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Posts posted by Rosetta

  1. Did the OP say this was a case relating to off leash dogs? :confused:

    I am afraid I would put my faith in seeking out a competent solicitor who deals with animal issues and perhaps seek some names from your state law society rather than the complaint processes within the AVA. Being the cynic that I am :) I would be sceptical about professionals investigating their own. Though by all means lodge a complaint with the AVA so there is a record of the incident. I am very sorry that something bad has happened to your pet. :(

  2. You do know that the dog killed on the beach was a mini schnauzer. They are not a little dog.

    A mini wouldn't be much more than 8kg if that, still no match for 25/30kg dog.....a GSD is considered a medium sized dog so a mini Schnauzer is still quite a small dog I would think?

    The point is, since you and mymatejack have missed it, this is about a mini schnauzer that was killed. You and others have come in bitching about little dogs as if that excuses one dog killing another. Just stop it.

    and you've come in(using your laws of interpreting posts) saying that all little dogs should have absolute immunity to do what they please. Do you really think that?

    For someone complaining about others comprehension skills that statement is really ironic.

    I think you are really just enjoying getting a reaction to your outrageous attitude towards small dogs.

  3. All I am reading time and time again are variations of the same theme. Small dogs barking at big dogs = an attack and therefore they deserve to get "chomped". Barking is not the same as a physical attack - therefore the "the small dog started it" argument does not wash.

    mmmm.....must think of some equivalent terms to SWF, yappers, ankle biters, fluffballs (have I missed any?) etc when referring to big dogs - I am sure their owners won't be offended will they??

    Really I have never understood the hatred some people have for small dogs - immature really.

    And the idea that this owner went quietly off and had his dog PTS? Pleeeeze.

  4. Ditto to MonElite.

    email - send photo of puppies and prices!!! No name nothing!!!

    I advertise thru DOL, my breed club and my own website only!!!

    SMS - have youse got pupps - how much?????

    Numerous telephone calls - "How much are the pups" Nothing no greeting no introduction, nothing straight out with how much, and I don't think I could pin the voices down to any particular nationality, education level, social economic level, it seems to be the way a lot of people feel they should start asking about a puuppy.

    Or the email I received today - after having the potential buyer meet mum before she had puppies, and her visiting my puppies 3 times in 3 weeks and putting a deposit on. " Have brought OES male puppy a few days ago, don't need your puppy now".

    Sorry still struggling to work out why this person change from a GSD to OES, but originally also didn't want puppy until end of March begining of April for school holidays as she was a teacher!!!!!!!!!!

    Last litter was 8 years ago, now I remember why it has taken me this long to do it again... :D

    That would be because she wanted to be on hols when the pup arrived to settle it in wouldn't it?

    Its no use complaining about puppy buyers - you are dealing with the general public. You are going to experience the whole spectrum of human personalities.

  5. Big or small who cares they are all dogs. owners should insure that thier dog behaves regardless of the size. In saying that a person with a large or say a buull breed owner like me should also exept they do have a extra resposiblity because the consequences can be so much greater. I understand that being a staffordshire bull terrier owner( even though he is the most easy going dog around) I must be aware that if he does become involved in a fight the chance of him inflicting damage on another dog is greater then if a little maltese was in his place. Anyways why do these threads allways decend into big vs small its getting old.

    Beats me - maybe cause someone came on and said things about yappers, ankle biters and such like "provoking" big dogs and therefore shouldn't be surprised if they are killed.

  6. Sorry ...did I touch a nerve or something :confused: I was just saying that it was nice to see that stated - people would find that reassuring.

    There have been a few threads recently about really dodgy "rescue" groups so I suppose it does hit a nerve, but just because there are a lot of passionate people involved in rescue here :) It's unfortunate that it does seem like a really extra-positive thing when a rescue will take a dog back if something goes wrong, because that should be the default position in my opinion!

    I didn't see it as an "extra positive" - just that it was stated up front. I don't doubt that most rescues will take dogs back but rescue groups should understand that the average person perusing the advertisements may not understand how rescue operates and what are standard policies etc. I see it as a good thing to give some prominence to that aspect. :)

  7. He is not in pain, I have felt him over thoroughly (and he is a wuss and would squeal over the smallest bit of discomfort). He saw the vet on the 2nd of this month and no pain was picked up either. He has an appointment next week as it is the soonest he can see the vet who we prefer.

