dead . Note to self though if the best way to get your dog trained is to hand them off to somebody else I better get looking - oh RubyStar do you want a go at training a midget BC ;) .
  15. ;) . I have 2 macbooks both of which I still use .
  16. Huski - I upgraded my 13" macbook to another 13" macbook before Christmas. The difference between the pro and the macbook were inconsequential in terms of value for money versus tech specks. They hadn't updated the macbook pro but had released and updated the macbook so went with that.
  17. Ptolomy let LP talk you through Movie Maker . Should all work ok using that but LP probably uses it more often then I do.
  18. Macs rule - I just hit the upload to youtube and it does it for me .
  19. Hmmmm yeah maybe Ptolomy. Let me get back to you. ETA. I know you said but what brand camera is it and I'll find you some instructions. Oh and did the camera come with any software cds??? Oh and one more question is each run taped as a separate file?? And what version of windows are you running??
  20. Nope its white and shiny instead and doesn't overheat as badly as the silver .
  21. I just got a normal MacBook cos they didn't upgrade the processor and stuff in the MacBook Pro so the MacBook was nearly the same specks at a far cheaper price.
  22. Yeah figured it was close - sounds like a good plan about entering open Ptolomy . Certainly worth saving off for the Nationals. Think Kenz is going to get a play in Open soon .
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