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Posts posted by Rosetta

  1. It sounds like he is frightened - he may have been attacked on walks before? Poor boy, not sure how to help him - perhaps a snug t-shirt to assist with his anxiety and short walks gradually increasing in length, turning back when he begins to stress (not towards where other dogs are).

  2. I strongly disagree with all the doomsayers here. Dogs also have bad days if it was my dog I would carry on as usual, probably restrict ball play keep her closer and keep an eye on her for a while. I would also have given the poodle owners a serve.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

    Really?? How compassionate when it was their dog that was injured.

  3. I find the best way to help my anxious dog is simply to avoid situations that cause him stress. He does not need to "greet" strange dogs when out walking. I find it is easier on him - and me - if I just don't allow any interaction with strange dogs when out walking and I don't take him to dog parks.

    If they don't like to mix with other dogs so be it :)

  4. Oh dear DD - hope you are feeling better :( As a sufferer of severe reflux myself I sympathise with any human or animal who experiences it.

    I had never thought of dogs getting this but have often wondered why my little poodle licks and swallows the way he does - food for thought.

  5. My view isn't popular in these pc times. Not saying this is exactly what happened but it makes the point. Kid hits dog on head, kid gets bitten perhaps badly. Tough luck don't hit dog on head again.

    When I was very young my friends 4 or 5 year old brother used to sit on 6 foot Wall and tease German Shepherd. One day he fell in and they chewed him up a bit. Every body concerned knew who was at fault and there was never a mention of putting the dogs down.

    Pity that kind of pragmatism has been replaced by the nonsense we have today.

    Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk

    No one really knows what happened in this particular sad event however I see where you are coming from.

    Hate it when I hear people with children saying our dog is 100% reliable it takes anything from the children. Pulling its ears, tail, hanging around it neck etc.

    The dog shouldn't have to take anything & any dog will bite given enough reason or pain.

    Why don't they teach or discipline their children that a dog is not to be treated this way instead of euthanising the dog when it reacts ?

    The degree of attack should be considered. A sharp bite if dog is tormented is forgivable, mauling is not.

    Very sad & tragic event for all concerned whatever happened to cause it.


  6. It may just be her personality. I have a little poodle who is strongly bonded to me and will tolerate petting by other people but will not seek it. She may still be in the settling in period and if she came from a breeder she may be more accustomed to doggy company rather than people company. If you want her to bond with your grandchildren than perhaps they need to be involved in feeding and play - very gently - to gradually build her trust.

    I would get her used to other people around very slowly by taking her out and about - not too much at first so as not to stress her.

  7. Except that it is not a channel in which they are able to purchase medication??

    Why not?? I would have thought that vets could source medication for at least the same price as consumers can through a prescription service.

  8. If breeders are annoyed by enquires why not set up a website and incorporate a questionnaire for potential buyers to complete and respond to that. Also make it clear on the website what your expectations are. Pretty simple really and would weed out many "undesirable" enquiries.

  9. No more chemicals on the dog hopefully :)

    If the fleas are in the environment he will just keep getting them. Can he stay elsewhere for a few days while the house is being treated? Also thoroughly wash any bedding in hot water and a eucalyptus rinse and dry in the sun. Its very hard to break the cycle once they are in the house :(

  10. I'm yet to have a puppy bounce, end up homeless or in a pound and I have rehomed to many "working" homes, they would represent the majority. It's shown me that despite working, there are a great number of owners out there who manage to raise puppies to happy, well adjusted adults.

    What about those dogs who are past the puppy stage into adulthood though. Do you rehome your adults? From a breeder's perspective what type of home would you be looking for in those cases given that the dog has grown up with plenty of company? Just wondering what criteria breeders use when looking for a home for older dogs - a bit different to a puppy.

  11. Just to clarify.

    My dog was never left alone for more than 4 hours. I did try leaving him with another dog (still less than 4 hours) and that didn't work either.

    So many many people who are not working full time would still not be able to provide this dog with what he needs.

    In fact the behavior manifests during an absence of as little as 20 minutes.

    He may (short of a massive behavior modification program) require a multi (more than one other dog) home. Or one in which he does in fact have someone home 24/7 .

    No such thing exists unfortunately - even the most housebound people need to go out occasionally. A multi dog household may work. In your case I consider it to be the breeder's problem to solve and to their credit they have offered to take the dog back.

    Don't try and solve it yourself - not worth the heartbreak and the dog would probably be much happier elsewhere.

  12. As someone who has an adopted dog with separation anxiety I would advise to return to the breeder. Quite frankly it is not worth the distress to you or the dog. Either the breeder will have to keep the dog or find a better fit for it elsewhere.

    Sorry if that sounds harsh but this situation can be heartbreaking for all concerned and the longer you leave it the harder it is.

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