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Everything posted by ness

  1. Nawww like tollers with legs though Ptolomy .
  2. Go Cider and Strauss. Hmmm Ptolomy think I should send Kenz to you I suck at teaching Open I have decided after watching Cider.
  3. Yeah bloody dog likes to remove bees from the yard - had to lock her inside after I had watered the other day because she was racing around the yard catching them .
  4. RubyStar you need Kenz. She removes all the bees from the yard before you start training and if you have missed one she will remove it when released to a reward .
  5. Kenz will just save it for the trial ring when we get there. Then it will be like mum I have never trained a UD exercise in my life .
  6. God its scary - we went back out tonight to a different oval repeated 3 seekbacks and 3 sendaways and they were perfect. I am convinced it will all go pearshaped when I eventually get to trialling her but at the moment Kenz just can't put a foot wrong with her UD work. Scary!!!! Especially since this little girl only has 1 CCD pass to her name so far LOL. She is doing it better than her sister who has been trialling in UD for years with still no pass LOL.
  7. Agree with bedazzledx2 once you have the foundations in place for both the rest seems to come very easily. Very early on it was suggested to me that one of the most important things you can teach a baby is to want to work with you and pay attention to you. So go to lots of difference places have a short game and repeat. Pays off for both agility and obedience .
  8. yeah I pay rent I am just house sitting for however many days a week they want to come back to the city place. Seems like a fair deal . They did suggest it would be a better idea if I moved my agility stuff to the country place and came and visited it up there. Well guess it has a retirement home for when I don't need to practice on it quite as often LOL.
  9. well my parents were getting a little sick of dodging my gear but I solved that problem - they moved out at the end of last year .
  10. I would suggest people are aware of their particular dogs limitations and aware of the environment and nobody is forced into attending so I guess its just more a case of if you aren't comfortable then you don't go. People seem to be aware of the dogs that might have issues in that environment so maybe you have to make your own decisions as to whether your dog is appropriate for the environment presented. There are other alternatives for getting together and allowing dogs to socialise and there is nothing stopping people from arranging their own private play dates for their dogs if they feel they want to socialise. If you feel the need to attend then you can always do as Snook says and leave your dog at home and just come and socialise with the humans. I think that is in part what creates issues at dog parks. People go to socialise and tend to get distracted from supervising their dog. I think in part that is probably what happens a little at DOL meets (from the few I have attended).
  11. I figured the see saw is the one that I can't seem to get enough training time on so easier to get one so I can train it at home . Surprised my parents happily agreed thought they would protest at the thought of more "garden furniture".
  12. :D yep huski my see-saw is my 29th birthday pressie how sad eh . Hoping to get a contact trainer as well but will settle on just a see-saw .
  13. Just watch out huski - next it will be a set of weavers, some jumps and then you start collecting contact equipment and your well and truely addicted . Still itchy about my see-saw arrival date - hopefully next week :D .
  14. WA - most of the dog park threads have mentioned balls but they also equally mention just as frequently people taking food treats as well and that causing problems. Hence my comment about if you really wanted to avoid potential areas of conflict then you would also prevent people taking food.
  15. Wahoo clever Kinta. Kenz did 3 tonight and I was in shock I got 2 full length ones - relatively simple but even when we headed down to the far end where I had the box set up and I sent her she raced off to the start peg at a million miles an hour even straight through the box as though it wasn't there and threw herself on the seekback. What I was even more in shock by was the fact we then did 3 sendaways immediately after and she didn't skip a beat. First one I sort of let her offer going to the box - revved her up and released her as she was already on the way. Then within another 2 repetitions we were all the way back at the start peg which was around 30 paces from the box. Got to wonder if my little midget dog hasn't walked this planet before and is already trained. I am seriously wondering. UD isn't suppose to happen this easily. Made for a world shortest training session I figured 3 seekbacks and 3 sendaways all error free I should quit while I was ahead.
  16. No need to get defensive I wasn't there - all I was suggesting is that you get issues when you have large groups of strange dogs meeting at the one venue. I am sure you have read the number of threads on here that get started in relation to dog parks and fights or issues occurring. I agree that balls can stir up problems but I was just pointing out that by eliminating those you weren't necessarily eliminating all possible potential for fights. It also sounds as though the number of people now attending the meets might have outgrown the space available at the venue. Maybe it might be worth looking for another venue which is better suited to a larger number of dogs . Especially if you tend to find there are other people there and so having to fence off half of the area. I can imagine it getting quite crammed if you have lots of dogs all wanting to run around and try and play.
  17. Ravyk as you already pointed out incidents occur at those type of events without anything necessarily triggering it so I am not really sure how requesting people to leave toys at home will necessarily solve anything. I guess its a risk you take when you attend functions with a lot of dogs in that sort of environment and why some people won't attend. If its not going to happen over a toy then there is still the likelihood of resource guarding over food/people etc. I guess it comes down to the fact you make a choice about the type of environment you wish to put your dog in and if your not happy with it then you make a decision to not attend. My youngster is a resource guarder so I opt not to put her into those types of environments.
  18. Well guys haven't been around a lot at the meets as neither of mine really enjoy them but thought I would pop in and share some news with you all. Kenz managed her first pass in CCD obedience last Friday evening in her very first trial. Guess I should also thank you guys for being receptive to my idea of getting Steve to SA to run a workshop because if that hadn't happened I am not really sure if we would have got where we have so far (at least not as quickly as we have).
  19. yeah I dunno - Ness wasn't slow to pick up on it but she was a little more methodical about it. Kenz seems to tackle it at a million miles an hour so a little worried but so far she tackles scent discrim the same way and does actually use her nose so I guess I am not totally worried yet. But her seekback is now back on hold again as I feel I am rewarding her crabby OTT heelwork by sending her for her seekback so need to get back on top of her heeling.
  20. thanks amypie and everybody else. Still can't believe she actually managed to do it. Wasn't sure she was ever going to get there and certainly wouldn't have thought it this time last year.
  21. I just started Kenz on seekback again yesterday and not really worrying about if she tracks it or not. Never was to fussed about Ness and she has never had to many issues. They eventually learn to use there nose to find the article. I find if you train it methodically enough they do learn the game and work out what you want. I though it interesting that we haven't tackled it in months and yet Kenz took to it as though she has been doing it every day of her life. The only issue I had was with one over zealous grab at the seekback and it went flying and then she realized she didn't have it anymore LOL. ETA. If you want to encourage her to use her nose - play the game in long grass (a little difficult at this time of year) or at night .
  22. Left hand is good - sometimes people hold it in the right hand and that can cause twisting. I would definitely try with a barrier and do that for a little while to build memory for the correct position.
  23. Use a barrier so the dog can't twist. Something like a wall or a fence are good. Are you using food to reward her and if so what hand are you holding the food in and where are you giving the food?
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