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Posts posted by Rosetta

  1. How can anyone question Nekhbet? We don't really know what she's doing.

    If anyone feels like some 'light' reading, there's a really well written and referenced paper on separation anxiety that's available here: http://www.behav.org/00library/articles/dog/dog_behav_separation_anx.pdf It may help to explain things like why a dog can be fine with separation in one context but not in others, and why some conflicting advice has been given about leaving signals and the likes. It's one of my favourite papers on SA.

    There's also a great article on it by Robert Holmes here: http://adoreanimals.com/articles/lonely-dogs/, which touches on some of the psychological theories behind SA, like opponent-process theory, which sounds like it might be applicable to Roo. Robert Holmes gave a talk on emotional neural substrates and separation distress at a seminar I was at recently. I was pretty impressed with what he had to say. He was particularly concerned for dogs that may experience separation distress but not show it overtly. I am so happy this kind of thing is being talked about. I have met some dogs in the course of my research that have left me feeling uneasy about common living arrangements and lifestyles of dogs, not to mention how they are being trained and what they are being trained to do.

    Lastly, for some heavy reading that is kind of indirectly related to SA, there is an excellent paper about pathological anxiety in animals here: http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl/vet/2009-0128-200403/sdarticle.pdf It explains why fearful and anxious animals behave the way they do and gives a good rundown on signs to look for and what they indicate.

    Great info Corvus! I myself would like to see a separate thread set up to discuss separation anxiety in general - and perhaps other anxiety related conditions -unrelated to this topic so no one can take offence - with discussions of various treatments, people's experiences etc. It would be great if such a topic could be "pinned" so all the discussion and information could be found easily and people feel free to discuss the subject openly.

  2. I have done extensive searches on this forum around separation anxiety and I don't think any poster has received the level of support that Jellyblush has received. I believe the majority of posters have been genuinely caring and made constructive suggestions.

    Jellyblush if you find this thread too overwhelming then perhaps you should just request that the thread be deleted and work with whomever you choose in private.

    I agree with the bolded bit and Jellyblush has made it crystal clear how much she appreciates the advice and support she has received.

    I cannot see anywhere she has suggested this thread is too overwhelming. confused.gif ...And how is the level of support Jellyblush has received in comparison to others relevant or why is it even necessary to make that comparison?

    All she has done is stated that she is now going to completely follow Nekhbets program. Nekhbet is the only one in this topic who has assessed Roo and her behaviour in the real world. I think it is reasonable to assume for the time being that Jelly and Nekhbet have got it covered and although updates are great Nekhbet shouldn't have to come in here to stave off well meaning internet advice and justify her own real life observations of Roo and the program she is implementing.

    You have given some great advice, Rosetta and so have others but some of us would like to keep sending our well wishes without this topic being deleted and if Jelly wanted to deleted I am sure she can decide that off her own back.

    Well she doesn't have to does she? And yes it is up to the OP whether she wants to take it on board - that is kind of my point.

    Can't be bothered explaining my other points.

  3. I have done extensive searches on this forum around separation anxiety and I don't think any poster has received the level of support that Jellyblush has received. I believe the majority of posters have been genuinely caring and made constructive suggestions.

    Jellyblush if you find this thread too overwhelming then perhaps you should just request that the thread be deleted and work with whomever you choose in private.

  4. Is the dog kept outside the unit? How would it be possible for the neighbours to let it out? Separation Anxiety is difficult to manage if you don't have financial resources - medication is just as expensive as behaviourists. He could try the more natural remedies that contain tryptophan - they are relatively inexpensive you can get a supplement at the chemist or pet stores I think it is called "Tranquil"? Otherwise he could work on the behavioural programs around gradual separation etc - there is plenty on here if you do a search or the internet has heaps of structured programs. Has he had the dog for long?

  5. There was a case going back some time ago where a Council shot dogs in groups at the local tip as normal procedure. There was an outcry at the time - rightly - and the Council was forced to change its procedure. Obviously the practice is more widespread than you would think.

