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Everything posted by ness

  1. Another overseas place - kollarsbykathryn - http://www.kollarsbykathryn.com/ I already have two of their agility combo leads and they are awesome and get a huge thumbsup from Kenz and she has some bling ones so I am getting those as well .
  2. tempted but need some more money and just ordered another 2 tug leads from somewhere else ;) .
  3. ;) and thats always the way while they are the youngest Ptolomy . Kenz still thinks at 2 is always HER turn . I don't think if the dog shows a strong desire to work and as long as you treat it all as a game that you will have an issue wuffles.
  4. My left side heel command is "close". My right side is "side".
  5. Just going to post a scent update for Kenz. Its been a while since I have tackled scent but since Ness needed a session I thought I'd do a session with both of them. Set up a full set of articles out on the front lawn. Ness did her two finds then a jackpot then I switched to Kenz. Well blow me away. Kenz did her wood twice, leather she made one mistake with but when I took it off her and said try again she went back and found the correct one. I then tried a metal with her. Again no issues with finding the correct metal. I did get her chasing a stick and then switch to the metal article before introducing it into the pile because of her metal reluctance issues. Pretty impressed with Kenz as she is deliberately making a decision on which one to bring back. I also made sure I rewarded her waiting while I went and placed the article .
  6. 8.5 weeks so probably 9 weeks before we started playing around with other things. It was all one big game though.
  7. better not eat to much otherwise you won't be running you'll be plodding around. Somebody have a bit for me .
  8. Brooklyn looked awesome bedazzledx2. I would worry about walking into one of the poles in that ring . Pity the judge. Did he run anybody into one by accident .
  9. Sure you will be fine Dova. I am looking forward to Saturday's herding clinic - hopefully Kenz remembers from the herding instinct test that the white woolie things weren't as scary as they were previously.
  10. MRB rest assured there is more planned then just pizza. Pizza was the original thought but the menu plans are more extensive then just pizza now. There will be a reasonable variety of alternatives if I go by Kelpiehoundmums message to me this afternoon. There will also be some vegetarian options. I have to say it all sounded pretty yummy .
  11. My 13kg BC bitch as an adult was $350 or thereabouts (and that was this time last year).
  12. Nah my two don't do duck . Ness is totally petrified of them and Kenz isn't sure what to make of them either . Herding trial is 9:30am on Sunday.
  13. well I just have to trust the pocket rocket unless I want to be told off by the pocket rocket .
  14. Slap on the wrist amypie no reason to be scared - just go out there and enjoy it as its all suppose to be about having a good time isn't it.
  15. I would agree the Autumn International is no different to any other dog show. Justice Shades if you wanted to try some action shots there will be duck herding down the back on Sunday and I am sure the herding people aren't going to be as fussy as some of the show people about people taking photos. But I wouldn't be put off. I have gone out to dog shows and practiced taking photos before.
  16. Wahoo go TSD - my spy was one Suzy on Ozobedience who I happened to meet at the Dally Nationals when they were in Adelaide .
  17. Thanks for the assistance MRB - much appreciated . My two didn't have any luck but boy was Kenz fun to have in the ring . I posted a link to her videos in the brags thread.
  18. There will be a duck herding trial out at DogsSA on the Sunday (which I presume is where the Adelaide International is being held) so if you go Sunday Kempe you can watch some BCs and a few others in action.
  19. Yep I have done Doggie Dancing with my kids. Kenz has her first title - DWD freestyle starters and half a heelwork to music starters title and Ness has half a freestyle starters title .
  20. least you have NFC over there so you can give them to others to run. I'd loan you Ness RubyStar if I was there. Hmmm just have to find a trial to come for.
  21. So I just read on another list - where oh where is the TSD - when does she arrive home from Sydney it appears she will have something to contribute when she returns :D .
  22. :D whats the big occasion in June is it worth a visit ;) .
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