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Everything posted by ness

  1. Putting a new cue on an old behavior is easy and mostly they pick up on it very quickly from my observation. I have occasionally decided I'd attach a "funny" cue to an old behavior.
  2. I have noticed some of the breed clubs place adds in places like the advertiser - a general add saying if people are looking for x breed then contact the club. Haven't looked at the trading post.
  3. We were actually talking about this in the context of dances with dogs and attaching strange verbal cues to behaviors because apparently if you tell the dog sit or spin or roll over and the dog doesn't and does something else they are obliged to deduct marks - if however you told your dog bananas or apples they have no idea what the dog is suppose to do so you could get away with it.
  4. Tiggy I struggle to do anything with either because I always feel guilty that I am not dedicating enough time to one over the other .
  5. I can probably even find the video of the DB landing back at my feet on the ROH. Anne L-H was the judge and I got a rethrow because of the wind and then managed up with 30 for the exercise . We then screwed up the bloody COP .
  6. I swapped to plastic after my BC sized wooden DB was blown back at me after a trial in WA.
  7. There is a crowd in Queensland but don't have the website address handy or mostly the local obedience clubs have things like Dumbbells.
  8. Can anybody tell me what the training and trialling scene is like in Melbourne - herding/agility/obedience mostly . PMs are welcome.
  9. Pick up and presents, fronts, finishes. Pivoting on the spot. Stays. COP. Find the seekback inside.
  10. Bedazzledx2 wrote:Nah!!! Repeat after me..... Bad dress rehersal, terrific performance!!!!! So thats what Ness is saving for me next weekend is it
  11. Yup Lexi's other name was Roslin and I think it came up when I volunteered to set up a website for Ptolomy . Although that appears to just have been her puppy name now I read the website back - but it did very much confuse me at the time . Don't mind me .
  12. Lexi is the other one that confused me . Ptolomy does Ciderbear have any other names we should know about .
  13. Hmm I won't say I thought Ptolomy had lost her mind when she mentioned Jen the first time - I had only ever known her as Beans .
  14. Kenz learnt 2x2 weaving in about 3 weeks total.
  15. Poor Beans . Give her a hug from me Ptolomy. Hope she is ok soon.
  16. RubyStar get hold of SGs 2x2 dvd. Makes teaching weaving a piece of cake.
  17. I think Ptolomy has mentioned to me before that she has given a wrong command and the dog has still done it. I remember giving the command to "find" on a seekback at a trial one day when my command is "seek" and the dog went out 5m started hunting intently. She did eventually head off on the track but boy was I kicking myself when I was walking back up for DJ when I knew what I had done. This dog usually races off after a seekback. As for my commands I use "find" for articles, "seek" for seekback and my other fetch commands for gloves and dumbbell on the flat is a generic "go". Came out of the fact I use to say "go fetch" and the fetch didn't stick but the go did. My ROH command is "over". Mostly because we have done so much agility there was a reward history associated with that command and the first time I threw the DB and said over she raced out and bought the DB back.
  18. Ptolomy - yep think Ness could add a few to that considering directed jumping was one exercise she always got in training and promptly failed in the ring on more then 1 occasion. Tonight it was 101 ways to do signals COP . ETA. I didn't fair quite as well in our first UD trial but we did get as far as the second article and was still on a pass then she goofed 1 article and didn't sit up in that bloody COP .
  19. think it was poor steve. I swear steve probably was going by the end of it not another email from that crazy person again . Still surprised I didn't put him off with all my emails. Glad people appreciated my arranging it.
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