    Sorry - meant not pain specifically but if he has an infection several days could make a big difference to how sick he gets. Hope he improves soon anyway.

  8. blah ... why bother when people can't take what is written without trying to add some interpretation?

    Given that we are all interpreting your posts the same way, perhaps the issue is in the delivery rather than the interpretation.

    "did their little fluffball yap and carry on toward the larger dog first or was it as portrayed, a completely unprovoked attack? Unfortunately we're never likely to know!"

    I've been accused of all sorts of things in this thread. I've been accused of suggesting that a small dog yapping at a larger dog somehow justified the small dog getting ripped to shreds. I look forward to someone showing me where I said that - not some ridiculous extrapolation of what i've said, what i actually said!

    The 'ridiculous extrapolation' that you so kindly quoted again above was a direct quote from you. I've bolded it for your easy reference.

    You suggested that the fault might lie with the little dog's actions, and then were incredibly rude and insensitive to small dog owners, basically suggesting everyone should 'control their yapping little shits.' That one's NOT a direct quote, but I can't be bothered going back and searching seven pages for more of your posts for the one I refer to. I can't believe that with all of these people telling you how unreasonable your posts are coming across in this thread, that it doesn't occur to you that there may be some merit to what we say.

    Where did I say that a little dog yapping and carrying on JUSTIFIED an attack?

    I was simply questioning whether there might be a little more to the story, I don't believe provocation is a justiable excuse for the outcome but it would go a long way to explaining what happened.

    As far as offending owners of little dogs, if you own a little dog and it likes to go aggressively yapping at other dogs then I do hope you were offended and you might take something from what i've said. If you own a little dog that doesn't go aggressively yapping at other dogs then you have no reason to be offended!!! I'm absolutely sick of owners of little dogs who allow their dogs to provoke other dogs - I see it all the time, luckily the park/beach i go to daily is generally populated by well trained dogs, but I can imagine it's only a matter of time before someones dog who isn't as well trained and socialised as my own reacts to a little yapper and well the outcome could quickly become tragic like this one.

    And I couldn't give a rodents rectum how many people jump into your little yapping pack accusing me of anything and everything. Not one accusation holds water with what I actually said!

    I agree, especially when the owners of these dogs think it's cute & do nothing to stop them.

    Irresponsible owners have all size dogs, but I am sick of the big dogs always getting the blame, just because of their size. Everyone feels sorry for the small dog, even if it was the one who started it. :mad

    Started what? Barking at another dog is not the same as attacking.

    Sorry it is just provocative to use terms like "yapping" etc when referring to small dogs - it just demonstrates the contempt some people hold small dogs in.

    Anyway Jack will never "get" how tasteless his comments were in the context of the story so waste of breath really.

  9. I have found that most kennels do not understand separation anxiety at all. The few I have used the staff just looked at me blankly when I informed them that my dog had separation anxiety. Most just say "oh he'll be right" or something similar - I can see them thinking "oh another neurotic woman with a SWF". They always tell me he is just fine but would they really tell me if it was otherwise? Business is pretty slow these days in a lot of kennels.

  10. Having been a Groomer for many years (now retired!) I still have a keen interest in the industry.

    I was shocked today to find while Googling, an image taken within an Australian Dog Grooming School, with a dog in the background unsupervised on a table with his neck in a noose. If this is considered "ok" in a Grooming School, what hope do new graduates have of developing safe practices???? It's shameful.

    One of the "legacies" of Buddy's terrible demise should be that each of us be more willing to speak up when we do observe dangerous situations. Perhaps email the business involved here and raise the point?

  11. There are far too many recalls happening overseas IMO. Which is why I am looking to change to an Australian product when we have finished the current bag of TOTW. The Aussie made products don't seem as good in the ingredient list but I wonder if we overthink the whole issue of food for dogs anyway - I know I do anyway :)

    Jules I just stick to the Frontline for fleas - seems to work OK. I have heard of reactions to Advantix in small dogs but not Comfortis but I don't really like any of them - they are a necessary "evil" though I guess.

  12. The rules in Queensland are unrestrained dog in car $200 fine. Dog on lap of driver $233.

    People we train at dog obedience have to be made aware of the rules.

    And before you tell that to people you teach obedience to, you might want to get legal advice about whether you are telling them the right thing!

    I don't think that is correct for Qld actually. I think it is only a legal requirement to secure dogs in the back of utes.

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