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Posts posted by Rosetta

  1. Hello, my name is melinda and I'm new to the forum. I just bought a new BC puppy he is 9 weeks and the breeder has advised me to feed chicken mince with grated veggies, cottage cheese and rice for dinner. He also get kibble during the day. My problem is I'm having trouble finding a good quality preservative free pet chicken mince and I have used up all the mice the breeder gave me.

    So I decided to give puppy chicken necks and just mix the veg and what not into his kibble. However he had quite a bit of trouble chewing through the chicken neck. He swallowed a big chunk and had to cough it up. I'm really worried he will choke on it.

    Is it too early to be feeding A 9 week old border collie chicken necks?

    Or should I be giving him human grade chicken mince mixed with kibble until I can find someone who supplies pet chicken mince?

    Mice? Not recommended :laugh: I would feed human grade mince not pet mince as it is too fatty.

    Nothing to add except your pup is gorgeous!

  2. And why would you suspect that I read nowstaring's remarks to other posters?

    What exactly was in my post to make you read that into it?

    It might be time to accept that having a pov is good,but bashing others about the head with it doesn't win any friends, nor does it advance your case for whatever it is you are promoting.

    You also need to accept that scrub ticks are often fatal to dogs, and dogs in some areas need protection from them.

    Oh dear - let me spell it out. You accused me of making unpleasant remarks etc etc. I was merely pointing out that Nowstarin made a few of her own. I could provide links to threads in this forum regarding the adverse effects but I really can't be bothered if people don't want to know thats fine carry on. I am not promoting anything myself :)

  3. RL was quoting rossetta, who assumed that the info was true.

    Just because someone doesn't believe everything posted on FB, or believes that some people in the RSPCA do good work doesn't make them apologists for the whole organization.

    Exactly who I was quoting.

    "rossetta" was quick to jump in with the bloody disgusting RSPCA comment without any evidence or proof that this dog was PTS or even exists.

    I know someone involved in a legal capacity at the Ipswich RSPCA and you couldn't find a more dedicated to animal causes person anywhere..so I guess as an organisation it has its detractors, but at grass roots there are some people with hearts definitely in the right place.

    That's my problem. Too many people on this forum jump onto the RSPCA hate wagon and blanket the whole Org.

    I will say again - why jump on my comment out of the many? I was expressing my disgust at the idea that a dog could be "failed" for turning aside when someone tried to look into its mouth. I look forward to seeing your responses to all the other posts which are negative towards the RSPCA - I wont hold my breath though.

    If the dog does not exist who is the dog in the first post? Are you saying that it is just some random dog someone has made up a story about?

  4. Maybe the truth is people are now buying from rescue groups and telling the R$PCA to go to Hell. :thumbsup:

    It would be great if people are getting their pets from Rescue groups but I suspect there are too many cheap or free dogs to be had on the Internet - cheap/free to get and easy to dump. I suspect there may be a lot of BYBers around Gympie as well.

  5. Happened in Victoria, according to my source. Vic RSPCA.

    Can you link to the source with some information? A picture on FB doesn't scream legit to me.

    I have nothing else, which is why I am asking.

    The blurb said he was the face of the million paws walk, failed the temperament, because he turned his head away when they wanted to look at his teeth - not bit, just turned his head, and then he got the chop.

    Bloody disgusting :mad I am surprised any dogs meet all the criteria that satisfies the RSPCA.

    So you know this dog in question has been PTS ? or just jumping on the RSPCA hate wagon as usual ?

    Can you please direct your response to the person making the claim and what do you mean "as usual"?? I am reacting to the information provided by Jed.

    I am bit tired of having sh..t thrown at me for making comments no different or worse than other posters quite frankly. How about reacting to posts 3, 5, 9 or 18??

