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Everything posted by ness
I thought I was expecting Moo and Brooklyn together in a package job lot - I bought enough garlic prawns for the pair of them .
yes well we know exactly what Kenz thinks of her DB don't we. She LOOOOVES HER DB. Although she isn't so keen to play DB around scary Keith - maybe she thinks he wants to steal it . Although have to say I might be willing to trade a novice pass for a sound dog at the moment - she was one very sore little girl by bed time last night . Given all that I am surprised she managed to hold her sit stay - she wasn't comfortable with it at all.
Quick one from me - Kenz managed her first novice obedience quallie in only her second trial last night. Good little girl especially considering the last 4 months have been injury plagued and we are both thoroughly fed up with reduced training time. Fingers crossed she can pick up those 2 remaining passes shortly for her title and we can move up to playing with the big kids in Open. Can't wait. .
Bedazzledx2 - tell him I will have plenty of garlic prawns waiting for him - just let me know when I can expect him .
Kenz wants to know if Brookie can come live here - she is besotted by him .
Naww bummer I missed all the fun - I can add one midget BC who likes to mess with my mind into the swap heap . The real question is how long will it take before she throws me a bow rather than a drop when I ask for a COP .
So whats wrong with craving sweets - I just give into my cravings = problem sorted .
Very funny video. Hey RS re the comment about both dogs offering a 2o2o that is in part how I proofed my girls 2o2o stimultaneously and got Kenz to drive harder over the scramble. Ness only has one at training so I sent both kids over the scramble and the first one Kenz came out of position so I paid Ness for sticking hers - well the look on her face was priceless and we repeated it and both kids held position . I have often ended up with 2 dogs in my weavers at home as well . But agree with the comment about undoing training and I wouldn't do it with two dogs I was trialling still but Ness was semi-retired so I mostly focused on ensuring Kenz was doing the obstacle correctly.
TSD I will have a hunt for some on some of the US and UK youtube videos I stalk if nobody else can find a good one. Bedazzledx2 occasionally does a flip finish so she might point you in the direction of a decent hand signal. Kenz has a flip finish but I mainly go with around the back finishes for her because some of the judges here aren't keen on the flip finishes and will crucify them - my older girl failed once under a judge for as far as a few people are concerned doing a flip finish in UD signals at one trial - still not sure on that but I just prefer not to take any chances.
Awwww how sweet Ptolomy - give the old girl a cuddle from me - I hope Ness has has much get up and go at that age as dear Lars . Gotta love the oldies when they still want to try and work given half a chance .
Agree with what Ptolomy and Caffy said. I was having similar issues but throwing the tug behind and having the dog turn away for the reward helped my problems a lot and we now have a much nicer heel position happening . ETA. RV here is one of my videos from January when I was starting to work through the forging - its not a perfect demonstration but it might help
Thats ok wuffles - just ask Kenz what she pulled on the recall at the trial on Saturday night - could have cried - she has never anticipated a finish in her life and she came in sat in front and then finished. Even when you think they know how to complete an exercise they are still full of surprises. In answer to your question JulesP - I just treat the box as one big target and shape it. Not sure why you would want to use an additional target.
Maybe play some 2 food game as well and not ask for a formal wait. So throw a bit of food away to get her to move away then call her back. The other thing I have done is set the dog in a wait release them and then take off running in the other direction. Restrained recalls would be my other suggestion but thats just a couple of other ideas that might help.
Naww I am sure master Rory's is just as pretty as miss mad midgets :D - only we haven't seen any video of it - next time eh ;) .
:D thanks DSO and yes Kenz's tail is HUGE - some of the showies are a little jealous of her tail - isn't that right Tassie ;) .
Ok guys got around to uploading my heelwork from the round on Saturday night and pretty chuffed with it so will post the link here .
Nice work Caffy and the Snazzman .
Well done Scoota, Brooklyn and Alex in the Games at the Classic.
Great work Chloe and Peppi . All the best of luck for the next one.
Good boy Rory . Sounds like a fantastic day.
Good work with Millie - RS looked fantastic.
Nope the weim withdrew but we had 2 GSDs to contend with . One broke and that was unfortunately the one that has flown at her previously. It was fine and didn't interfere it just got up and stood. I am pretty sure that wasn't the reason she broke but I can tell you I wasn't amused lining up along side one to have it keep eyeballing her. I didn't feel to happy at all leaving. Not worried she made a total mess of her recall so while the pass would have been nice the score wouldn't have reflected her work so happy enough that it didn't happen. I did ask if the Weim was doing stays when I had finished and intended on withdrawing her if it was. Maybe I should have taken it as a sign and withdrawn anyway LOL.
Is there any video RubyStar??? ETA. I will tell you what Ness thought last time we had that judge judge Open here - she thought presenting the DB after the ROH was an optional thing and was going to run straight past me - witch.
But feral . Although it was a little tame compared to Kenz's normal between exercises feral .
TSD - hmmmm I could put the clip up of Kenz's round from last night. She failed her sit stay but talk about FERAL between exercises .