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Everything posted by ness

  1. Yep I did buy a tunnel today along with a couple of other agility people. Will let you know how it goes.
  2. I was going to say similar to Vickie but obviously not got the experience that she has. My older girl is all about chasing everything and she isn't suited to stock work whereas my youngster is less inclined to chase and so far seems to have more potential on stock (although she has only had limited exposure so far).
  3. Hang on RubyStar - Ness is my first dog. Kenz in comparison is a perfect angel (well some of the time - other times she thinks she is missing out on the action so bounces around all over the place). As for being left home Ness wouldn't cope and would jump the fence, Kenz on the other hand copes much better.
  4. Hey Tassie Ness still does it at 9.5 - except when Ptolomy is there to beat her up with a stick and then she knows to be good. Lucky Kenz isn't quite as bad.
  5. Contacts 360 is based on 2o/2o contacts Kavik.
  6. Susan Garretts 2x2 weavers dvd and contacts 360 .
  7. Lovely to watch Vickie . Fantastic work Chloe and Trim.
  8. Ptolomy's words before I walked into the ring at my first UD trial was just go in and have fun, focus on the dog, play and make the ring the best place to be and don't necessarily pay to much attention to the judge . As an example at our UD trial the other night while they were waiting to set up the articles or while they were picking up articles I got Ness to do leg weaves to keep her focused but also to perk her up a bit. If you have a trick that the dog really loves and have paired it with plenty of rewards you can use that in the ring to keep the dog enthusiastic. I guess a bit of play after each exercise if the dog finds it rewarding is fine . Our novice recall for example is always done from the far side of the ring. You are allowed to play games on the way down to get the dog motivated etc.
  9. Bully here is an explanation of the 2 food/2 toy/2 DB/2 anything game http://www.nwk9.com/twosqueakies.htm And here is a video of Kenzie demoing it. The first part of the clip she is racing off after 4 legs chunkers, the second part I am using her i-squeaks.
  10. I'd just let it go for a few days and then try getting it out at meal time for a few days, before asking her to do anything with it.
  11. Can you pair it with the sight of the cuz Bully? Present DB and Cuz together.
  12. The other one I didn't suggest last night which might help is also working presents with you sitting in a chair. If you have your legs slightly open in a v-shape and sit at the front of the chair you can encourage a nice close present. ETA. Zamba tends to angle towards my right hand. Where are your rewards stored when you train? Have you tried passing a reward from your right hand around behind your back into your left hand and rewarding with the left hand.
  13. well done everybody - some of us forgot to enter next weekend .
  14. Where is Zug Zug I know she has a brag .
  15. Ptolomy 9.5 years ago when we first got Ness I don't think I was worrying about purchasing a sit pack. Just as well her little sister has a nice one . Along with the OMG I have perfect front pack . Now if only I had remembered to purchase the stand for exam and figure 8 pack .
  16. Articles bedazzledx2 - 6, 13, 0 . First article she didn't sit on the about turn and then dropped it at my feet as I went to take it and needed a second command to pick it up again. And then on the third article she by-passed the sit and the send and just took herself to the pile . Although as I said she has been having issues all week with it - standing over the articles/struggling to find the correct one etc. Did get a few subs though - one in seekback for not sitting on the RAT and another for a missed sit during the signals. Still gloves have also been a serious problem at the moment and for her to actually take the direction properly was huge.
  17. Brag for me from tonight's obedience trial - nope it wasn't a UD pass but I am tickled pink with how Ness worked. Firstly she got through seekback and directed jumping and was still on a pass - wahoo. Her articles were better than they have been during the week but considering she is having serious confidence issues for her to have found three correct articles is a good thing . I was able to get her doing tricks between to keep her attention rather than her going no mum I don't do that and switching off . And probably the biggest brag from tonight is she scored full marks for gloves!!!! Wahoo. She had glove 1 tonight. It wasn't the most picture perfect gloves exercise but she about turned and over turned and had clearly locked in on glove 2 but instead of me rushing her I waited until I had full committed focus onto glove 1 (and even though it seemed like an extraordinarily long time) she absolutely nailed it. Go Ness just goes to show the dog doesn't get the first glove it sees and can be taught to actually take direction ;) . Ah well pleasing start to the year.
  18. Bully if it was CCD or Novice I would probably bother but UD - 15 minutes in the rain when you have very little chance of passing hmmm not so sure.
  19. ;) - ah well if its pouring with rain the judge might not even notice a substitute .
  20. Well Bully you could borrow Ness . Ness doesn't do articles anymore - grrrrrrr.
  21. You and me both Bully - tossing up stay home and keeping dry or being stupid and trialling when last week's training was a disaster. Not like you can fluke a UD pass or anything . Although only problem is not sure Ptolomy might take away my i-squeaks if I don't show and Kenz would hate for that to happen .
  22. Ah shit Kenz found two of my medium i-squeaks which I had stashed at the bottom of her toy box, once you have experienced an i-squeak nothing else matters :D ;) .
  23. Lexi, Cider, Beans, Scoota and Ruby and then fill the rest of the Tonka Truck with i-squeaks ;) :D
  24. RubyStar you just jump on a plane - Ness and Kenzie say its easy they have both done it
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