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Everything posted by ness

  1. Mine are both threatened with banishment to the car if they misbehave to much. Worked last weekend - they were both very well behaved.
  2. Tiggy at the rate I am going I might as well just move there and be done with it .
  3. Oh come on SecretKei no negativity about any of it . Just think how brilliant Kei will be and lots of good positive thoughts .
  4. What do you have to be nervous about SecretKei I think I am in for 2 hours of serious picking on Friday .
  5. Agree about the lack of training options here - I really want to do some more but its difficult to get access to stock. Kenz needs more time and exposure before we can get anywhere.
  6. Yep there was apparently a ticket in one of the original emails that needs to be printed.
  7. Love my 400 pocket rocket midget BC . If I wasn't so breedest I'd probably get a toller and still might at some point.
  8. Kenzie playing with her enduroball: http://www.youtube.com/user/ness#p/u/66/yNszFhL5mFM But she isn't allowed it anymore as she was wearing her teeth down. Now she just gets the cheapie kiddie balls occasionally: http://www.youtube.com/user/ness#p/u/2/_hpytJl_Dow
  9. Oh Ness is so easy she is boring . I am sure you could get her around a NFC Novice Jumping course :cool: .
  10. I walked a NJ course the weekend before I had Kenz debuting so it wasn't quite so scary to walk the NJ course the next weekend - well that was the theory. Not many jumps is scary :cool: .
  11. Hmm RubyStar I could find you a dog - if the aforementioned dog would get that bloody ADO pass so she can be semi-retired .
  12. Thanks guys - will have a little looksie.
  13. Tiggy need more than 1 DWD comp - anything else exciting..........
  14. Any double obedience trials with an agility trial on the other day coming up or even a DWD comp .
  15. I think tracking looks like a heap of fun - keep meaning to attempt it with mine but lack hours in the week to fit it in.
  16. How often do you have double obedience trials RubyStar???
  17. Apparently not that OTT Seita . Ah well as far as Kenz is now concerned life has resumed as "normal". A tug session followed by breakfast she was willing to leave me alone and not monster her sister . First session went well and I didn't manage to fall on my butt.
  18. Hmm if tonights response to me simply walking outside in the yard is anything to go by I am expecting blood to be drawn first thing in the morning . Or at very least a torn t-shirt. She was just a wee bit OTT. Maybe she might have settled by the morning . Actually the funny thing is my older one was playing tuggy with me tonight - she rarely does toys and rarely tugs .
  19. Ah well the video camera is primed and ready for tomorrow so you can all have a laugh at our attempts .
  20. Hmm she is learning that dog blankets, sticks and flowers aren't toys and won't be tugged on or thrown. Funny though she was never this demanding when she had access to everything all the time.
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