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Everything posted by ness

  1. I am sure it will be squeakie clean TerraNik.
  2. Ptolomy - no contest but TerraNik if you post one you know I am bound to find it first .
  3. yeah I nearly posted that and got sidetracked its more my hang up with the lead. Leads just get in the way I don't do leads .
  4. have worked out the secret with the orbee. As the dog goes for it when you want the dog to grab it you release it and let them catch and then have dog bring it to tug with. Saves blood and to many bites. Then you just get the occasional bite from the times when the dog lunges for the toy and you aren't quick enough to pull it away .
  5. At the rate I am going Sexi Lexi will be Sexi Lexi UD before Ness has a pass . Hmmm nope I haven't picked a debut trial for Kenz but I do know I'll be hoping to run her in the State Agility Champs in July .
  6. Actually Rivsky you know how foodie Ness is - she won't do fresh sardines either. Only likes the tinned ones. Ness is like Daisy and Zum and just does anything that food .
  7. :p bedazzledx2 - Kenz got half my hand tonight in her training session :D . I have the same problem as Ptolomy - Kenz is NEVER on a lead when I train - leads just get in the way.
  8. I don't mind my black and whites but I do agree they are an acquired taste :D . Even working Ness tonight felt just right, been a while since she has done a nice session (or probably more to the point I haven't found anything negative to dwell on) :p .
  9. :D Bully I nearly lost a whole hand tonight but ah well I think sometimes you just have to suffer in silence. It sure beats trying to tug on her foam ball.
  10. http://www.thewoofery.com.au/cookies.php This is where I get mine from :D.
  11. Well done huski. My two love the gingerbread biscuits from the local dog bakery. They make little treat sized gingerbread squares. They also love the cinnamon and honey ones :D .
  12. Poor Pele - she is awesome no need to compare her to one of those bloody black and white things ;) . I was wondering earlier if the success of a TID session is directly proportional to the amount of blood drawn in the process of having the session ;) . If so then tonights session was a real success. I also have one black and white dog who is making a serious lier out of me. I was busy saying to a few people at the workshop how out of all the toys I have used to train with she really wasn't ever into the orbee on a rope. Well it appears that isn't really the case :D . She does do orbees. Maybe its just my hands that don't do orbees :p .
  13. Ptolomy sounds like my two last week - eeek.
  14. Does nobody else do facebook - I spy MRB down the bottom of this page. You will find a discussion there now - somebody else come and post something exciting. I have had my 5 min of fun stirring Steve .
  15. K9 wrote: Who said you werent? lol.. I did. Oh but Steve is always right - he said to me if I thought his emails were good he was even better in person. He is definitely very passionate about his job and once you get him started he would go on indefinitely . I have to say though he certainly wasn't as scary as I thought he would be . If he ever decided to retire from the dog business he seems to do a pretty good job of analyzing people .
  16. Sounds good SecretKei. I think my mine is along a similar line but also I think I came to the realization drive is unquantifiable and in the end it actually doesn't matter so long as you have enough of it to complete what you set out to achieve. And its also not the be all and end all. Drive alone doesn't define success. And the biggy - I will always have the best dogs in the world in my backyard . There is no such thing as a dud . I should print that one out in large font and stick it across my desk at the office and at home for when I have had a disaster of a training session.
  17. K9: So it will be a couple of days yet lol... God and I thought I was impatient . I have to say there is a real problem with attending dog training workshops and that is my level of dog training motivation always increases and my motivation to think about anything else for the next week or so always diminishes . MRB we could always start out discussion here while waiting for Steve . I was going to start a so if we had to pick one take home message from the workshop what would it be discussion. Any body else want to play .
  18. poor SecretKei. Thats called dedicated. I am sure Ness would go for roo meat soaked in sardine oil too and maybe that is why Kenz was so taken with you . Midget BCs love there sardines. I suspect Kenz would work in food drive if I went with sardines but not sure I could bring myself to being that dedicated .
  19. I'd give it a go and if your not on a pass then don't attempt stays. She seemed pretty good and not to concerned at Dover when we practiced on Saturday at the workshop. I do think they take confidence from being in a more formal situation rather than practising by themselves - at least in my experience. If you decide on the day even if your on a pass that she isn't happy you can always withdraw.
  20. Goodonya Daisy. I gave Ness to SecretKei to do a bit of heelwork with at the lunchbreak yesterday and before Ness started she promptly helped herself to SecretKei's plate of salad stuff which she had put down on the bench . Bloody garbage gutts she is - think its pretty safe to say she has food drive . Maybe thats where her little sister is getting it from. Its a learned behavior.
  21. KHM - I have you to blame for my sugar high the last 2 days - you shouldn't have left the lollies which nobody else took - think I have had a serious over dose of sugar . Although maybe just as well since it keeps my energy levels up with all this renewed enthusiasm to train and not just Kenzie . And Ness your not really my dud dog :D - there is no such thing as a dud isn't that right Steve :D .
  22. K9 wrote: Also of course last but not least, we all owe thanks to Ness who organised the workshop from idea to implementation! I still can't believe it actually happened and is already over, done and dusted. Seems months since the original far fetched thought entered my head. I take pity on Steve for the number of emails I have sent him hassling for details. I lost track of the number of times he told me to be patient and that it would all happen in good time and to trust him on it. Think I was more then slightly paranoid that it just wouldn't . Guess I needn't have been quite as concerned - it all worked out well in the end without to much stress - well almost . Thanks again for coming Steve.
  23. Told you you were welcome to her - I honestly think she would have been more then happy to jump in your car and cuddle up with Kei this morning .
  24. MRB it was only because I read on K9Pro's facebook page and in the end I really took hardly any at all because I hate appearing in photos and figured others would be similar. I took a few of the dogs in there crates and a few outside but only posted the ones with no people really in them. Figured Cassie's head chopped off was going to be ok . I thought those who were regulars at DOL meets and who have had there photos post here before might be ok hence the photo of Pele and Bully. I took a few group shots of people watching on but for obvious reasons not posted.
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