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Everything posted by ness

  1. I have 2 Borders both of who are trialling so I am usually located over by the trial rings on a Tuesday night. Older one is in UD and the younger one in novice. Do you train agility at SA as well????
  2. I train at SAODC and ADCSA (well when I am motivated enough to get there - not very often lately :D ). Your welcome to borrow my copies of anything if your happy to organize getting them and returning them and abide by the replace if damaged policy .
  3. Rileys mum the other option is not sure which club you train at but a number of people around the place have bought the various DVDs and might be happy to loan them to you. I know my collection often gets loaned out to people on the condition that if they get damaged they are to replace them. Have had no issues with any of them yet and have had none go missing or be damaged. The few I haven't purchased I have been able to borrow from friends because they have borrowed mine so been able to put the money towards purchasing other dvds. Most of mine I have watched a few times and then just sit on the shelf collecting dust until somebody wishes to borrow them.
  4. One thing that might help break the pattern huski is try setting her up on the right and also standing a little behind her and releasing daisy when she is looking forward. The other thing which can help is putting a target out in front and releasing her when she is focusing on the target (might not help though if she won't look at it because you have proofed it in the context of obedience). The Susan Salo jump grids are good for teaching the dog to look down a line of jumps - they mostly either use a toy reward placed at the end of the grid or food placed at the end of the grid.
  5. RubyStar if you have access to a table you can always prop up the down end of the see-saw and rest it on that and then you can still C/T the dog for the bang game off the table . I have also held a full height see-saw so its lower once the dog understands what you want.
  6. Not Vickie Ptolomy but I taught Kenz she could jump on and off the dogwalk and I didn't find that she would do it excessively. After you have taught them to jump on and off then what I did was start back chaining the contact position. Dog is only getting rewarded for stopping in position so why would they continue to jump on and off . The behavior isn't rewarded so it extinguishes.
  7. I usually put a cue for a hand touch on rather early because they seem to get it within one or two sessions. With articles I don't worry about putting a cue on it until the dog is picking it up off the ground and placing it in my hand.
  8. RubyStar maybe you should play some of the bang game with Ruby. I did a lot of that with Kenz on a baby see-saw prior to even introducing a dogwalk. That way I wasn't too worried if she decided to go up a see-saw if there should be one out. She did race up the end of it full speed and came straight off the end of the see-saw but it was no big deal she knew she could jump all over it and there was nothing to be worried about.
  9. We use the Hawthorn Vet Clinic on Belair Road and have no problems with either of the two vets there.
  10. We have always had a real tree every year. We just moved it to a room that could be closed off when we weren't around to supervise. Also made sure all the more valuable ornaments were located up higher when they were pups and we lost a few cheaper ones that got pinched off the lower branches. ETA A few photos
  11. Hmm Ptolomy think I will write a UD version of that same book specifically for Ness . Sigh.
  12. Dances with Dogs is fun . I gotta finish this HTM.S title next year somewhere - might come to WA :D .
  13. What no agility on the agenda for Rory next year Tassie :D .
  14. I have a comfortflex harness in lab size .
  15. yes only if Jedi teaches her how to do 2o2o contacts. Although hmmm do you think you could get her away from Soaks long enough for her to actually get her to teach Jedi anything at all . ETA. Maybe I should get Kenz to teach Ness who seems to have forgotten that she is suppose to be working an article pile when sent not going out to check out the nearest hedge on the off chance she might find food.
  16. Have any of you experienced teaching an exercise where the dog picks it up far quicker then you thought - thinking some of the more complicated exercises. I have run maybe half a dozen training sessions on scent articles with Kenz - just went out and ran another one a moment ago - 4 unscented woods, 4 unscented metals and she was 100% finding the correctly scented wood or metal. I thought she was just watching where I placed it but even if I had her sit while I placed it then went back and released her to play tug and then set her up again to find the article she still found the correct one. There was also no double checking - she would sniff the incorrect ones and then move on until she found the correct one and then return with that one immediately. Its not even as though the correct article has residual food scent on it since I am rewarding her with a tug not food. Nothing that would make the correct article any more enticing then any of the others really. Very strange. ETA. TerraNik well that was one of them but I presumed it might take me longer then a session to teach LOL. Think we might have that one dusted inside a week or so. Now to work on leather and then start adding the leather. That confused her just before so will do that separately and make the pile a little smaller.
  17. well the old girl has a Strat Pairs Date for our NYE trial if I decide to go . Hmmm will have to give it some thought.
  18. TerraNik you think I am going to tell you - I could but then I'd have to murder you .
  19. ;) your summer projects all make mine look a little ambitious .
  20. So what are people's training plans for the "summer break". Are you training dogs/giving them a holiday? I sat down last night and drew up a timetable for the rest of Nov/Dec/Jan until we start back again. Think its called some major procrastination .
  21. ;) sorry RS - I gotta make my way to WA for her to pair Ruby . Yeah tell me about the $$$$$ - maybe I should plant a money tree.
  22. Oooh yes you could . Hmmm its my birthday too is that enough incentive to come ;) . LOL we could put Jedi and Kenz in Strat Pairs for a laugh. Kenz would just have to do the weaving LOL.
  23. So you going to come RubyStar - its Strategic Pairs and Jumping on offer along with obedience this year . I could almost be tempted into going ;) .
  24. ;) TerraNik you should come - you would be most welcome .
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