  6. Rosetta

    Well you are a great salesperson for the product aren't you - not Did it take all night to come up with this response? And your second statement is certainly "dramatic" if nothing else - who knew we can SAVE THEIR LIFE (but only by using your product apparently)

    I still won't use it thanks due to the fact that I have read statements by many owners of small breed dogs about their dogs reactions and I don't think they thought they were spreading gossip seeing as their dog was so sick and all - and even people without Uni degrees can read them (fancy that). Other products do the job just as well for me.

    But carry on - with responses such as these I am sure you will drum up lots of business - or not.

    nowstaring was not being a "great salesperson" - but is simply citing the facts based on scientific research.

    Yes, dogs can and do have reactions to all sorts of things. Human shampoo, with incorrect PH is one which causes a lot of skin problems in all kinds of dogs. Dogs have reactions to wormers, insect repellants, food.

    It's good for people to be aware of problems with products, but you should accept that they either agree or disagree with your point of view without you resorting to unpleasant remarks. :)

    Really - did you read Nowstaring's remarks to other posters?

  7. Happened in Victoria, according to my source. Vic RSPCA.

    Can you link to the source with some information? A picture on FB doesn't scream legit to me.

    I have nothing else, which is why I am asking.

    The blurb said he was the face of the million paws walk, failed the temperament, because he turned his head away when they wanted to look at his teeth - not bit, just turned his head, and then he got the chop.

    Bloody disgusting :mad I am surprised any dogs meet all the criteria that satisfies the RSPCA.

  8. I've just bought the 'adopt me' harness and lead - and am really pleased with them - really good quality and the harness is highly adjustable. Jacki from friendly dog collars is really helpful and some of them on the website were on special last time I looked. smile.gif Oliver my foster will be properly dressed on Sunday with his harness, lead and bandana!

    Don't forget pics of Oliver all tricked out in his "adopt me" gear - best of luck on Sunday :)

  9. I am trying VIP Grain-free as well - though I feel a little embarrassed to nominate a "supermarket brand" :D Chose it for more than one reason - Australian made, ingredient list OK, readily available etc. And have tried many premium brands - I don't think they are much better TBH.

  10. I think most of them are great - particularly the "deaf dog" or "dog in training" or "nervous".

    I wouldn't put a "friendly" one on my dog though - even though he is - as it might seem like an invitation for all and sundry kids to smother him and I have enough trouble with that as it is :)

  11. I am with the others I wouldn't use ACE at all - if it is behavioural it may make him more anxious about the car. It is usually trial and error with car sickness. A crate is a good idea or an enclosed bed with familiar blankets to make him feel secure. Has he had nice outings in the car? Just wondering if he is associating the car with the vet.

  12. Rosetta I'm not trying to sell anything here, merely responding to the subject heading. Dramatic is when a dogs life is hanging in the balance from paralysis tick bite. All dogs in prone areas should be protected by any product designed for the purpose. Sensible owners should not rely soley on hearsay, gossip or forums for factual information, it is often someone's personal opinion that can be tainted with incorrect beliefs. Forums are a discussion - some participate and are interesting to see, some should be disregarded. Take what you want from it. When wild accusations or distorted inaccuracies are posted I, like you, can respond. Keep to the subject and why slander a poster? Generalisations like yours are not at all accurate. I respect it is YOUR opinion only.

    It is accurate that people have reported reactions from this product -particularly on small breeds. Where is the slander?? Calling others posts "pollywaffle" or "wild accusations" is not that congenial is it? Again, it is not a "generalisation" or incorrect beliefs or opinion to state that many people have had trouble with this product - whether you like it or not. Of course my opinion is that I choose not to use it. BUT I base my opinion on others experiences - which are real and hardly "pollywaffle". Most people value others experiences and don't just blindly follow spiel from company sources.

  13. I would never use Advantix on a small breed dog. There have been widespread reports of adverse reactions in small breeds to this product. If you do a search on here there are a few threads about it.

    Widespread reports do not equate to widespread reactions in dogs.

    Internet Vets (those non qualified folk who search for information themselves, rather than present the dog to a qulaified veterinarian when needed) usually read the gossip and twist it to be a fact.

