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Everything posted by ness

  1. Steve is going to get a complex - Kenz wouldn't have a bar of him either. Just as well Pele came to the rescue . I have some more photos but obviously they have lots of people in them so don't really want to go posting them as some people might object.
  2. Yep Medium looks to be a comparable size to the size my two have.
  3. Wahoo go Earl. I did get a photo of him in his crate at the workshop but they were all a bit dark . I have a few others I didn't post last night so will see about posting them this morning.
  4. I think SecretKei wants to borrow Kenz on a rope - hmmmm bloody tart Kenz is. She was very taken with Kei but then he is such a nice looking friendly Ridgie . They had a lovely run after .
  5. Finally got home at last- can't stop Steve from talking once he gets started . Great time. Thanks again for coming Steve. ETA. Thanks for the lunch KHM - oh and the girls say thanks for all the BBQ chicken left overs .
  6. Well guess who was up at the crack of dawn anyway - I beat the dogs awake this morning . No need to rev Kenz up this morning . Catch you all at the workshop.
  7. Hudson, Kei, Zum and River all in the same room - eeeeeeeeeek her little brain will be fried totally. Just as well it will be concentrated on the boys because well maybe then everything else might be less scary.
  8. Kenz thought Kei was pretty special - hmmm geez anybody would think my dog is a serious tart. She won't know what hit her with so many "boyfriends" in the same room .
  9. Oh guys I have the key to let people in and don't intend on getting there at the crack of dawn . I had a tour of the place - and KHM there is a fridge and an urn and microwaves and stuff . Didn't see a white board though.
  10. Tell Hudson she was practising tonight with her BC friend .
  11. Kenz says she is ready for flirting if that stud Hudson is going to be there .
  12. I bought a Kramar brand one which seemed to be perfect from petstock but I couldn't find a replacement one when I went back to get another one after a certain BC decided to chew it. Not that it will matter as I won't be doing CCD anyway. I think blackdog now make a 1m lead although don't quote me on that.
  13. Was that the trial that Caffy lost the 1 point - maybe Snazz needs a new handler . (Just stirring Caffy)
  14. goodonya Ptolomy. Although Caffy did say her BC was the one barking at them :D .
  15. Yep thats essentially the 2 toy/2 food game. I was going to post a youtube link of my girl playing it but forgot last night. Will try and remember tonight. ETA. The link I hope http://www.youtube.com/user/ness#p/u/82/8qnpH4PYl3o
  16. I guess it also depends on the dog. My younger one needs very little to get her attention back, an oi or even just saying her name can be enough but then she hasn't had a huge history of tuning out and being allowed to continue working. I will say I also went through a stage with her where I would just wait her out. We would only continuing heeling if she was focused and I would reward her when she was focused. She was only really losing it on RATs turns and her getting distracted doesn't tend to involve sniffing and is probably relatively minor but I am fussy and want 100% attention all of the time .
  17. Ptolomy - maybe the red kids better stop emailing my black and white kids during the day - first it was Scoota's problems Ness was having and now its CiderBear and Kenz :p :p . ETA. Masons_mum not exactly sure how Ptolomy does it but I would take my older one by the collar and say Oi what do you think your doing. Thing is you have to be totally consistent though. You can't decide to accept it sometimes and not other times otherwise it doesn't have the same effect.
  18. Go Ciderbear - Hmmmm not sure Kenz could manage that yet hahahaha.
  19. yes that works very well Ptolomy - both Ness and Kenz agree about that :D .
  20. Should send Kenz for a visit to you piper - wonder if stock that ran a million miles might excite some action on her part.
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