    Absolutely appalling of this Council IMO - they should have a process where the dogs are shipped elsewhere and assessed and humanely PTS if necessary. Imagine if it was normal practice to shoot dogs at the local tip because they strayed from yards and knocked over bins :mad

  6. Well as they are banned in several States - including SA, ACT and NSW - I can only presume that law is there for a reason whether you agree with it or not. Perhaps because of the potential for mis-use? I also presume that your "clients" are in Victoria and have a vet's authority for the use of one on this deaf dog?

    Thanks for the info Lollipup - I wonder how many people have actually tried the collars on themselves?

    Not to be rude but the OP didn't ask for your opinion on the collar, she asked for people's experience with an ecollar and a deaf dog.

    Its not my "opinion" - its the law. This would be a pretty strange forum if opinion was banned anyway. Stepping away now - I have seen how people are flamed for saying anything negative about e-collars.

    Seriously! You should do some research into them before you comment on something you clearly no nothing about.

    Excuse me? Are you saying that they are not banned in certain States? If you are a trainer then you are showing your ignorance - better let the RSPCA know how wrong they are then.


    Can you please stop taking this thread off topic? If you want a discussion on whether it is illegal to use e collars, start a new topic. I personally was interested in some of the responses that this thread might get but you have totally taken it off course.

    For a person that is a stickler for rules, maybe you should read the forum rule 12 which you agreed to when you joined.

    Sorry you don't get to dictate how people can respond in threads. I was happy to just step away until I was accused of "noing nothing". I wanted to clarify what the laws were in each State - you may not care but others do. It hasn't stopped anyone else offering opinions or information. :shrug:

    And seriously - have you followed the threads on DOL at all? My posts are nowhere near as "off-topic" as many others.

  7. Well as they are banned in several States - including SA, ACT and NSW - I can only presume that law is there for a reason whether you agree with it or not. Perhaps because of the potential for mis-use? I also presume that your "clients" are in Victoria and have a vet's authority for the use of one on this deaf dog?

    Thanks for the info Lollipup - I wonder how many people have actually tried the collars on themselves?

    Not to be rude but the OP didn't ask for your opinion on the collar, she asked for people's experience with an ecollar and a deaf dog.

    Its not my "opinion" - its the law. This would be a pretty strange forum if opinion was banned anyway. Stepping away now - I have seen how people are flamed for saying anything negative about e-collars.

    Seriously! You should do some research into them before you comment on something you clearly no nothing about.

    Excuse me? Are you saying that they are not banned in certain States? If you are a trainer then you are showing your ignorance - better let the RSPCA know how wrong they are then.


  8. Well as they are banned in several States - including SA, ACT and NSW - I can only presume that law is there for a reason whether you agree with it or not. Perhaps because of the potential for mis-use? I also presume that your "clients" are in Victoria and have a vet's authority for the use of one on this deaf dog?

    Thanks for the info Lollipup - I wonder how many people have actually tried the collars on themselves?

    Not to be rude but the OP didn't ask for your opinion on the collar, she asked for people's experience with an ecollar and a deaf dog.

    Its not my "opinion" - its the law. This would be a pretty strange forum if opinion was banned anyway. Stepping away now - I have seen how people are flamed for saying anything negative about e-collars.

  9. Well as they are banned in several States - including SA, ACT and NSW - I can only presume that law is there for a reason whether you agree with it or not. Perhaps because of the potential for mis-use? I also presume that your "clients" are in Victoria and have a vet's authority for the use of one on this deaf dog?

    Thanks for the info Lollipup - I wonder how many people have actually tried the collars on themselves?

  10. If he is not getting any ongoing relief from the Cortizone perhaps it is best to see a specialist if only to get a treatment plan. I would ditch the chicken and try him with turkey - avoid lamb also. Wash twice a week in diluted Malaseb and try some Curash powder to help with the itching. Perhaps

    a t-shirt on him when he goes outside.

  11. Has the vet treated him with antibiotics? If his ears are so sore then he may have a deep-seated infection and cortisone is not going to cure that. Food allergies can be treated fairly easily but if it is environmental you will have to live with treating the symptoms in many cases anyway.