    Fact shows Advantix to be the safest tick product in the world. with less than 0.02% of reactions reported and noted.

    Interestingly, most cases of adverse skin reactions in dogs is proven in over 78% of cases, to be caused by Auto Immune issues (mostly undetected until investigation) in the dogs affected. If your dog has a reaction to ANY product you should report it to the manufacturer ASAP when the problem occurs. Then perhaps look for the reason why.

    Generalised statements such as yours are pollywaffle.

    Protection against parasites is paramount to dogs and cats good health and can in fact SAVE THEIR LIFE.....

    Well you are a great salesperson for the product aren't you - not :laugh: Did it take all night to come up with this response? And your second statement is certainly "dramatic" if nothing else - who knew we can SAVE THEIR LIFE (but only by using your product apparently) :laugh:

    I still won't use it thanks due to the fact that I have read statements by many owners of small breed dogs about their dogs reactions and I don't think they thought they were spreading gossip seeing as their dog was so sick and all - and even people without Uni degrees can read them (fancy that). Other products do the job just as well for me.

    But carry on - with responses such as these I am sure you will drum up lots of business - or not. :D

    Oh forgot - if you do a search on here you will see others "gossiping" about this product - obviously no Uni degrees tsk tsk.

  14. Hi

    Kongs and Puzzles are great but I also find that home made things are good too and the dogs enjoy them. Cardboard cylinders - glad wrap holders etc - are good. Just fold up one end and semi fold the other so they can flip it around so treats such as kibble, small chunks of meat etc gradually fall out. Also a small plastic milk container with holes punched in and top removed full of kibble is a great treat dispenser. Ice blocks are good in warmer weather - just freeze some beef stock in a small container with a few bits of meat they spend ages licking at it.

    Hope this gives you some ideas :)

  15. That's interesting Rosetta. One breed profile I read (and it might be inaccurate) suggested that this terrier is very active, and prone to nuisance barking if under-stimulated/ left alone for long.

    I know that a dog in this family wouldn't be alone for extended periods. The parents work hours overlap (husband gets home early in the afternoon) and their adult daughter only does 2 contact days at college and is home studying most of the time. They plan on doing puppy school and basic obedience and they always walked their previous dog, so I imagine this dog would get a daily walk. I wonder if this is enough exercise though?

    That might be the key Trin. This dog had a long walk everyday and firm - always kind - handling.

  16. The chemists are always trying to subsitute my medications for generic brands...so I am interested in this claim too, that generics are dangerous :confused:

    Yes I would have thought it was a reasonable question too Sheena. On this forum it seems to depend on who asks it though :) Seen other - milder - claims on other threads receive very aggressive demands for all sorts of documented "proof".

    Not sure who cut off your fingers, but I do my own research so I'm not sure why you can't do yours. In the time you've spent here bitching about people not giving you proof, you could have researched :shrug:

    Minimax you obviously have a problem - lets just leave it there.

    lol you're the one demanding proof and having a tanty when people don't hand it to you :p

    Tanty? Sweetheart - let me explain. People ask questions on this forum about all sorts of things and others provide helpful information. Perhaps everyone should just say - do your own research. I don't see you jumping into other threads and having a go at people who ask for clarification. You pick and choose don't you? I am not "demanding proof" - I am seeking information. That is part of research as well.

    Your responses in this thread are rather irrational to say the least. Nowstarin can provide further information or not as she chooses - its not worth all this barny thats for sure.

  17. The chemists are always trying to subsitute my medications for generic brands...so I am interested in this claim too, that generics are dangerous :confused:

    Yes I would have thought it was a reasonable question too Sheena. On this forum it seems to depend on who asks it though :) Seen other - milder - claims on other threads receive very aggressive demands for all sorts of documented "proof".

    Not sure who cut off your fingers, but I do my own research so I'm not sure why you can't do yours. In the time you've spent here bitching about people not giving you proof, you could have researched :shrug:

    Minimax you obviously have a problem - lets just leave it there.

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