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Posts posted by Rosetta

  1. It's not that they are stupid. Most people these days just want to do what is most convenient for them and they really don't believe or don't particularly care about stories of puppy farms etc. They want a pretty pup, they want it now and they want to buy it in an easy process.

  2. Brisbane is freezing at night at the moment. The difficulty is bringing him in at night now and then putting him outside again when it warms up - too confusing for him.

    If you really will not have him inside permanently then I would set up a proper enclosed kennel for him that is set off the ground a little and continue with the warm coat and blankets.

  3. I agree that your husband should just ignore her until she settles in - it may take some time. Your husband could slowly build trust by sitting quietly in a chair and holding a treat out down by his side without attempting eye contact. That way she will slowly become used to him without feeling challenged - I am sure she will come around.

  4. There is a cash prize, which the winner said would be spent on vet fees. Some of the owners are genuine, care for their dogs, and want to raise awareness of animal welfare issues etc. But I find those that treat the animals as objects of ridicule just despicable really.

  5. What did the dog trainers she spent $1000 on say is the reason for his behaviour? Is it really dominance when he is apparently afraid of the bigger dogs? Sounds more fear based behaviour to me. I feel sorry for the little fella actually - what a life!

  6. Presuming your Aunty has had the dog thoroughly checked by the vet - and I presume she has as she sounds like she cares for him - and there is no health reason for his aggression then it is up to her to ensure the dog is not put into situations where he can cause injury.

    Personally I would try medication for anxiety in this situation as this is no life for the dog or anyone else. 7 years is a long time for the dog to be behaving in this manner. I have a dog with separation anxiety (barking, not aggression) and have tried medication which did not help but there are different types and it may be a matter of experimenting and it may help this little dog. It may be that a sedative will help on those occasions when visitors come to the house. Crate training or other methods of isolation may help also. Your aunt needs to realise the potential harm the dog can do and take steps to manage his aggression. A soft muzzle for walks and carefully picking the time of day and route for walking is essential.

    Another thought is to try the herbal calming preparations for dogs if your aunt is against medication.

  7. Has anyone tried the little vacuum packs or the cans? I picked up a pack of the grainfree homestyle beef stew for the kong but wonder how it would stack up to use instead of kibble. My little guy has gone off the Taste of the Wild kibble and doesn't seem keen on any kibble really. Would this stuff be adequate on its own?

  8. The problem on the Gold Coast is that only two types of people own small dogs and that's:

    1; air-headed bimbos who parade their Chihuahua's around the dog par and then yell at people when the stupid thing starts barking and snapping at bigger dogs "Oh your monstrous dog is scaring mine! stop it! get away!" a girl actually said that to me whereas my dog was only looking at it with his unimpressed face :p (Winston secretly loves little dogs but is afraid of foxies and chihuahuas cause 90% of the time he meets them they bite him and he knows not to bite back although i know he wants to). I think it said "Bella" in diamantes (or however you spell it) on the little beasts bright pink jacket that matched it's mummy dearest;

    and 2 are old people who believe it does nothing wrong and that when it bites your ankles YOU must have done something to provoke it because schnookums wouldn't hurt a fly. You treat a dog like a spoiled brat and you get little dog syndrome meaning it's little and it think's it's big however they don't learn their lesson when the bigger dogs don't take very kindly to Beverly Hills Chihuahua coming into their park and acting like twits. That's the Gold Coast. Retirees and walking talking helium tanks.

    What's the point in walking a dog by carrying it under your arm? Lol.

    Are you for real? Had to check the calendar to see whether school hols had started. Talk about a bull in a china shop :laugh:

  9. Well I think it's sad.

    And I quite agree. It's funny how on this forum and other internet sites, some people love to cut down those people and organisations who are helping to change the perception and treatment of animals. Let's save our anger for those who mistreat animals and profit from their mistreatment.

    Having been one of the targets of social media at one time by someone who didn't even know me, but attacked my efforts to help animals, it is never okay to hide behind a keyboard and sprout venom as some do. They would never say it face to face or without the backup of the anonymous army.

    I don't know if Debra Trantor did what some are saying, but I do know she has done a truckload of good for a lot of animals, possibly at the expense of following a better life for herself. Maybe we can celebrate that instead.


  10. Thats awful - poor guy. It may not necessarily follow that she would be PTS - she may be declared dangerous and you would have to comply with certain conditions.

    I would contact the man tomorrow and offer to pay any medical bills etc and assure him that you are taking steps to ensure that this does not re-occur - creating a fenced area for the dog etc. Good luck.

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