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Everything posted by ness

  1. Thanks for the congrats guys - for anybody who wants to watch here is the video of both her runs from last night .
  2. oh yes she had lots of fun. Ran a lovely JDO round but unfortunately popped the weavers the first time :p I had to laugh she wasn't going to wait at the startline in her JD run so I made her line up a second time and then I went and did my lead out and then the timer stuffed so I had to return to her and repeat it all again. Not a nice course - there was a spread and a bar and to get the best line to the third jump you had to set them up on a very tight angle to the spread. Nobody else was game enough to do the 2 bar lead out and Kenz nailed it. There were a few little messy bits to it but all things considered she really must have been flying to get the time she did .
  3. Brag time from me - Kenz won Novice Jumping tonight and in the process finished off her JD title. Lovely run and I am so proud of my little midget dog . Way to go Kenz :p.
  4. Depends on the judge when it comes to setting novice games courses. Some just seem to dump obstacles out there with little regard for flow. A lot of our gamblers judges like to make it a little more difficult too by insisting you start on a particular obstacle. Snooker can be a little variable - some of the really tight courses aren't very nice for young dogs and neither are some of the really really open courses. The don't really understand what the game is about and it can end up in frustration.
  5. Hmm DSO you could but I found it really confused my baby dog and probably won't be in any great hurry to do games again with her for a little while.
  6. Hmmm Staranais the Aussie dog ones are ok to play tug with and I have also tugged with the triple crown foam ones. They seem to last (well at least more than 1 or 2 tugs). I had a triple crown one that lasted for about a month with regular fetching and tugging. I know a friend has had multiple borders tugging off the aussie dog ones and they have lasted ages. http://www.aussiedog.com.au/products/dog_r..._discs/dog_disc http://hubpages.com/hub/Best-Dog-Frisbees ETA. I had a squirrel one like the one above and it didn't hold up to tugging at all.
  7. Not strictly related to 2x2 but my older girl was trained in agility only using food as a reward and she has reasonably fast weavers (I certainly wouldn't consider them slow). She was trained using a combination of 2x2 (before the DVD came out as we are talking years ago now), luring and a million ways. I went to 2x2 with her because I wasn't happy with her entrances and then we added 2 poles at a time. She was only ever rewarded for completing the poles with food.
  8. RubyStar - you could have a chat to Simone she used 4 on the floor with Cypher (think she might still use it but not sure).
  9. We all want video of huski using a Krispy Kreme as a frisbee . But what if Krispy Kreme is no more - hmmmmmmmmm what will huski use then.
  10. pity Staranais that she can't seem to keep jumps up to save herself . Last night we had some absolutely lightening fast weaving nailing entrances at full speed and it was wonderful. I did get a little lazy with doing weaving and extreme entrances and found her extreme entrances dropped off a little. I trained her to the point where I could stand up the far end of the weavers and send her through but the last few weeks she has picked up another notch in speed and we are losing entrances and popping exits. She occasionally as a little too much drive through the poles that she gets caught up in the final pole. Still she is only a baby and we have plenty of time to work through all that.
  11. Huski SG uses food to shape the preliminary stages and throws food as a reward. It helps if you have something you can throw and I guess a toy you can throw further than you can food. By the time your sending them through 6 poles and varying your position its just easier. You could I guess use a food pouch or something and still throw that and then run to the dog and reward. I know from some of the SG one jump videos she recommends that as an alternative for dogs who are food motivated rather than toy motivated.
  12. Here you go Staranais - this is my midget girls first competition trial run with weavers - funny I ran my older girl on the same course and she messed up the weaving entrance . http://www.youtube.com/user/ness#p/u/21/V-uaX2K1X9w It was also the first time she had seen striped stick in the ground weaving poles. I was a little concerned about them but she was fine.
  13. I used 2x2 with Kenz and she flies through her weavers and loves her weaving. I wouldn't use any other method .
  14. Awwww Pea is gorgeous Tiggy - wish you all the best with him .
  15. :p but then it wouldn't be a toller mobile if you had it Tiggy it would be a staffie mobile :p . So how many minutes until you leave to collect Pea - are you counting LOL.
  16. Hmmm RS - dog 3 will probably come with dog 1 is retired permanently (oh and I get a job and find a place to live :p ). Ptolomy tells me its unlikely I'll branch out from another B+W but hmmm dunno yet :p ;) .
  17. Nothing wrong with my Mazda 3 - I can cart around enough jumps for a GD box, a tunnel, my baseplated weavers, the 2 dogs, my gazebo, 2 crates and all other assorted training gear (both obedience and agility) and still have room for dog 3 :p .
  18. I had to request a tape measure when I went car shopping so I could measure the boot space and determine whether I could fit my weaving base plates in there :p . Mine is full of dog gear and maybe I should have got something other than a Mazda3 but it seems to fit me and the girls ok :p .
  19. Nice work Luke W - awesome contacts . Congrats on all your passes you certainly seemed to have a very good weekend.
  20. yep the day will drag just be thankful you have to only wait until 2. Kenz didn't get off the plane until around 9:30 and OMG it was a very long day. Especially when she was raring to go for a play and I was ready for a nap . Agree though photos are a must :D .
  21. What time does Pea fly in Tiggy?? Bet you get absolutely nothing done today and check the clock a million times .
  22. Hmmmm LP isn't that the second time you have ended up on your backside whilst running Kinta this year - has she put in a request for a new handler yet . Sorry couldn't resist. Well done again.
  23. Congrats LP on both Leo and Kinta's performances over the weekend - nice to see them perform so well in a wide variety of disciplines. Well done .
  24. ok here is the link to SG's blog - http://susangarrettdogagility.com/2010/10/...ak-performance/ And here is the link to the other guys blog - http://cognitive-edge.ca/
  25. Has anybody else been following the SG blog and the link to the John Cullen website on Peak Performance. There was discussion on there about pre-ring routines in the context of agility and how little thought people seem to give to being able to provide details when asked about those performances which have been better then normal. I found it very interesting reading.
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