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Posts posted by Rosetta

  1. There's an 18 year old p/b tibbie girl in Sydney, loved pet of retired lady for many years. Finally the lady's gone into a nursing home. Vet staff happy to care for the tibbie indefinitely. A staff member takes her to visit the lady in the nursing home which is nearby.

    What a nice outcome for princess Tibbie and her owner!

    But I agree with you, that not all circumstances come together so well for the golden oldies. And sometimes there's not anything left but a hard decision.

    This Tibbie girl is called Charlie (after the perfume). Only yesterday I got a letter from her elderly owner .... so hard to read the writing because her motor skills have deteriorated. But it's all about how much she loves Charlie & how happy she is to see her happy. By coincidence, the lady owned Golden Retrievers as pets before she had Tibbies. And she would've been the kind of person who'd have shown interest in adopting Annie.

    A pic of Charlie:


    Mita that is a beautiful story. How wonderful for that owner to still be able to see her little dog!

  2. :offtopic: - sorry.

    Just thought I would mention that The Project on channel 10 tonight has a story about banning of specific breeds. At least I think thats what it is about - just caught the tail end of a trailer :)

    Did anyone see this segment? Lady had her dog taken by rangers while she was at work one day and it spent months "in custody" until it could be proved it was mostly a Boxer. Lovely dog and family - how devastating to come home and find your family pet had been seized for no reason - happy ending for them at least - after much expense.

  3. As the owner of a small fluffy no way I would leave him outside a shop or anywhere else. I would be worried about theft firstly and secondly people - particularly kids - hurting him. I am paranoid about theft though - he is locked behind high fences at the back of the house when I am out. There are far too many instances of dog theft in the suburbs and it would be terrible having your dog stolen and never knowing its fate :(

  4. Have you been in contact with the person who "referred" you to this breeder? You need some answers - sounds like the breeder is definitely avoiding you. If so thanks to her you now have a problem on your hands that will likely take much time and expense to fix. I don't doubt that the trauma was caused by the plane trip - it effects many dogs that way. Are you able to touch her yet - I am wondering if an anxiety wrap would help - poor little girl :(

  5. Some people keep referring to this as an accident - it is not. It is negligence. All the policies and procedures in the world mean nothing if employees do not have the mental capacity to follow them.

    Perhaps this guy is mentally challenged? Many charitable organisations employ people who are. I don't understand how anyone could forget about having a dog in a car when the place of work is all about dogs - presumably with pictures of dogs scattered around the workplace. Would that not "jog" any person's memory?

  6. Its easy to say return the dog but what if the mode of transport is what caused the trauma in the first place. Did this dog travel by plane? Many dogs cannot handle the stress - especially if it had never been off the "farm". It would be terrible to subject the poor dog to a return trip. Perhaps a few more weeks to give the dog a chance would be helpful - or the breeder should arrange a local re-homing or rescue.

  7. Not worth feeding bones at all IMO - too much of a worry. I would rather just give other chews for teeth cleaning purposes.

    How are other chews any different to bones if they are the same shape etc ... except that bones are better for them in the end.

    Yes, at least they provide nutrition and calcium

    So do many of the chews. I have been using a tried fish chew which is quite hard and good for the teeth.

  8. What a distressing situation for you and this dog. How did the dog travel to you? It is possible that something traumatic happened on the journey to you and the dog is reacting to that. Sorry I don't have any advice I don't know what you can do if the breeder is avoiding you. I think you should contact the person who recommended this breeder and ask that person's advice - perhaps they will know what is going on. Maybe give the dog a few more weeks and see how things go.

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