    Poor boy he must be very uncomfortable - good for you to take him on. Do you bathe him in Malasab or similar?

  12. Because irresponsible people breed random dogs without health testing or thought for anything. There is a lot of evidence for that. The chances of dogs being fabulous is sheer luck, what effort do they go to to ensure their dogs will be fabulous?

    Show it to me? Show me evidence that shows that anyone who is not an ANKC registered breeder that is breeding dogs is doing it in a completely random manner. I find that one in particular very hard to believe. They are at least picking the breeds they want to use most of the time. Show me the evidence that none of them health test. Maybe they have had different experiences, different upbringing, and different beliefs and education. How many random bred dogs does someone have to buy before they run out of luck? How many pedigree dogs? Rhetorical questions.

    Of all the byb's I've asked , NONE have health tested their "breeding dogs" None have seen the "need" for it. as to selecting conformation- SOME had no clue what that even meant, while others didn't care.

    If a person wanted to breed, but couldn't give a hoot about formal registration (ANKC ect) but still health tested and assessed temperament and Conformation- then they are not byb's in my book- but the kind of breeder who cares about what they produce (though I doubt you'll find many of these) as doing "right" by the dog is going to cut into their profit margin- and they may as well become a registered breeder.

    There's a couple of facebook pages that I ask every BYBer the relevant health questions pertaining to their breed and ask if the parents have been tested. I've asked countless BYBers and not one has said yes, the majority say there's no need to and that they are $500 puppies not show dogs.

    YES!! No need to health test they are not show dogs, and most don't have a clue what health problems there are or that many of them can be greatly reduced or prevented through proper testing and selection of breeding stock.

    The one that cranks me off the most is the response " my vet health checked them, so they are fine" ...

    Sorry don't mean to be a smarty-pants but that is exactly the response I got from a few registered breeders when enquiring - just thought it ironic.

  13. Urgh.... after further digging, have found some articles about recalls on TOTW last year. This may change my decision. May look into Artemis range again instead.


    Does anyone know where TOTW is made?

    The recall did not relate to product shipped to Australia - that is apparently manufactured in a different part of the country and was not involved in the recall. There was a thread about that on here at the time I think - I know I read a discussion about it somewhere.

    But yes it is made in USA.

  14. Seems to be only 1 place. http://www.naturalpetstore.com.au

    Have you tried the Canidae Free Grain range? Seems to have good reviews too. There are more retailers doing this and hence you should get a waaaaay more competitive price than TOTW.

    These guys are sellers, they don't send out samples do they?

    I was considering Canidae a while back and at that time read pretty bad reviews with the dogs. Formula may have changed now so will review again.

    Natural Pet Store used to provide free samples of TOTW - have a look at their website. You have to pay the postage though which is around $5 and you can get 2 samples I think. I have been using the Pacific Stream and am happy with it except for the large size of the kibble - a bit big for the littlies. It has a lower protein content than the Canidae.

  15. For anyone who has not read the whole thread - just a friendly reminder that the original story did not say anything about the dog who was killed being in any way aggressive - including barking - towards the dog who attacked it. The dog who was killed was facing his family in a playful stance.

    RIP poor Elfie.

  16. Did the OP say this was a case relating to off leash dogs? :confused:

    I am afraid I would put my faith in seeking out a competent solicitor who deals with animal issues and perhaps seek some names from your state law society rather than the complaint processes within the AVA. Being the cynic that I am :) I would be sceptical about professionals investigating their own. Though by all means lodge a complaint with the AVA so there is a record of the incident. I am very sorry that something bad has happened to your pet. :(

    I am sure someone will come along and tell me the absolute answer, but I thought the AVA & The Veterinarian Boards were different entities. The AVA being a bit like the PIAA where members can freely choose whether they are part of a private organisation where as the Veterinarian Practitioners Board is an independent government body ? The AVA doesnt/cant deal with complaints as far as I know it must go through the Vet Practitioners Board ?? I think I would be looking at independent legal advice as well as lodging a complaint through the Vet. Prac. Board ....

    I don't know - I presumed you did as you posted links to both?

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